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Société d'Economie Politique et Sociale de Lyon (SEPL) Société d'Economie Politique et Sociale de Lyon (SEPL)

[Automatic translation follows] Institution of reflections created in 1866 for the economic and social development of the greater Lyon region. Agitator of ideas, think tank, lobby or reflection circle, all these qualifiers characterize the activities of the Société d’Economie Politique et Sociale de Lyon (SEPL) which, for more than 150 years, has continued to bring together great personalities from the economic, academic or political world, around major subjects for local development.

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

501 110 417
Villes de France Villes de France

[Automatic translation follows] 🇫🇷 Pluralist association of elected officials that brings together cities with 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants and their groups. Villes de France is a pluralist association of elected officials that brings together cities with 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants and their groups from the national territory, a group that is the living environment of nearly half of the French population (30 million inhabitants). Since 2022, Gil Avérous, mayor of Châteauroux, president of Châteauroux Métropole, has been president of Villes de France and Jean-François Debat, mayor of Bourg-en-Bresse, president of the CA of Grand Bourg Agglomération, is its deputy president. …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

522 215 206

[Automatic translation follows] QUARTUS is an urban developer that places architecture and thoughtful innovation at the heart of its business. Established in 7 major territories in France, one-stop shops for its expertise, QUARTUS brings together the main real estate professions: residential, corporate and service real estate, urban logistics. As a project owner and investor, QUARTUS develops a comprehensive offering by deploying mixed urban projects to create an ecological, beautiful and accessible city for all.

Sectors: Real Estate

318 174 181
Procivis Procivis

[Automatic translation follows] Real estate that makes sense Procivis is a complete player in housing, offering its expertise across the entire "housing chain": individual homes, development, development, social housing, real estate services. We are a cooperative network focused on people. We reinvest all of our profits in our development and in missions of general interest: energy renovation, adaptation of housing for the elderly and disabled, etc. As a member of the Union Sociale pour l'Habitat (USH), we are very invested in the HLM movement. Discover our professions, our achievements and the network's news on: Follow us on social networks: …

Sectors: Real Estate

182 103 55
Les Coop'​ Hlm - Fédération nationale des sociétés coopératives d'Hlm Les Coop'​ Hlm - Fédération nationale des sociétés coopératives d'Hlm

[Automatic translation follows] Social access, social rental, management of solidarity trustee: the cooperative solution for housing! The Coop'Hlm brings together 165 Hlm coop'​s present throughout France. They are specialists in secure social access to property but also intervene in social rental, development and condominium trusteeship. Anchored in the social economy, the Coop'Hlm innovate daily to facilitate access to affordable housing. A founding member of the Union sociale pour l'habitat, the Federation is administered by a federal council of 32 members and relies on a team of 12 employees. social housing, real estate, real estate development, participatory housing, real estate management, …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

313 85 141

Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) is an independent think tank that facilitates the transition towards sustainable development. It was founded in 2001. To achieve this, IDDRI identifies the conditions and proposes the tools for integrating sustainable development into policies. It takes action at different levels, from international cooperation to that of national and sub-national governments and private companies, with each level informing the other. As a research institute and a dialogue platform, IDDRI creates the conditions for a shared analyses and expertise between stakeholders. It connects them in a …

Sectors: Research

323 213 101
Groupe Terrot Groupe Terrot

[Automatic translation follows] The innovative real estate company that responds to changing uses. Created in 1949, the Terrot Group, with 100% family shareholders, is an independent real estate investment structure specializing in the revaluation of commercial and residential tertiary assets, the development of housing and heritage and hotel investment. The Group, which benefits from a historical presence in Paris and the Ile-de-France region, is also expanding in the provinces (notably Toulouse) and internationally with the opening of a subsidiary in Miami in 2011. real estate, tertiary real estate, housing, business, real estate investment, office real estate, office, valuation, real estate …

Sectors: Real Estate

50 16 43

Better policies for better lives The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. We draw on more than 60 years of experience and insights to shape policies that foster prosperity and opportunity, underpinned by equality and well-being. We work closely with policy makers, stakeholders and citizens to establish evidence-based international standards and to find solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges. From improving economic performance and strengthening policies to fight climate change to bolstering education and fighting international tax evasion, the OECD is a unique forum and …

Sectors: International development

7297 5148 502
Housing Europe Housing Europe

The European Federation of Public, Cooperative & Social Housing, a voice of 43,000 home providers in 31 countries. Housing Europe is the European Federation of Public, Cooperative & Social Housing. Since 1988 it is a network of 45 national and regional federations, as well as 16 partnering organisations in 31 countries in Europe. Together they manage around 25 million homes, about 11% of existing dwellings in Europe. Sustainable housing, Right to housing, Ageing & housing, Disabilities & housing, Cohesion policy, Social inclusion, and Affordable housing

Sectors: Social Housing

166 109 63
Ministry of Economy Ministry of Economy

[Automatic translation follows] Within the Ministry, more than 135,000 agents today put their talent to work for a strong and sustainable economy in the region and in Paris. User services, legal affairs, economic development, performance management... more than 160 professions are practiced in the Bercy administrations. The diversity of these sectors of activity makes it possible to build rich career paths adapted to each person's profile. How to join the Bercy services? Each year, the ministry recruits 5,000 women and men. Numerous competitions at all levels are organized. Recruitment procedures without competition also exist, for disabled workers and young people …

2918 2079 821
Ministère de la Cohésion des territoires Ministère de la Cohésion des territoires

[Automatic translation follows] Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities of the Government. The Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities develops and implements the government's policy on decentralization, balanced development and planning of the entire national territory and solidarity between territories. planning, urban planning, housing, fight against inequalities, economic development, investment, ecological transition, digital, Territories, City, Communities, and Emergency accommodation

Sectors: Social Housing

775 566 17
Fédération des Offices Publics de l'Habitat Fédération des Offices Publics de l'Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] With you, in solidarity and for a long time. FOPH account>5 million people housed, 2.25 million homes, 189 members. The Fédération nationale des Offices Publics de l’Habitat is the national professional organization that brings together 189 members, including 178 OPHs and 11 SEMs. These social housing organizations have a real estate portfolio of 2.4 million homes and accommodate nearly 5 million people, or 8% of households in France. It also brings together groups of organizations in the form of coordination companies (it has 24 SC associate members). Established in all territories - metropolises, medium-sized cities, towns - …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

183 98 70
Cheuvreux Cheuvreux

[Automatic translation follows] A major player in the notarial profession, the Cheuvreux group is now made up of 6 firms: the Cheuvreux firm in Paris, as well as Cheuvreux Reims, Cheuvreux Lyon, Cheuvreux Nice, Cheuvreux Tours and Cheuvreux Rennes. An entrepreneur at heart and a promoter of notarial work without borders, the Group is also expanding internationally. With over 300 employees, Cheuvreux supports its clients by placing them at the heart of its thinking. Based on a unique model, the Group has developed specialist know-how in five recognized areas of expertise: Real estate development, Investment & arbitrage, Real estate financing, …

Sectors: Law Practice Legal Services

116 50 71
CDC Habitat CDC Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Real estate subsidiary with a vocation of general interest of the Caisse des Dépôts Real estate subsidiary with a vocation of general interest of the Caisse des Dépôts, the CDC Habitat group is one of the major players in housing in France with more than 545,000 managed housing units As a global real estate operator, CDC Habitat supports public stakeholders in the implementation of housing policies. Thanks to its diversified and extensive offer, it provides them with innovative and sustainable solutions, creating diversity and social cohesion: rental management on the entire housing offer (very social, social, intermediate …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

711 445 265
Association des Petites Villes de France Association des Petites Villes de France

[Automatic translation follows] Giving voice to small town mayors Since 1990, the Association of Small Towns of France has brought together small towns with 2,500 to 25,000 inhabitants to promote their specific role in regional planning. It now has nearly 1,200 members, present in all departments of metropolitan France and overseas. Find the @PetitesVilles on Twitter:

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

338 205 52
Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité

[Automatic translation follows] The AMF works alongside mayors and presidents of intercommunalities to respect local freedoms. A force for proposals and representation Created in 1907, recognized as being of public utility since 1933, the AMF works alongside mayors and presidents of intercommunalities, in compliance with the values ​​and principles that have prevailed since its creation: defense of local freedoms, concrete and permanent support for elected officials in day-to-day management, loyal but demanding partnership with the State to always better preserve the interests of communities and their groups. Nearly 35,000 mayors and presidents of EPCI are now members. Strong legitimacy The …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

1296 1025 45
Intercommunalités de France Intercommunalités de France

Intercommunalités de France est la fédération nationale des élus de l'intercommunalité "Intercommunalités de France" is a national association of local authorities created in 1989. AdCF represents 1000 groupings of territorial authorities, including 235 metropolitean and urban areas. These groupings of local authorities gather 80% of the French population. "Intercommunalités de France" is their spokesman with national public authorities (French Government and Parliament) and contributes to the debates on French territorial organization and exercise of the decentralized public policies : spatial planning, economic development, housing, public transport and mobilities, waste management... Collectivités locales, Politiques publiques, Urbanisme, Finances locales, Développement économique territorial, …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

696 328 275
AORIF - L'Union sociale pour l'habitat d'Ile-de-France AORIF - L'Union sociale pour l'habitat d'Ile-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Association of Social Housing Organizations of Ile-de-France AORIF - the Social Housing Union of Ile-de-France is the professional association of HLM organizations. It plays both a role of professional support for its members and representation at the regional, departmental and intercommunal level. It is in charge of the regional and territorial breakdown of major national priorities, represents the organizations in the various decision-making and reflection bodies and defends the interests of the profession with institutional, political and financial partners. AORIF brings together around a hundred social housing organizations operating in Ile-de-France and adhering to one of the …

Sectors: Social Housing

170 80 108
Groupe Caisse des Dépôts Groupe Caisse des Dépôts

[Automatic translation follows] The Caisse des dépôts et consignations is a long-term investor and contributes, while respecting its patrimonial interests, to the development of companies. Article L. 518-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code (amended by the 2008 law on the modernization of the economy) Support for public policies, Investment, Pensions and Savings Funds, and Territorial Development

Sectors: Finance

2538 2111 239
Crédit Mutuel Arkéa Crédit Mutuel Arkéa

[Automatic translation follows] A cooperative and mutual banking group, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa is made up of the Crédit Mutuel federations of Brittany, South-West, Massif Central as well as around twenty specialized subsidiaries covering all banking, financial and insurance sectors, as well as real estate. Crédit Mutuel Arkéa is present via its networks in 19 of the 22 French regions. With 8,600 employees, 3,700 directors and 3.2 million members and customers, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa ranks among the top banking institutions with their headquarters in the region. banking, insurance, finance, fintech, startup, territory, cooperation, and transitions of the future

Sectors: Bank

1064 743 302
Banque des Territoires Banque des Territoires

[Automatic translation follows] Building tomorrow's territories together! The general interest has chosen its bank. Banque des Territoires finances, advises and operates with all French territories for the general interest. By Caisse des Dépôts

Sectors: Bank

1327 696 725
1001 Vies Habitat 1001 Vies Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] It all starts at home. 1001 Vies Habitat is a leading player in social housing in France, a recognized expertise thanks to its 1,284 employees, a partner committed to the dynamics of the territories. Our mission: to house and support the 225,000 people who live in the 90,000 homes that we manage. We are present in Ile-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Nouvelle-Aquitaine through our various subsidiaries and departments*. Since the launch of its business project in 2016, the group has been transforming itself with one objective: to anticipate the social housing of tomorrow. Do you want to …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

304 137 190
Mairie de Bordeaux Mairie de Bordeaux

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the city of Bordeaux

Sectors: National and local authorities

1401 1198 138
Ville de Paris Ville de Paris

[Automatic translation follows] The Paris City Hall or City of Paris employs 50,858 permanent employees. It appoints both the administration and the elected officials. Each month, the elected officials sit on the Paris Council, where they deliberate to decide on the future of the city: construction of daycare centers, middle schools, naming of streets, housing, subsidies to associations. This body is both a General Council and a Municipal Council, since Paris has the particularity of being a city and a department.

Sectors: National and local authorities

2543 2102 294
Hermès Hermès

Everyone is an artisan, Hermès is recruiting A creator, artisan and seller of high-quality objects since 1837, Hermès is an independent, family-owned French house that employs more than 16,600 people worldwide. Driven by its permanent entrepreneurial spirit and consistently high standards, Hermès cultivates the freedom and autonomy of each individual through responsible management. The company perpetuates the transmission of exceptional know-how through strong territorial presence that respects people and nature, a source of exceptional materials. Sixteen artisanal métiers nurture the creativity of the house, whose collections are presented in over 300 stores around the world.

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Luxury

586 531 11
Grand Paris Express Grand Paris Express

[Automatic translation follows] The Société du Grand Paris (SGP) is a public industrial and commercial institution whose mission is to create the new automatic metro of Greater Paris, the Grand Paris Express. The SGP is responsible for the design and development of the overall plan and infrastructure projects making up the Greater Paris public transport network. It must also ensure its implementation, which includes in particular: > the construction of lines, structures and fixed installations, > the construction and development of stations, including interconnections, > the acquisition of rolling stock designed to run on these infrastructures.

Sectors: National and local authorities

475 490 175

[Automatic translation follows] Acting together for responsible growth. MEDEF is the leading network of entrepreneurs in France. It defends and promotes companies of all sizes and in all sectors of activity. A privileged interlocutor for decision-makers and public authorities In complete transparency, MEDEF conducts ongoing lobbying with all decision-makers at local, regional, national and European levels, in order to assert the company's point of view and to lighten its tax and regulatory burden: reform of the professional tax, apprenticeship, business transfer, conventional termination, etc. A key partner in social dialogue Authorized by law to negotiate on behalf of all companies …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

2825 2196 592

[Automatic translation follows] The specialist in social and wealth protection in France A major player in personal insurance present in all territories, AG2R LA MONDIALE insures individuals, companies and professional sectors, in an approach that is both individual and collective. We provide each of our clients and their families with personalized solutions at the fairest price, to protect their health, secure their income and wealth, protect them against accidents in life and prepare for their retirement. A partnership with joint and mutualist governance, AG2R LA MONDIALE cultivates a unique model of social and wealth protection that closely combines solidarity and …

Sectors: Insurance Mutual insurance

1594 1266 353
Clermont Auvergne Métropole Clermont Auvergne Métropole

[Automatic translation follows] Clermont Auvergne Métropole is a public inter-municipal cooperation establishment (E.P.C.I.), made up of 21 municipalities. Economic, university, cultural and sporting capital, the Clermont metropolis brings together 21 municipalities and 300,000 inhabitants. A lively and dynamic territory, within an exceptional natural setting, our Metropolis is teeming with projects and overflowing with energy. Clermont Auvergne Métropole intends to strengthen its role as a driving force for the development of Auvergne, in the second most dynamic region in France. To meet the challenges of tomorrow, we rely on the commitment of our 2,300 agents and we are regularly looking for …

Sectors: French metropolis National and local authorities

799 544 161
Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg

[Automatic translation follows] The City and the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg are two separate institutions. However, since 1972, they have had the particularity of having a single administration and a common headquarters at their service. The second largest employer in Bas-Rhin (6,800 permanent employees), the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg have many areas of expertise: The City of Strasbourg is involved in the following areas: - culture, - schools, - social action, - youth, - sport, - green spaces and forests, - public lighting, - civil status and district town halls, - tourism, etc. The Eurometropolis of Strasbourg is involved in …

Sectors: French metropolis National and local authorities

1457 1187 247
Métropole du Grand Paris Métropole du Grand Paris

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the #GrandParis Metropolis. The Greater Paris Metropolis is a dense and urban inter-municipal authority, which brings together 12 territories and 130 municipalities. Created by the law of January 27, 2014 on the modernization of territorial public action and the affirmation of metropolises, and reinforced by the law of August 7, 2015 on the new territorial organization of the Republic, it was created on January 1, 2016. The Greater Paris Metropolis exercises the following powers: - Economic, social and cultural development and planning - Protection and enhancement of the environment and living environment policy - …

Sectors: French metropolis

1062 887 285
Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence

[Automatic translation follows] The Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis is unique. Created by the MAPTAM law, it brings together 92 municipalities spread over three departments. It brings together agricultural, urban and industrial areas in the same territory. Attractive and dynamic, the Metropolis exercises the major strategic skills that determine the development of the territory in all its dimensions: economic, social and cultural development and planning, planning of the metropolitan area, local housing policy, urban policy, management of services of collective interest, protection and enhancement of the environment and living environment policy. To support its development and projects, the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis is looking for …

Sectors: French metropolis

2037 1563 251
Ville de Toulouse Ville de Toulouse

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the Toulouse City Hall and Toulouse Métropole. Welcome to the Linked In page of the city of Toulouse, 4th largest city in France. Page hosted by the Toulouse City Hall Jobs, internships, apprenticeships, find our offers and all the information to apply to the Toulouse City Hall, on

Sectors: French metropolis

1743 1286 297
Rennes Ville et Métropole Rennes Ville et Métropole

[Automatic translation follows] Living intelligently Capital of one of the most dynamic regions in France, Rennes assumes its role as a leader in economic development 📈 ▶ Ranked 10th nationally, its urban area covers nearly 700,000 inhabitants with an economic basin that concentrates 300,000 jobs ▶ 1st "business friendly" city of cities with less than 500,000 inhabitants, it attracts many talents in several key sectors of the economy (research, digital technology, health, agri-food, environment or manufacturing) ▶ Open to the international, Rennes is the leading teaching center in the Grand Ouest with 68,000 students and fuels high-level research and innovation …

Sectors: French metropolis

1629 1104 489
Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur

Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis, created on 1 January 2012 by the MAPTAM law, brings together 51 municipalities spread over the coast, the middle and the highland of Nice and has 553,305 inhabitants (2020), on a territory of 1,479.73 km2. It exercises powers of economic development, waste collection and management, transport, housing, management of drinking water networks, rainwater, sanitation, roads, signage and parking, public lighting, management of ports, urban planning, geographic information systems. In addition, the metropolis acquired four new competences: The creation of the Metropolis meets a twofold objective: The first objective is to strengthen the coordinated action of the …

Sectors: French metropolis

1193 832 212
Eurométropole de Metz Eurométropole de Metz

[Automatic translation follows] Find us on our website or on our other social networks Find us on our website: but also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Local authority

Sectors: French metropolis

378 306 56
Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL) Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL)

[Automatic translation follows] Public Intermunicipal Cooperation Establishment (EPCI) serving 95 municipalities for more than a million inhabitants. The European Metropolis of Lille, a public intermunicipal cooperation establishment, brings together more than a million inhabitants and 95 municipalities. Its territory is both rural and urban, made up of large cities and villages. It exercises its skills in 19 essential areas serving users such as development, roads, sanitation, transport, culture, tourism, housing, economic development, etc. The MEL services include more than 2,800 agents and more than 100 professions. Supported by an ambitious continuing education policy, they open up attractive career development opportunities. …

Sectors: French metropolis

1551 1175 260
Grenoble-Alpes Métropole Grenoble-Alpes Métropole

2ème Métropole d'Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - 450 000 hab. - Au pied des massifs du Vercors, de Chartreuse et de Belledonne. Grenoble-Alpes Métropole is the global Grenoble administration in charge of transportation, waste, economy & development, environment management.

Sectors: French metropolis

962 727 164
Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole

[Automatic translation follows] 31 municipalities now make up the territory of Montpellier 3M, i.e. 457,839 inhabitants. 31 municipalities now make up the territory of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. Its regional capital, Montpellier, has 272,084 inhabitants. Its demographic growth is the highest in France and 50% of its population is under 34 years old. Each month, it welcomes more than 300 new arrivals. The dynamic is just as valid for Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole: 427,541 inhabitants live there and it is by pooling a certain number of its facilities, in fields of competence as diverse as culture, economy, environment or transport, which the …

Sectors: Environment French metropolis

920 723 158
grandlyon grandlyon

[Automatic translation follows] An administration in motion is a whole city that moves #villedelyon! Capital of the Rhône-Alpes Region, Lyon is one of the most attractive cities in Europe for its quality of life and its exceptional economic dynamism. At the heart of the Lyon Metropolis, the City of Lyon (500,000 inhabitants) has a total budget of 780 million euros and a workforce of 7,300 permanent agents allowing it to offer a local public service to the population with a constant concern for quality. Would you like to discover our professions, find out about recruitment procedures or apply for our …

Sectors: French metropolis National and local authorities

2122 1816 182
Nantes Métropole Nantes Métropole

[Automatic translation follows] Nantes Métropole, a land of inspiration! Nantes and its metropolis have the ambition to invent a new development model to respond to the democratic, ecological, digital transitions... of our time. They rely on the strengths of a united, collaborative, bold, creative and "completely Western" territory! Nantes Métropole's social networks are spaces open to all and aim to keep you informed of the latest news in the Nantes metropolis. Nantes Métropole reserves the right to delete any publications that are abusive, contrary to public order or morality, violent, racist, revisionist, advocating war crimes, insulting or crude, contrary to …

Sectors: French metropolis

1517 1239 252
Région Sud - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Région Sud - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

[Automatic translation follows] The sun rises in the South ☀️ ☀️ The sun rises in the South! ☀️ The South Region, co-host of the 2030 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games: the #FrenchAlps at the top! ☀️For you, the South Region is... Daily support from high school, at every stage of your life. Getting around, studying, developing an activity, finding a job, learning, eating well, taking care of yourself or playing sports: this is what our Region is really for! With a higher commitment in the background: fighting against climate change and preserving our environment. High schools, Vocational training, Apprenticeship, Public …

Sectors: National and local authorities

1951 1549 225
Région Normandie Région Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] Normandy, a Region open to the world and the future. Do you want to work in the Region's services or in our educational establishments in Normandy? The Region regularly publishes job offers corresponding to the positions to be filled in its various services.

Sectors: National and local authorities

1618 1398 162
Région Bretagne Région Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] The official page of the Brittany Region on LinkedIn Assembly elected by the Bretons, the Regional Council intervenes in most areas that concern daily life and the future of Brittany: training, transport, economic development, regional planning, culture, sport, environment...

Sectors: National and local authorities

3033 2101 236
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] #auvergnerhonealpes Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is a large region with many assets: - With more than 8 million inhabitants, it is more populated than 13 of the 28 countries of the European Union and ranks 10th most populated region in Europe - Covering nearly 70,000 km2, or 13% of the metropolitan territory, its surface area is equivalent to that of Ireland. - In France, it is the leading industrial and gastronomic region, it ranks first for agricultural production under label (AOP, IGP, etc.) and the number of organic farms. - In Europe: it is the 8th richest region in Europe …

Sectors: National and local authorities

4306 3489 680
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. The Regional Council, together with the Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council, makes up the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. Its regional assembly has 183 regional councillors, a standing committee and sectoral committees. Business, Vocational training, Youth, Transport, Ecological transition, Europe, and Regional planning

Sectors: National and local authorities

3458 2774 640
Région Hauts-de-France Région Hauts-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] "For a sustainable and decarbonized economy with #rev3" Welcome to the official page of the Hauts-de-France Region. Our community is responsible for various missions serving its six million inhabitants: * Employment and economic development * High schools, higher education and research * Transport * Sustainable development and planning of the territory, * Management of European funds * Sports, youth, culture, health, etc. Hauts-de-France is a plural region. #Leader in the #automobile industry, the railway industry, as in agriculture, our region is also the one that attracts the most foreign investors. The youngest region in France, Hauts-de-France continues …

Sectors: National and local authorities

2534 2060 398
Région Ile de France Région Ile de France

The Paris Region is a major business and techno hub in Europe. Standing at the crossroads of European and worldwide trade, the Paris Region is France's leading economic region. It represents 31% of French GDP. Consisting of 8 départements and 1,280 municipalities, the Paris Region hosts the largest population of french Regions : 12.5 million inhabitants, that is younger than the national average. As Europe’s leading employment area, it boasts a highly qualified workforce : 33% of French executives. The Paris Region hosts 22% of France’s universities, 25% of its engineering schooland 20% of its business schools. Invest in Paris …

Sectors: National and local authorities

5008 4101 695

[Automatic translation follows] A Lorraine company founded in 1861, Demathieu Bard is one of the leading independent French players in the construction sector. Demathieu Bard has the skills required to meet the demands of its public or private clients, whether in terms of civil engineering, industrial equipment, functional works, public facilities, or housing. building, infrastructure and civil engineering, real estate, nuclear, and concrete prefabrication

Sectors: Construction Real Estate

570 355 183
Dijon métropole Dijon métropole

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of Dijon metropolis. Dijon metropolis is a French metropolis, located in the department of Côte-d'Or and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region. It brings together 23 municipalities. This territorial community was created on April 28, 2017 by transformation of the urban community of Greater Dijon.

Sectors: French metropolis

578 453 84
France urbaine France urbaine

[Automatic translation follows] The cross-party association of major cities, urban areas and metropolises. France urbaine is the leading association for metropolises, urban communities, urban communities and major cities. France urbaine is a cross-party association of communities that embodies urban diversity and promotes territorial alliances. Led by elected officials of all political persuasions, the association is made up of 110 members. It brings together France's major cities, metropolises, urban communities and urban communities, and represents 2,000 municipalities of all sizes in which nearly 30 million French people reside. France urbaine provides a political and technical vision for its members and citizens …

Sectors: Environment

596 417 186
Transdev Transdev

#TheMobilityCompany 🗺 Transdev is a leading public transport company, delivering high quality transportation services around the world. We offer integrated & multimodal mobility solutions that contribute to the development of territories & the well-being of their inhabitants. Our teams use our wealth of local knowledge and international experience to bring public transport services to the heart of communities. Because moving is essential to meet, work... or simply to live, our purpose is to empower freedom to move every day thanks to safe, reliable and innovative solutions that serve the common good. We are actively involved in the energy transition and …

Sectors: Transport

1933 1173 469
Colliers Colliers

Accelerating Success Colliers (NASDAQ, TSX: CIGI) is a leading global diversified professional services company, specializing in commercial real estate services, engineering consultancy and investment management. With operations in 70 countries, our 22,000 enterprising professionals provide exceptional service and expert advice to clients. For nearly 30 years, our experienced leadership – with substantial inside ownership – has consistently delivered approximately 20% compound annual investment returns for shareholders. With annual revenues exceeding $4.5 billion and $99 billion of assets under management, Colliers maximizes the potential of property, infrastructure and real assets to accelerate the success of our clients, investors and people. Learn …

Sectors: Real Estate

542 439 34
Carrefour Carrefour

The Carrefour Group: one of the world’s leading retailers In 50 years, the Carrefour Group has become a world leader in the retail sector. The second largest retailer in the world and the largest in Europe, the Group now features four major grocery retail formats: hypermarkets, supermarkets, cash & carry and convenience stores. The Carrefour Group currently has over 9 900 company-owned and franchise stores. An international retailer A pioneer in countries such as Brazil in 1975 and China in 1995, the Group now operates on three major markets: Europe, Latin America and Asia. With a presence in more than …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Retail and Distribution

3188 2601 234
E.Leclerc E.Leclerc

[Automatic translation follows] Defend everything that matters to you For over 70 years, E.Leclerc has pursued one goal: democratizing consumption is the expression of its social utility. This commitment to serving the greatest number must allow everyone to access the products and services they need or want, on a daily basis. Accessibility, whether it is a question of price, proximity or information, is a permanent fight, constantly renewed by consumer expectations and societal issues. Improve the purchasing power of consumers on a daily basis; Break monopolies to open up new markets, such as parapharmacy or cultural products; Support both French …

Sectors: Retail and Distribution

1695 1053 480
Groupe Polylogis Groupe Polylogis

[Automatic translation follows] Global housing operator in France. The Polylogis Group, a global housing operator, is organized to respond appropriately to the needs of communities and its tenant customers. Manager of a portfolio of more than 146,000 housing units and present in nearly 500 municipalities, the Polylogis Group brings together, through its subsidiaries, all the skills necessary to develop the city, design and renew its neighborhoods in all their residential dimensions. The diversity of our businesses: - Social housing - Specific and inclusive residences - Home ownership - Development - Management of co-ownerships and property administration Our 5 major challenges: …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

481 146 214
Est Métropole Habitat Est Métropole Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Permis d'Agir! Est Métropole Habitat is a public housing office attached to the Lyon Metropolis. We manage and build social, family and student housing. Our assets (nearly 17,500 homes) are located mainly in the east of the metropolis. We are a committed player in urban policy and the residents present on our assets are at the center of our attention. The issue of climate and the environment is also a strong focus of our strategic project. We have 350 employees. Our head office is located in Villeurbanne and we have 3 agencies (Villeurbanne, Saint-Priest and Vaulx-en-Velin) Our …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

176 108 66
Efficacity Efficacity

[Automatic translation follows] Research & Development Institute for the Energy & Ecological Transition of the City. Since its creation in 2014, Efficacity's purpose has been to provide field stakeholders with new tools, methods and operational solutions that will enable them to rapidly improve the energy and carbon performance of cities. Find us on the HR platform "Welcome to the jungle":

246 95 168
France Stratégie / Services du Premier ministre France Stratégie / Services du Premier ministre

[Automatic translation follows] Evaluate - Anticipate - Debate - Propose France Stratégie's mission is to inform collective choices. Its action is based on four professions: evaluate public policies; anticipate future changes in the economic, societal or technical fields; debate with French and international experts and stakeholders; propose recommendations to national, territorial and European public authorities. To enrich its analyses and refine its proposals, France Stratégie strives to engage in dialogue with social partners and civil society. France Stratégie focuses on transversality by leading a network of eight organizations with specialized skills. Economy - Finance, Sustainable Development, Social Issues, Work - …

500 331 166

[Automatic translation follows] The youngest French construction group, NGE recruits, trains, integrates those who will make the world of tomorrow. Without prejudice. Because what counts is optimism, determination and team spirit, much more than diploma, age or gender. VRD & Earthworks, Pipelines & Networks, Civil Engineering, Road and Road Equipment, Geotechnical and Safety Works, Railway Works, Widening, Underground Development, Major Works, and Building

Sectors: Construction Real Estate

247 125 141
VINCI Immobilier VINCI Immobilier

[Automatic translation follows] Your trust is a long-term commitment to us VINCI Immobilier, a subsidiary of the VINCI group, is the first national developer to commit to achieving Zero Net Artificialisation (ZAN), starting in 2030, 20 years ahead of the objectives set by the Climate and Resilience Act. A leading player in urban recycling, VINCI Immobilier operates mainly in areas that are already urbanised or already artificialised throughout the country, in the two main market sectors: residential real estate (housing and managed residences) and commercial real estate (offices, hotels, shops), thus targeting investors, institutions and individuals. VINCI Immobilier also provides …

Sectors: Real Estate

676 404 364
Leonard Leonard

Leonard is the VINCI Group's innovation and foresight platform Leonard is the VINCI Group's innovation and foresight platform. Set up to invent and serve the Group's future business activities, Leonard is in charge of tracking emerging trends, identifying long-term challenges and goals, pinpointing opportunities for change in the Group's businesses and organisational structure, identifying new growth drivers and developing innovative project incubation and acceleration programmes open to both Group employees and startups. To host these programmes and meetings with the full range of innovators in VINCI's businesses, Leonard has opened Leonard:Paris, a 5,000 sq. meter innovation space in central Paris. …

Sectors: Construction

828 379 548

Anticiper les bâtiments et la ville de demain en accompagnant et sécurisant les projets de construction durable In its quest to improve well-being and safety in buildings, CSTB plies four complementary trades: research, advanced engineering, quality assessment and the dissemination of knowledge. In combination with its fields of expertise, they allow CSTB to adopt a global approach to buildings which includes their urban environment, services and the new information and communication technologies. CSTB collaborates with contracting authorities, architects, research offices, manufacturers and entrepreneurs, and helps the French public authorities to define technical regulations and ensure the quality of buildings. CSTB …

349 263 53
Groupe SNCF Groupe SNCF

Fluidifier le transport des personnes et des marchandises, et développer la mobilité de demain. SNCF is a world leader in public transportation. Trains, passenger services, cards and passes, dialogue, ticket booking. One Group, 5 divisions SNCF offers a complete range of mobility solutions through its five divisions: SNCF Infra, SNCF Proximité, SNCF Voyages, SNCF GEODIS and Gares&Connexions. Transport, Mobilité, Ferroviaire, Infrastructures ferroviaires, and Ingéniérie ferroviaire

Sectors: Transport

3812 2788 717
HUB Institute  (conferences, networking, training, insights) HUB Institute (conferences, networking, training, insights)

Accelerate your business & digital transformation (conferences, networking, training, insights) Founded in 2012, the HUB Institute is the leading Think Tank dedicated to Business Transformations. Our team of 30 experts and analysts is assisting more than 120 leading organisations (L’Oréal, LVMH, Orange, La Poste, Total,...) to anticipate and master the latest trends, innovations and best practices. Based in Paris, we operate on an international level. The HUB Institute gathers a B2B community of 50.000 decision makers around the 4 key transformations of the Next Economy : Digital Transformation : data & AI, retail 2.0, digital marketing, e-commerce,... HR & Management …

949 427 624
 EU Green Capital EU Green Capital

The official #EUGreenCapital and #EUGreenLeaf Awards. Our aim is to improve Europe's urban environment. The European Green Capital and European Green Leaf awards are a European Commission initiative to recognise a city's commitment to a better urban environment. Cities with populations over 100,000 inhabitants are eligible to apply for the European Green Capital Award while the European Green Leaf is open to cities of between 20,000 and 100,000 inhabitants. Winners demonstrate well-established records of high environmental standards and a commitment to setting ambitious goals for future environmental progress, underpinned by the practical application of sustainable development. The schemes have a …

Sectors: European Union

10605 7645 1329

[Automatic translation follows] SOLIHA, Solidaires pour l’habitat, a player in the social and solidarity economy A player in the social and solidarity economy, SOLIHA, Solidaires pour l’habitat, is the first associative movement in the housing improvement sector. To provide more solutions to people who have difficulty maintaining or accessing housing compatible with their resources. OUR VALUES - Solidarity as a principle of action - Respect for human dignity - A global and tailor-made approach respecting the specificity of each person OUR ACTIONS - Supporting the elderly and disabled who wish to live better at home, - Succeeding in the energy …

Sectors: Social Housing

453 302 179
IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National) IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National)

[Automatic translation follows] IGN, changing scale IGN is the State operator for reference geographic and forest information, certified neutral and interoperable. The Institute is constantly developing new references, products and geoservices, meeting the growing and evolving needs for cartographic data and geolocalized information. A powerful public player in digital technology for the multi-theme description of the territory, the Institute supports the evaluation and implementation of public policies for risk prevention, regional planning, sustainable development, defense and national security. Thanks to its five research laboratories, IGN maintains a high-level innovation potential in the fields of geodesy, vector topography, optics and electronics, …

Sectors: GIS

811 433 244
Artelia Artelia

Artelia is an international multidisciplinary consultancy, engineering and project management group specialising in mobility, water, energy, building and industry. Artelia is offering a full range of engineering from technical expertise through to complex project delivery: consulting, master planning & feasibility, design & engineering, construction & project management, asset & facility management, turnkey solutions. Our Raison d’être: Designing solutions for a positive life We are united by a common passion, exercising a profession that combines the art of designing with ingenuity and building with commitment. Artelia is wholly-owned by its staff and managers. We are deeply attached to this shareholding model …

Sectors: Construction Environment

979 543 409
BNP Paribas Real Estate BNP Paribas Real Estate

Working together to meet the major challenges of the real estate world. #BeyondBuildings BNP Paribas Real Estate, one of the leading international real estate providers, offers its clients a comprehensive range of services that span the entire real estate lifecycle: Property Development, Transaction, Consulting, Valuation, Property Management and Investment Management. With 5,300 employees, BNP Paribas Real Estate supports owners, leaseholders, investors and communities thanks to its local expertise across 30 countries (through its facilities and its Alliance network) in Europe, the Middle-East and Asia. Property development, Property investment, Letting and sales, Real estate advisory, Occupier services, Development consulting, Building consultancy, …

Sectors: Real Estate

1175 732 212
Kaufman and Broad Kaufman and Broad

[Automatic translation follows] WATCHING YOU LIVE TO CREATE THE REAL ESTATE THAT SUITS YOU, THAT'S THE KAUFMAN & BROAD EXPERIENCE Kaufman & Broad is a solid, national group, made up of men and women with an entrepreneurial spirit and sharing the same vision of their profession: the client, the user, the user are at the heart of our strategy and our decisions. We listen, we imagine, we share to learn every day about new uses and lifestyles, and to offer a unique experience in the neighborhoods, residential and office buildings, serviced residences or even the businesses that we create throughout …

Sectors: Real Estate

416 254 172
Nexity Nexity

[Automatic translation follows] Present throughout the country, Nexity defines itself as an urban operator serving urban regeneration and the new needs of territories and its customers. Drawing on our dual expertise as a developer-developer and developer-operator, the Group deploys a multi-product territorial offering to meet all the needs of our customers, individuals, businesses, institutions and communities. Historically committed to access to housing for all and a leader in the decarbonization of our sector, we are mobilizing for affordable and sustainable real estate, both new and rehabilitated. Our purpose ‘life together’ reflects our commitment to creating sustainable spaces, neighborhoods and cities …

Sectors: Real Estate

1560 1021 263
Spie batignolles Spie batignolles

[Automatic translation follows] Our difference? Our independence and our unique mindset that favors trust and teamwork. In our projects, this mindset encourages everyone to take initiative and be autonomous. In our management, it places proximity, listening and solidarity at the heart of our relationships. Spie batignolles is an independent group and a major player in construction, infrastructure, landscaping and services, recognized in France and internationally for its expertise and its different vision of the profession. Thanks to its culture of listening and its sense of dialogue, the complementarity of its expertise, its privileged relationships with its customers and partners, and …

Sectors: Construction Real Estate

552 385 153

[Automatic translation follows] Foncia, leader in residential real estate services in France Our ambition: to be the trusted player in residential real estate services. Key figures: 10,000 employees, 600 agencies 2,500 recruitments per year 700 work-study students + 6,000 days of training + 200 partner schools and universities at national and regional level + 250 people trained within the incubator In 2023, Foncia managed: 400,000 properties in rental management, 70,000 buildings in condominium management, + 35,000 properties offered for vacation rentals, 15,000 transactions. Find us also on: Twitter (@foncia) Facebook (@foncia) Instagram (@foncia) #atHOME #OkFoncia

Sectors: Real Estate

204 130 77
Gecina Gecina

Notre raison d’être : « Faire partager des expériences humaines au cœur de nos lieux de vie durables » Gecina owns, manages and develops property holdings worth 19.8 billion euros at end-June 2018. As a specialist for centrality and uses, the Group is building its business around Europe’s leading office portfolio, with nearly 92% located in the Paris Region, and a diversification division with residential assets and student residences. Gecina has put sustainable innovation at the heart of its strategy to create value and anticipate the expectations of around 100,000 customers and end users, thanks to the dedication and expertise …

Sectors: Real Estate

445 304 147
Linkcity Linkcity

[Automatic translation follows] Linkcity brings together the real estate development subsidiaries of Bouygues Construction. In France, Linkcity sold nearly 3,300 family homes and studios in managed residences, 14,500 m2 of offices and 27,000 m2 of shops, warehouses and facilities in 2020. Multi-products, Housing, Specialized residences, Offices, Shops, Collective facilities, Hospitality, Business premises, and Urban projects

Sectors: Real Estate

716 324 469
Eiffage Eiffage

Join a company with a unique family spirit #FamilySpirit Join a company with a unique family spirit. We're looking for talents who value teamwork and mutual support - individuals who want to learn, grow and innovate within a committed group building a human-scale future. We need your unique identity and your differences, because they are assets to our Group, which gives everyone the opportunity to thrive. We welcome you to a large Group that has all the same benefits as a small company. Send your resume on #FamilySpirit construction, immobilier, génie civil, métal, route, énergie, concessions, aménagement, and rail

Sectors: Construction Real Estate

1223 926 186
Construction21 - France Construction21 - France

[Automatic translation follows] The information and meeting network for professionals in the sustainable construction and urban sector The first European portal for professionals in construction and sustainable development, Construction 21 is an open collaborative platform, available to French stakeholders to make their know-how and actions visible in France and Europe. This tool of general interest thus contributes to the dissemination of best practices in sustainable construction and development. Funded by the European Union and actively supported by France GBC, Construction21 is available in 7 languages ​​(French, English, Italian, German, Spanish, Lithuanian and Romanian). Everyone is concerned!!! Whether you are Architects, …

Sectors: Construction Media

776 286 575

[Automatic translation follows] Building the city of 2050 New real estate & office rental! Here we: > decipher the market > make digests of studies, events > think the city of 2050 together > share our VDB (office lives)

Sectors: Real Estate

892 662 267

[Automatic translation follows] Real estate development subsidiary of Société Générale, a national presence in housing, offices, businesses. Since 1972, the SOGEPROM group has supported its clients in France - communities, companies, brands, institutions and individuals - throughout the entire real estate development process, whether it is housing, hotels, serviced residences, offices, businesses, mixed urban projects or asset restructuring. A real estate development subsidiary of Société Générale, SOGEPROM benefits from the environment of a large banking group and contributes to shaping the city of tomorrow with its teams present throughout the territory via its 13 regional agencies located in Île-de-France, Hauts-de-France …

Sectors: Real Estate

474 206 324
ANRU - Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine ANRU - Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of #ANRU - The National Agency for Urban Renewal acts for priority neighborhoods 🚧🚦🏗️ The ANRU acts in favor of neighborhoods in difficulty within the framework of the city policy. The ANRU intervenes on the city, housing, development and urban planning, in order to reduce inequalities in the suburbs or degraded centers and to strengthen social diversity. The ANRU also implements Future Investment Programs for youth, sustainable development, innovation and private real estate investment in priority neighborhoods of the city policy. Urban Renewal today is: 500 neighborhoods, 70 billion investment, 5 million inhabitants and 300,000 …

Sectors: Social Housing

835 440 417

[Automatic translation follows] Social, innovative, supportive and ethical landlord Since 1923, RIVP has been a major player in social housing in Paris. We build, renovate and manage nearly 65,000 homes in the capital and several cities in the Paris region. Our teams fully fulfill their missions for tenants through local management, based on listening, availability, solidarity and quality of service. As a project owner, RIVP is committed to the social housing policy of the City of Paris with a range of housing adapted to a variety of tenant profiles: family housing, university residences, hostels, etc. Today, the RIVP Group has …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

381 218 176
Paris Habitat Paris Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Living together in the city Paris Habitat, a major player in social housing in Paris (125,000 homes in Paris and the inner suburbs / 2,800 employees), recruits and supports social housing professionals in the fields of proximity, support functions, project management and social affairs. Team coordination, tenant relations, asset management, optimizing quality of service, equipment maintenance... all essential skills to build a relationship of trust with tenants and contribute to "living better together". Our professions: - proximity: Rental management officer, Management unit manager/Managers, Agency technical referent, Caretakers - support functions: Finance, Human Resources, IT, Logistics... - project …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

389 261 132

[Automatic translation follows] With a portfolio of nearly 100,000 housing units that combine social, intermediate or free-rent housing and thematic residences, ICF Habitat houses no fewer than 210,000 people and meets the diverse needs of households while supporting residential trajectories. Present on a national scale, particularly in large urban centers, the Group works to implement the housing policies of the State, local authorities and SNCF, its shareholder, whose HR policy it supports by offering a housing offer to its employees (30% of our tenants are SNCF employees or retirees). By increasing synergies with stakeholders in the housing chain, ICF Habitat …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

376 174 216
Vilogia Vilogia

[Automatic translation follows] Sustainable building, affordable housing, supportive support. The Vilogia Group is a global real estate group for housing, which brings together the professions of social and private landlord, 1% Housing collector and developer. Vilogia owns and manages a rental portfolio of more than 85,000 homes on the national territory and builds more than 2,000 homes per year. Social landlord, Social housing rental, Social accession, Project management (construction and rehabilitation), and Urban planning

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

673 289 475
Action Logement Action Logement

[Automatic translation follows] Action Logement, facilitates access to housing for employees to promote employment, throughout France. #WANTTODO The Union of Companies and Employees for Housing (UESL) is a public limited company with variable capital with a Supervisory Board and Management Board whose main purpose is to represent the common interests of its partners and to implement national employment policies for Action Logement funds. Its partners are, as a requirement, each collection body (CIL) and each Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) approved for the purpose of collecting and using PEEC funds, and, upon request, any interprofessional and nationally representative organization …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

1406 1027 304
Congrès des notaires de France Congrès des notaires de France

[Automatic translation follows] A space for reflection and proposals for the notarial profession for 130 years. ASSOCIATION CONGRES DES NOTAIRES DE FRANCE, A NOTARIAL BODY AT THE SERVICE OF THE GENERAL INTEREST An institution whose purpose is to produce an annual legal reflection of general interest resulting from notarial practice, in daily contact with citizens. Each year, the concrete result of this research work is delivered to society in several forms: • A substantial work widely distributed, which takes stock of the law applicable to the chosen theme, considered as a mine of legal information on societal themes. • A …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank Research

198 150 64
Chambre des notaires de Paris Chambre des notaires de Paris

[Automatic translation follows] Follow the news of the Chambre des Notaires de Paris which represents the 2,000 notaries (480 offices) of 75-93-94. Chambre des Notaires de Paris real estate law, family law, corporate law, real estate statistics, notarial services, real estate appraisals, real estate auctions, and access to law

Sectors: Law Practice Legal Services

291 147 147

French Geological Survey - The geosciences at the core of tomorrow’s challenges BRGM, the French geological survey, is France’s reference public institution for Earth Science applications in the management of surface and subsurface resources and risks. Its programmes focus on scientific research, supporting public policies and international cooperation. BRGM aims to meet key challenges for our society, particularly those related to climate change, energy transition and the development of the circular economy. Around geosciences, BRGM is developing expertise to contribute to a harmonised management and controlled use of the soil and subsoil of cities and territories. BRGM's activity is organised …

639 376 218
Viva Technology Viva Technology

#VivaTech is Europe's biggest startup and tech event. 📍Paris | June 11-14, 2025 Viva Technology is Europe's biggest startup and tech event. We accelerate innovation by connecting startups, tech leaders, major corporations and investors responding to our world’s biggest challenges. VivaTech is where business meets innovation.

Sectors: Trade show

6081 5116 999
Association AMORCE Association AMORCE

[Automatic translation follows] 1st Network of Local Authorities and Local Actors for Waste, Energy and Water Management Bringing together more than 1,100 members for 60 million inhabitants represented, AMORCE constitutes the first French network of information, sharing of experiences and support for communities (municipalities, inter-municipalities, departmental councils, regional councils) and other local actors (companies, associations, professional federations) in terms of energy transition, territorial waste management and sustainable water management. An independent proposal force and privileged interlocutor of public authorities (ministries, state agencies and Parliament), AMORCE is today the main representative of the territories engaged in the ecological transition. A privileged …

Sectors: Environment

473 297 220

[Automatic translation follows] The Agency for Ecological Transition! ADEME in brief The Agency for Ecological Transition participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It provides its expertise and consulting capabilities to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, in order to enable them to progress in their environmental approach. The Agency also helps to finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, savings on raw materials, air quality, noise control, the transition to the circular economy and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

6386 5671 325
Cerema Cerema

[Automatic translation follows] Cerema, Climate & Territories of tomorrow: development, mobility, infrastructure, risks, environment, sea, coastline Cerema provides expertise, research and innovation to the State and local authorities, as well as economic players: > Expertise and territorial engineering > Mobility > Buildings > Transport infrastructure > Environment and natural risks > Sea and coastline As a public administrative institution (EPA), under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Cerema develops close relationships with local authorities that are present in its governance bodies. It promotes innovation in the territories, and develops partnerships with local authorities and businesses. This is the …

Sectors: National and local authorities

1574 1129 413
Habitat for Humanity International Habitat for Humanity International

Through shelter, we empower. Driven by the vision that everyone needs a decent place to live, Habitat for Humanity began in 1976 as a grassroots effort on a community farm in southern Georgia. The Christian housing organization has since grown to become a leading global nonprofit working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in more than 70 countries. Families and individuals in need of a hand up partner with Habitat for Humanity to build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable …

Sectors: Social Housing

1134 794 158