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Incubateur IMT Atlantique Incubateur IMT Atlantique

Incubator of innovative technological projects / Brest - Nantes - Rennes The IMT Atlantique multi-site incubator supports innovative technological projects in the fields of expertise of the school and its partner schools: digital, energy, environment, sea, health and well-being and building. Located on the 3 campuses, Brest, Nantes and Rennes, it hosts around forty startups from the idea to the early development stages of the activity. It is aimed to be a place of exchange, learning and awareness widely open to an audience of students, researchers, entrepreneurs and experts. With some 2000m2 devoted to innovation, its facilities encourage collaboration: show …


French FabLab Network, Spaces and Communities of Making - Learn to do together 🤝 🧰 This association aims to: Bring together French structures whose purpose is to run, as a main or secondary activity, an open manufacturing space (FabLab), participating in the international network of “FabLabs”; Represent its members to public authorities and administrations as well as other organizations in Europe and around the world; Provide support, advice and assistance to its members; Communicate on the actions, achievements and benefits of the FabLab network; Enable FabLabs to come together to pool resources, equipment, and develop joint projects. However, none of …

Cdiscount Cdiscount

Welcome to the Cnova account, the holding company that brings together Cdiscount, Octopia, C-Logistics, Peaksys and CnovaPay! Founded in Bordeaux in 1998, Cdiscount is today the French leader in e-commerce and a key digital player in Europe. In 25 years, Cdiscount has built unique assets on the market and, with its expertise, has developed, alongside, a B2B strategy that relies on its subsidiaries @Octopia (expert in marketplace solutions), @C-Logistics (expert in e-commerce logistics), @Peaksys (Tech expert), its entity @Cdiscount Advertising (expert in retail media) and @CnovaPay (payment). Cdiscount and its subsidiaries owe this success to the talent, commitment and …

Empow'Her Empow'Her

⚡️Empow’Her supports women entrepreneurs to help them change the world. 🌍We are an international network with + 5,000 women supported each year ✨ + 5,000 attendees at @festivalempowher & places to meet-up at @sisther.niamey ⚡️Empow’Her supports women entrepreneurs to help them change the world. 🌍We are an international network with + 5,000 women supported each year ✨ + 5,000 attendees at @festivalempowher & places to meet-up at @sisther.niamey Women's empowerment, Entrepreneurship, ESS, and Gender equality

Planetic Planetic

Startup studio spécialisé dans la création d'entreprises ESS (2009-2023). Aujourd'hui : conseil et formations en entrepreneuriat et ESS. Startup studio, Health & social welfare, Impact investing, Venture philanthropy, Agroecology & forestry, green & social entrepreneurship, Education, eco-school, incubator, and sharing economy

Cullettività di Corsica - Collectivité de Corse Cullettività di Corsica - Collectivité de Corse

The Collectivity of Corsica exercises extensive powers in the service of the development of the island. The Collectivity of Corsica, established on 1 January 2018, exercises extensive powers at the territorial level in the service of the development of the island. The Executive Council of Corsica directs its action in around forty sectors. The Collectivity of Corsica defines and implements territorial public policies in the following areas: solidarity and health, social, attractiveness of the territory, culture, heritage, sport, youth, community life, tourism, economy, education, training, lingua corsa, environment, energy transition and waste, transport and mobility, agriculture, water policy, international relations. …


ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. With its 97,000 employees, clients, partners and stakeholders, the Group strives every day to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally friendly solutions. Inspired by its purpose statement, ENGIE reconciles economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet, building on its key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to its clients. We are a united group, committed to inclusiveness and diversity, where everyone can forge their own career path , improve on their skills, and continually enhance …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Energy


Our raison d'être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development. Energie, Nucléaire, Electricité, Energies renouvelables, and Gaz

Sectors: Energy

Enedis Enedis

Electricity distribution network manager Enedis is the manager of the public electricity distribution network covering 95% of continental France. Its 38,859 employees operate, maintain and develop nearly 1.3 million kilometres of network every day. Connection, commissioning, troubleshooting, changing supplier... These are all operations carried out daily by Enedis. As manager of the public electricity distribution network, Enedis carries out numerous interventions each year: more than 11 million in 2014. The nature of the services varies depending on the customer: end customers, suppliers or electricity producers. Manager of the public electricity distribution network covering 95% of continental France

Sectors: Energy

National Retail Federation National Retail Federation

Empowering the industry that powers our economy. The National Retail Federation, the world’s largest retail trade association, passionately advocates for the people, policies and ideas that help retail thrive. For over a century, NRF has been a voice for every retailer and every retail job, educating, inspiring and communicating the powerful impact retail has on local communities and global economies. Advocacy, Communities & Networking, and Education & Research

Google Google

A problem isn't truly solved until it's solved for all. Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. Bring your insight, imagination and a healthy disregard for the impossible. Bring everything that makes you unique. Together, we can build for everyone. Check out our career opportunities at search, ads, mobile, android, online video, apps, machine learning, virtual reality, cloud, hardware, artificial intelligence, youtube, and software

Sectors: IT services

Qualcomm Qualcomm

Delivering intelligent computing everywhere. Semiconductors, Wireless, Mobile, Networking, Wi-Fi, Small Cells, Wireless Power, Augmented Reality, Location Services, Internet of Things, Automotive, 5G, PC computing, and Bluetooth

Sectors: Semiconductors


Create a World of Wonder Masters of Light Since 1895 Swarovski creates beautiful products of impeccable quality and craftsmanship that bring joy and celebrate individuality. Founded in 1895 in Austria, the company designs, manufactures, and sells the world's finest crystals, Swarovski Created Diamonds and zirconia, jewelry, and accessories, as well as home décor and crystals for Automotive. Swarovski Crystal Business is represented in over 140 countries worldwide with 2,300 Swarovski boutiques complemented by selected multibrand partners and employs 16,600 people. Together with its sister companies Swarovski Optik (optical devices) and Tyrolit (abrasives), Swarovski Crystal Business forms the Swarovski Group. A …

Sectors: Luxury

FIND Climate FIND Climate

Grand Lieu d'innovation, situé à Nanterre (Ile-de-France), dédié au passage à l'échelle des Greentechs industrielles. FIND Climate is the innovation district hosting the entrepreneurial ecosystem gathering the actors of the climate industry who innovate together Joint us:

The Exploration Company The Exploration Company

We democratise space exploration, making it affordable, sustainable and open. We democratise space exploration, making it affordable, sustainable and open. For space & non-space industries. A global endeavour with European roots.

Starlab Starlab

Unleashing the next generation of commercial space destinations. Gravity not included. Starlab Space is a global joint venture between Voyager Space, Airbus, Mitsubishi Corporation, and MDA Space to provide orbital services and enable world-changing discoveries and solutions through an international network of partners. The two main priorities of Starlab Space are the design, development, and operation of the commercial Starlab Space Station and the establishment of a sustainable Global Space Enterprise. Starlab’s collaborative approach allows us to leverage the strengths and expertise of individual partners, maximize investments, and accelerate development through our global, commercial space ecosystem.


COLLECTIVITE TERRITORIALE DE GUYANE is a government administration company based out of 4179 RTE DE MONTABO, Cayenne, Guyane, France.

Brake France Brake France

Come and spice your career at Brake If every morning we get up with the appetite of our profession, it is because we are working on exciting subjects: food products and catering. You want to join a group benefiting from the flexibility of an SME and the solidity of a large group, Brake is a company in strong development and offers many prospects for evolution. Do you want to make the difference with us? Find all our job offers, our HR policies and our trades on our recruitment site: Design Distribution of fresh, frozen and grocery products for catering …

Sectors: Retail and Distribution

CCI Allier CCI Allier

Have the reflex CCI! His role Promote local and regional economic development with two main missions: - support industrial, commercial and service establishments in their economic development, - Be their spokesperson with the public authorities. Its organization The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an establishment made up of business leaders, elected by their peers for a period of 5 years. Its missions - Inform: Promote local economic fabric and provide business leaders with the data necessary for their development. - Advisor: support the manager in his creation, development project and in all phases of business life. - Train: Offer …

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

Explorys Explorys

The entrepreneur of tomorrow is built today. Explés, the start-up method at the service of independent entrepreneurs. Do you want to create your business? Whether you are a craftsman, consultant, expert or engineer, Our incubator accompanies you with its crash test method The result of the most advanced practices of entrepreneurship. 💡 Do you want to know more? Contact us ⬇️ And participate in our monthly information meeting on the Crash-Test method and the CAPE ⬇️ contract Advice, network, agility, freelance, lean startup, test, franchise, CPF, consulting, recovery, creation, and micro-enterprise

CNR (Compagnie Nationale du Rhône) CNR (Compagnie Nationale du Rhône)

1st French producer of 100 % renewable electricity CNR is the 1st French producer of electricity of 100 % renewable origin (water, wind, sun) and the multiple dealer from the Rhône from the Swiss border to the Mediterranean Sea: production of hydroelectricity, deployment of navigation and port areas, irrigation and other agricultural uses. A limited company of general interest, CNR is distinguished by its industrial model articulated around the development of territories and by its unique system of sharing with its stakeholders of locally created value. At the forefront of its trades which it is constantly evolving thanks to an …

Sectors: Energy

Plaine Images (Lille métropole) Plaine Images (Lille métropole)

1st European hub dedicated to creative industries - incubator & amp; Accelerator (game - Audiovisual - Musictech -AR/VR) A site of economic excellence dedicated to creative industries On an old industrial site of 5 hectares exceptionally rehabilitated, the Plaine Images offers a district entirely devoted to creative industries: Audiovisual - Game - AR/VR - Music Tech - Design (Virtual Reality, Video Games, Serious Game/E -Learning, Animation , digital marketing, events ...). From the start-up to the international company, Plaine Images promotes business development and stimulates convergences. The innovative projects of the industries of tomorrow are built within its incubator! Plaine …

Le Learning Show Le Learning Show

Go to Rennes to explore learning of the future. Learning show is the event that deciphers learning the future the 8 & amp; October 9, 2024 in Rennes. 1,000 training, HR and Edtech professionals meet in Rennes to experience a real "learning experience": • Experience: Being in a situation of learner and trying new methods, • Share: meet professionals who have transposed these new methods, • Understand: find concrete answers to your issues, • Anticipate: hear experts to feed strategic reflection. Training, innovation, and Edtech

Banque Populaire Banque Populaire

Success is in you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

Direction générale des Finances publiques Direction générale des Finances publiques

Public finances, at the heart of the state, serving everyone, everywhere in the territory. 🇫🇷 Within the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFIP) is an administration at the heart of the functioning of the State, at the service of citizens, companies and local communities, everywhere in the territory. 🚀 #Recrutement | Who better than you to join public finances? Integrating public finances means working very concretely for public service and choosing the commitment. Whether you choose a position with a managerial large dimension or a technical post, the variety of …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité

FRB - De la recherche à la société The Foundation for Research on Biodiversity is a platform for the different scientific players and stakeholders in society concerned with biodiversity. It was created in 2008, following the Grenelle Environment Forum, with the support of the ministries for research and ecology and eight public research establishments, joined by LVMH in 2014. Generating innovation, promoting scientific projects in association with society and developing studies, overviews and valuations are at the core of the foundation’s missions. Up until now, more than 170 structures, associations, businesses, managers or authorities have joined the FRB with the …

Société nationale de protection de la nature Société nationale de protection de la nature

Protects nature since 1854 Protect fauna, flora and natural environments Founded on February 10, 1854 and recognized as a public utility since February 26, 1855, the National Nature Protection Society (SNPN) is the dean of associations for the protection of the nature of France. A learned society from its origin, its mission is the protection of spaces and wild species, based on the scientific foundations of ecology and the biology of conservation (see our actions). This mission finds a concrete application on the ground, notably through the management of three national natural reserves among the most prestigious: the Camargue, Lac …

IWRA - International Water Resources Association IWRA - International Water Resources Association

IWRA is a global, knowledge based forum for the sustainable management and use of the world’s water resources since 1971 The International Water Resources AssociatIon (IWRA) is an international network of multidisciplinary experts on water resources. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation established in 1971. Based in Paris, the IWRA provides a global, knowledge based, forum for bridging disciplines and geographies by connecting professionals, students, individuals, corporations and institutions who are concerned with the sustainable management and use of the world’s water resources. Water Resources Management, Water Security, Science Policy Interface, Smart Water Management, Water Quality, Water Law, World Water …

pS-Eau pS-Eau

The Solidarité-Eau Program (PS-EAU) is a French multi-actor network which is committed to guarantee everyone access to water and sanitation, and the sustainable management of water resources (targets of the 'ODD 6) in developing countries. Favoring support for local actors, it allows exchanges and has organized consultation between actors in decentralized and non -governmental cooperation for more than 30 years. Present in France and abroad with focal points in countries of concentration of French aid, it produces knowledge, supports local initiatives and promotes solidarity for water and sanitation. Its activities, led by a team with multiple skills, aim to increase …

Les Canalisateurs Les Canalisateurs

Let's build sustainable networks together! "The channters" is a professional union which brings together 330 companies specializing in the construction of pipeline networks: drinking water, sanitation, gas and various fluids. The profession represents in France an annual turnover of around € 6 billion and is strong by 35,000 employees who work in the renovation, maintenance and installation of these networks. Drinking water, sanitation, networks, thermy, gas, public works, infrastructure, sustainable development, pipes, pipes, works conductors, and sites


Our commitment and our professions at the service of the essentials. The FP2E brings together companies ensuring the management of water and sanitation services in France after competition. Its members (*) employ 28,000 people in France and 71,000 internationally. They serve, in France, 60% of the population in drinking water and 1 in 2 French in sanitation. His missions: • Lighting lighting on the water trades, mainly in France and Europe, to stakeholders: elected officials, consumer representatives, officials of public authorities, journalists, NGOs, European and international assemblies. • To bring the voice of private operators of public water and sanitation …

CIEAU : Centre d'information sur l'eau CIEAU : Centre d'information sur l'eau

For 20 years, the Cieau (water information center) has informed a large audience about the resource, tap water and sanitation in France. Journalists, teachers or health professionals call on our experience and expertise. water

Eau d'Azur Eau d'Azur

#eau #assaining #environnement Eau d´Azur, an industrial and commercial public establishment with financial autonomy, has been managing since September 2014, the management of the public drinking water service in 51 municipalities in the Metropolis Nice Côte d'Azur. Drinking water, sanitation, and work

Sectors: Environment

Radio Nova Radio Nova

La radio du Grand mix. Le Grand Mix, depuis 1981. culture, radio, le grand mix, and musique

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

L'Argus de l'assurance L'Argus de l'assurance

The reference media of the insurance sector. The Insurance Argus is the first source of information for insurance professionals. Thanks to its 12 specialized journalists (including a lawyer), the largest writing team dedicated to this sector, the argus of insurance deals with and analyzes all the news: changes in markets and distribution networks, business strategies , consumption trends, product innovations, regulations, movements ... Since its creation, in 1877, the Argus of insurance has evolved to help and support professionals. The argus of insurance is: - an online media - a weekly magazine by subscription - A daily newsletter, actual …

Sectors: Insurance


Learn • Create • Share Not profitable and independent Fablab in Pau, France. 3D printing, laser cutting and engraving, electronics, and arduino

Technip Energies Technip Energies

Breaking boundaries together to engineer a sustainable future. Technip Energies is a global technology and engineering powerhouse. With leadership positions in LNG, hydrogen, ethylene, sustainable chemistry, and CO2 management, we are contributing to the development of critical markets such as energy, energy derivatives, decarbonization, and circularity. Our complementary business segments, Technology, Products and Services (TPS) and Project Delivery, turn innovation into scalable and industrial reality. Through collaboration and excellence in execution, our 17,000+ employees across 34 countries are fully committed to bridging prosperity with sustainability for a world designed to last.

Moustache Bikes Moustache Bikes

Leave the car at the garage - eBikes motored by Bosch. Design and assembled in France Moustache was created in 2011 by two enthusiasts, Manu (development) and Greg (sales), who were crazy enough to embark on such an adventure. Moustache is based in the Vosges, the land of our childhood, our families and our values. Moustache is the strong conviction that the electrically-assisted bicycle represents an incredible opportunity for the development of bicycle use! We believe it's the perfect tool for leaving the car in the garage. Whether it's for urban use, a leisurely ride or a more sporty form …

Factory Factory

We build spaces for the world's most innovative companies. Factory designs, builds and operates campuses for startups and fast-growing tech companies. By partnering with actors from the public and private sector as well as local startup communities Factory brings innovation into urban areas in need of revitalization. We are a team of passionate entrepreneurs and have collaborated and hosted events with some of the biggest brands in the startup and technology sectors. Our campuses have been recognized by local and national goverments for their benefit in urban development and to the wider entrepreneurial ecosystem. In early 2016 Factory acquired the …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Creando Oportunidades At BBVA we are leading the transformation of banking worldwide, united in pursuing our goal of bringing the age of opportunity to everyone. Firmly focused on the future, our on-going digital transformation is already producing disruptive innovations that power our vision of banking. Every one of our 121,486 employees, from branch staff to senior leaders, plays an essential role in giving our 71.5 million customers the cutting edge banking solutions that they deserve. Building on 166 years of history we know the importance of constant development, which is why we place so much confidence in the collaborative working …

Sectors: Bank

ING France ING France

#MakingTheDifference ING France is a branch of the Dutch banking group ING Bank N.V. We are therefore part of an international bank, present in over 40 countries, serving nearly 37 million customers, businesses and financial institutions! 🌍 Our teams, based in Paris and present in France since 1982, support 250 customers, large companies and financial institutions, representing 75% of the companies in the CAC 40 and SBF 120 indexes. Through our sector-based approach, we offer a comprehensive range of solutions and services in France and internationally: sustainable finance, loans and acquisition finance, real estate finance and leasing, cash management solutions, …

Crédit Coopératif Crédit Coopératif

Une autre banque est possible Crédit Coopératif is a diversified banking group, which offers a wide range of banking products and services, especially to businesses and organisations, in the different sectors in which it is involved. It finds its origins in the Social Economy movement of the late 19th century that led to the creation of today's large mutual banking groups. Owned by its clients, also called "sociétaires"​, Crédit Coopératif is a co-operative bank, which is an active member of the Social Economy for more than one hundred years. It assists and accompanies the creation and development of co-operatives, mutual …

Drive to Zero Drive to Zero

The great gathering of actors committed for the deployment of decarbonated mobility 🌍 June 4-5, 2025 - Paris. The climate imperative transforms the world. It requires us to develop our uses, the way we produce, consume, we move. To adapt to these transformations, a new ecosystem of mobility is organized, responding to new issues, imagining new solutions. We offer a first meeting putting into action and in relation to industrial and public actors, for the deployment of decarbonized mobility. Drive to Zero, a major event to convince and move forward, in order to ensure the mobility and activity of all …

Mouvement Impact France Mouvement Impact France

Sense for the company The Impact France movement is a employers' organization that brings together all the actors who put the ecological and social impact at the heart of their business. And that, everywhere in France and in all sectors. Our mission: bringing a common voice loud and loudly in favor of the profitability of companies. And thus, build a robust economy of common interest. Our pillars to take action: - Organize events to unite leaders around qualified meetings and major meetings. - Create tools to advance companies and the impact score (the common frame of reference to assess its …

CEC (Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat) CEC (Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat)

Re -register business models within planetary limits The CEC supports collectives of leaders via unique and transforming courses intended to rethink their business models within the framework of planetary limits and the social floor. Following a first national edition in 2021-2022, the CEC has multiplied in territorial or thematic journey which have in common a unique and transforming methodology: 📅 A program learning over 10 months Between conferences led by scientific experts and moments of collective intelligence between peers: 6 sessions - 12 days 💡 A unique pedagogy Reconcile the intellect and the heart of decision -makers to set in …

Ipsen Ipsen

We are a global biopharmaceutical company with a focus on bringing transformative medicines to patients in three therapeutic areas: Oncology, Rare Disease and Neuroscience. Our pipeline is fueled by external innovation and supported by nearly 100 years of development experience and global hubs in the U.S., France and the U.K. Our teams in more than 40 countries and our partnerships around the world enable us to bring medicines to patients in 88 countries. For more information, visit Pauta exclusiva para México: Clave de Autorización COFEPRIS: 243300201B1962 CONSULTE A SU MÉDICO. Pharmaceuticals, Specialty care: oncology, neuroscience, endocrinology, Research: peptides, toxins, …

Sectors: Pharmaceutical

Startup Factory Startup Factory

Launching ventures with talented first-time entrepreneurs. Launching ventures with talented first-time entrepreneurs. Startup Factory is a start-up platform based at the heart of Europe in Brussels. With a strong network of companies, we build businesses solving real problems from the ground up. We are early-stage focused in world-class founders attacking large, global markets and solving real problems using technology. We provide efficient access to smart capital, our network and our fantastic community of talented entrepreneurs. Entreprenariat, Co-founding, Innovation, and Startup


The powerful network of 150 SME and partners active in the software industry & IT in Brussels. The cluster is an initiative of, supported by the Brussels Minister of Economy. It gathers close to 120+ high-growth potential software companies, research institutions, incubators, and support organizations dedicated to the Brussels software industry. Our objectives are: • Create and support a dynamic ecosystem to catalyze effective collaboration among our members. • Propose custom-made supports and collective actions to accelerate growth and boost the competitiveness of Brussels software editors. • Reinforce locally and internationally the visibility of Brussels software editors by promoting …

Hopital Foch Hopital Foch

Human face expertise Private multidisciplinary hospital in Ile de France, Foch hospital is a reference establishment that is located in the leading ranking of French hospitals. Supported by the Foch Foundation, the hospital has always been responsible for providing all patients, without distinction of condition, advanced medical and surgical care in the best conditions of comfort and reception. Its status as a private establishment participating in the public service allows the Foch hospital to question itself, to innovate and control its services permanently. 26 medical and state -of -the -art specialties in the service of patients.

Sectors: Health

Hennessy Hennessy

The world’s #1 Cognac Maison. Blending savoir-faire, sustainable commitments and unexpected artistic collaborations. Leader du cognac, la Maison Hennessy rayonne à travers le monde depuis plus de 250 ans avec un savoir-faire d’exception. Née de l’esprit de conquête de son fondateur Richard Hennessy, la marque est présente dans plus de 160 pays. Ancrée au cœur de la Charente, la Maison Hennessy est également un acteur économique régional engagé, qui s’inscrit pleinement dans la valorisation de la filière Cognac. --- The leader in Cognac, the Maison Hennessy has shined around the world with its exceptional know-how for more than 250 years. …

Sectors: Alcohol

Groupe Hospitalier Diaconesses Croix Saint-Simon Groupe Hospitalier Diaconesses Croix Saint-Simon

In the health service The Diaconesses Hospital Group Cross Saint-Simon is a hospital offering excellence in medicine, surgery and obstetrics without depending on the patient. Located east of Paris (close to the Place de la Nation), it supports 250,000 patients each year for preventive, diagnostic, curative and palliative acts. The establishment offers a large offer of care: internal medicine, orthopedic, digestive, gynecological and urological surgeries, proctology, oncology, rheumatology, acute geriatrics, emergencies, maternity and palliative care. It is also one of the most efficient fertility centers to date. Historically a pioneer in many areas and always turned to the future, the …

Sectors: Health

Cloud Temple Cloud Temple

Accélérer votre transformation avec le meilleur du numérique de confiance Cloud Temple is a French company specialized in transformation,IT hosting and outsourcing of critical business applications. The adequate « applicative stack » for the right business challenge. From conception to maintenance in operational conditions, Cloud Temple guides its customers on every verticals applicative : · Native Cloud development and automation, · Applications modernizing to get the Mixed Clouds · Traditional operating system and CI/CD (Cloud Ops, DevOps, FinOps, SecOps), · Data governance (Big Data architecture, Data Management) · « Carve-out » specialization (Full IS rebuilding in the context of assignment) …

Sirius Space Services Sirius Space Services

🚀 A more sustainable access to space To meet the needs of our time in the space sector, Sirius Space Services has developed, since 2020, launch solutions dedicated to small satellites, with the ambition of: - make access to space more sustainable, - Ensure the sovereignty of Europe thanks to a competitive launch service on the commercial market. Our range of reusable launchers, composed of Sirius 1, 13 and 15, will open access to space to all satellites under 1100 kg by providing agile, affordable and durable launch services for quick access to the Orbit (SS0 600km) without neglecting the …

MaiaSpace MaiaSpace

Designing, manufacturing and operating competitive and sustainable solutions for space mobility. MaiaSpace is a European space tech company, designing, manufacturing and operating competitive and sustainable solutions for space mobility. We are driven by the belief that access to space is a major enabler for a better and more sustainable life on Earth, addressing the challenges faced by humanity: climate, resources, connectivity, and data. Our aim is to successfully design and test a cost-effective and reusable mini-launch vehicle by 2026.

HyPrSpace HyPrSpace

Unlocking the Holy Grail of propulsion tech. HyPrSpace is a french aerospace startup developing a new kind of hybrid rocket engines : the kind that actually works. The propulsion technology we are working on is considered the "Holy Grail" of rocket engines, as it combines all the benefits of existing technologies without their drawbacks. Although studied for over 50 years, this technology was previously locked due to its non-scalability and thus was impractical. However, at HyPrSpace, thanks to a disruptive innovation in engine architecture, we have successfully made this technology scalable and applicable across a wide range of vehicles. Our …

Latitude Latitude

Fabricant de lanceurs spatiaux Latitude is a pioneering French rocket launch company on a mission to push the boundaries of space technologies, fostering a better and brighter future for all. With our 19m height Zephyr launcher, we strive to create innovative and sustainable solutions for space exploration and development, while placing human experiences at the core of our journey. Our team is driven by the values of optimism, innovation, collaboration, perseverance, and boldness. At Latitude, we believe in the power space exploration and the limitless possibilities it offers. We're not just launching rockets; we're launching dreams and building the foundation …

ArianeGroup ArianeGroup

Making Earth 🌍 the best place in Space 🚀 #RocketMakers ArianeGroup is an industrial company delivering critical missions for the space and defence sectors. With 8,300 highly qualified employees in France and Germany, ArianeGroup has unique expertise in access to space, covering the full spectrum of civil and military launch systems, including design, development, manufacturing, integration, flight preparation, operational readiness and end-of-life decommissioning. ArianeGroup is lead contractor for the Ariane 6 European launcher for the European Space Agency (ESA), and for the French oceanic deterrent force M51 strategic missile for the French Defence Armament Procurement Agency (DGA). Internationally recognised for …

Scaleway Scaleway

Europe's empowering cloud provider 🚀 🚀 Welcome to Scaleway: Europe's empowering cloud provider We are the preferred cloud solution, empowering developers and businesses to seamlessly build, deploy, and scale applications across diverse infrastructures. Our global presence spans Paris, Amsterdam, and Warsaw, serving a thriving community of over 25,000 businesses, including pioneering European startups. 🌐 Why Choose Us? Our comprehensive cloud ecosystem is distinguished by multi-AZ redundancy, delivering a robust foundation for uninterrupted operations. What sets us apart is not just our state-of-the-art data centers, powered entirely by renewable energy, but also our commitment to providing a smooth developer experience. Scaleway …


Using Space for a better life on Earth 🌍 #MissionToSuccess 🚀 Since its creation in 1980 as the world's first commercial space transportation company, Arianespace has led the launch services industry with many operational firsts and numerous record-setting missions. 🚀 Arianespace uses space to make life better on Earth by providing launch services for all types of satellites into all orbits. 🛰 It has orbited more than 1,100 satellites since 1980, using its family of launchers. 🚀 Arianespace is headquartered in Evry, near Paris, and has a technical facility at the Guiana Space Center, Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, plus …

Hello Tomorrow Hello Tomorrow

Building a collaborative ecosystem that leverages the power of deep technologies to tackle world challenges. Hello Tomorrow was created in 2011 by a group of individuals convinced that science and technology need to form part of a toolkit of solutions to change our industries, sustain a growing population and help solve global crises. But the traditional model of technology transfer to bring solutions from lab to market, and from idea to impact, could not rise to this challenge. In turn, Hello Tomorrow has built, and now animates, a global ecosystem that facilitates ‘deep tech’ innovation through multiple activities. Over the …

Sectors: Trade show

FnTC - Fédération des Tiers de Confiance du numérique FnTC - Fédération des Tiers de Confiance du numérique

Reliable and secure digitalization thanks to trusted digital parties The Federation of Trusted Digital Trusted (FNTC) brings together software publishers, service providers, experts, regulated professionals, users and institutional structures. Our goal: reliable and secure digitalization. Our method: - Produce expertise and tools so that people and organizations can, within the digital world, preserve their rights and limit their risks. - Develop doctrine, by producing guides, standards and labels. - Participate in the standardization and standardization of good digital practices at the national (AFNOR) and international (ISO) level. - Provide university training, such as the La Rochelle right of digital law, …

France Assureurs France Assureurs

Move Society Forward Confidently France Insurers is the use name of the French Insurance Federation which brings together 247 insurance companies representing 99 % of the market for companies governed by the insurance code. Insurance is at the heart of social issues: as such, France Insurers aims to take an active part in the public debate. She is the privileged interlocutor of public authorities, administrations and media on insurance -related subjects, in France and internationally, whether questions of prevention, protection, investment or of use. The statistical data which it centralizes and its expertise allow it to support its members in …

Sectors: Insurance

Lightrock Lightrock

We back purpose-driven entrepreneurs tackling the world’s biggest challenges. Lightrock is a global investment platform dedicated to building a sustainable future. Headquartered in London, Lightrock manages capital across both public and private markets, a significant portion of which is dedicated to climate innovation.

Telefónica Germany Telefónica Germany We are Telefónica. Our vision is the OnLife Telco. We enable people to use the achievements of digitalisation at any time and in any place. We support our customers in their lives and are developing innovative products and services for this purpose. In so doing, we are accelerating the company’s digital transformation. Become part of this vision and help us shape digital opportunities for our customers. In Germany, we are the largest mobile provider in terms of customer base and are best known via our premium brand O2. We have been counted among the best employers for several years. …

Centrica Centrica

Centrica is a leading energy services and solutions provider founded on a 200-year heritage of serving people. We are the UK’s biggest retailer of zero carbon electricity, serving around 10 million customers across the UK, Ireland and Continental Europe through brands such as British Gas, supported by around 7,000 highly trained engineers and technicians. Centrica’s purpose of energising a greener, fairer future drives our strategy and our People and Planet Plan. Energy Services & Technology, Energy Retail, Connected Home, Internet of Things, Distributed Energy, and Home Services

Sectors: Energy

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Explore the universe and discover our home planet with the official NASA page on LinkedIn. For more than 60 years, NASA has been breaking barriers to achieve the seemingly impossible—from walking on the Moon to pushing the boundaries of human spaceflight farther than ever before. We work in space and around the world in laboratories and wind tunnels, on airfields and in control rooms to explore some of life’s fundamental mysteries: What’s out there in space? How do we get there? And what can we learn that will make life better here on Earth? We are passionate professionals united by …

Sectors: Research


We are uniting science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together. Our community guidelines: Pharmaceutical products and Vaccines

Sectors: Pharmaceutical

Velo-city conference Velo-city conference

Velo-city is the annual flagship event of the European Cyclists' Federation. Next stop: Gdansk, 10-13 June 2025. #VC25 Velo-city conference is the annual flagship event of the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF). Next stop: Gdansk (Poland) - join us from 10-13 June 2025!

MOVE: Mobility Re-imagined MOVE: Mobility Re-imagined

MOVE is mobility’s #1 innovation event, connecting the entire ecosystem of mobility. MOVE is mobility’s #1 innovation event, connecting the entire ecosystem of mobility. MOVE is a one-of-a-kind event bringing together the people and companies redefining mobility across the ecosystem. We pride ourselves on being able to facilitate critical cross sector partnerships and conversations that are critical to move the industry forward. MOVE connects the entire mobility ecosystem, focused on tech, innovation and transformation. The event provides unparalleled opportunity for every vertical within the ecosystem to come together, learn, partner, innovate and push boundaries. Our MOVE community gets together twice …

The Battery Show Europe The Battery Show Europe

The leading meeting place for the advanced battery and H/EV technology community. The Battery Show Europe, co-located with Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo Europe and Energy Storage Summit, is Europe’s largest trade fair for advanced battery, H/EV technology and clean energy storage, taking place 3-5 June, 2025 in Stuttgart, Germany. More than 1,100 manufacturers and service providers from across the supply chain, will display thousands of design, production, and manufacturing solutions, including battery systems, materials, components, testing, and recycling, for industries including automotive, utilities, renewable energy, grid, power tools, and electronics. This free trade fair is an opportunity to …

Collision Conf Collision Conf

Thank you, Toronto. It’s been an incredible 6 years. Join us at Web Summit Vancouver in May 2025 🇨🇦 "The Olympics of tech" - Politico Thank you, Toronto. It’s been an incredible 6 years. Join us @WebSummit Vancouver in May 2025 🇨🇦 #linkinbio for info Tech, Events, Conferences, entertainment, design, networking, marketing, Developers, Society, Data, Business, Development, Commerce, Lifestyle, Media, journalism, entrepreneurship, Startup, gaming, Virtual Reality, interactive, Design, Advertising, Connect, health, Technology, and Coding

Micromobility Industries Micromobility Industries

Small vehicles for small trips 🚲⚡️ :: Pod, blog, newsletter, events :: Micromobility Europe Jun 17 & 18 in Brussels Micromobility is a media property and community focusing on the future of small EVs. Through our newsletter, blog, podcast, and global event series, we provide news, insights, and analysis about how small electric vehicles—electric scooters, bikes, boards, buggies—are changing the way people and packages get from Point A to Point B in cities. We have held global conferences in San Francisco, Berlin, and Amsterdam.


See you at the most inspiring platform for the cycling community! #eurobikeshow EUROBIKE is the undisputed leading global trade show for the bike business. You will get all informations about the Show and the bike sector from us. Fahrrad, Bicycle, ebike, Rennrad, Mountainbike, Liegerad, Pedelecs, future mobility, LEV, and ecomobility

The Pharma Days The Pharma Days

Discover, Connect & Learn The Pharma Days: Where insightful pharma discussions thrive Located in Geneva, Switzerland—a leading hub for the pharmaceutical industry in Europe—The Pharma Days is an exclusive, closed-door event that fosters in-depth discussions on downstream processes within the pharma sector. With a curated, highly qualified audience of industry professionals, our event maintains a human scale, allowing participants to engage meaningfully and explore topics in packaging, drug delivery, contract manufacturing, and filling & assembly. Designed to go beyond traditional networking, The Pharma Days offers a unique opportunity for stakeholders to share insights, challenge ideas, and collaborate on the future …


World Forum and Leading Trade Show for the Process Industries. 14 - 18 June 2027, Frankfurt am Main, Germany The Linkedin Page for Achema 2027 Exhibitors, Visitors, Partners and All Those Interested In The Leading Event for the Process Industries Process technology, chemical industry, plant engineering, process industry, pharmaceutical industry, laboratory technology, measurement and control technology, process technology, trade fair, congress, pumping, safety technology, packaging technology, digitization, research, chemistry, industry 4.0, environmental technology, and engineering

NFC Summit NFC Summit

The world's first (Web3) Pop Culture Festival | 1 Ticket, 8 Events 💥 | NFC Summit 2025 📆 : June 4-6 2025, Lisbon 🇵🇹 (1) Ticket, (8) Events ! 💥 NFC Summit 2025 is NOT your typical conference - it's the world's first Web3 Pop Culture FESTIVAL. 🌐 📆 June 4-6, 2025 🇵🇹 Lisbon, Portugal One ticket gives you access to (8) diverse events and we've already revealed the first ones: • Non Fungible Conference : When creative economy meets Web3. Art, Fashion, Gaming, and Music, live performance stage, blending virtual and reality in unprecedented ways. • Memecon: We are …

Biotechnology Innovation Organization Biotechnology Innovation Organization

BIO, Where breakthroughs begin BIO is the world's largest biotechnology organization, providing advocacy, business development and communications services for more than 1,200 members worldwide. Our mission is to be the champion of biotechnology and the advocate for our member organizations—both large and small. BIO members are involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology technologies. Corporate members range from entrepreneurial companies developing a first product to Fortune 100 multinationals. We also represent state and regional biotech associations, service providers to the industry and academic centers. biotech, association, life sciences, biofuels, gmo, cures, energy, agriculture, …

Cofinimmo Cofinimmo

Together in real estate Cofinimmo has been acquiring, developing and managing rental properties for 40 years. The company has a portfolio spread across Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Italy and the United Kingdom with a value of approximately 6.2 billion EUR. Responding to societal changes, Cofinimmo’s mission is to provide high-quality care, living, and working spaces to partner-tenants for their occupants to enjoy. ‘Caring, Living and Working - Together in Real Estate’ is the expression of this mission. Thanks to its expertise, Cofinimmo has assembled a healthcare real estate portfolio of approximately 4.6 billion EUR in Europe. …

Sectors: Real Estate

Eau de Paris Eau de Paris

What if you made the choice of a socially efficient public company? #Eaudeparis #icijechoisisleaudeparis The first public water company in France, Eau de Paris delivers excellent quality water every day, at the fairest price to its 3 million users. Capturing, treatment, distribution, customer relations: each stage of the water cycle is exercised by the approximately 900 water employees in Paris, for an ever more efficient and innovative service. Committed to the protection of water, biodiversity and climate, Eau de Paris manages its resources and heritage, in collaboration with local partners. Water, engineering, biodiversity, environment, R & AMP; D, heritage, sustainable …

Sectors: Environment


The 1st regional trade fair dedicated to water management in the heart of hydrographic basins. CYCL’EAU, regional professional show n ° 1 dedicated to water management in the heart of hydrographic basins Regional Activator of Synergies, Cycl'eau is a regional professional fair dedicated to water management. Born in Bordeaux in 2017 to allow New Aquitaine water players to meet, the event is now present in the Center, Grand-Est, Occitanie, Hauts-de-France and Sud regions, with the same goal : relate the local professionals of the same pool. Salons on a human scale, Cycl is developing proximity events, capable of favoring qualitative …

Crezeo Crezeo

Create a community of customers committed to your brand Build A Community Behind Your Brand. We make Everything Happen for online Communities: from Strategy and Management, To Platform and People. Our Job’s not therefore unit there’s a Thriving Community Behind Your Brand. client communities, online communities, brand communities, customer relations, and brand ambassadors


Creator of opportunities - Stimulator of innovation The INFOPOLE aims to bring together university and industrial skills to create a center of excellence in information and communication technologies. Through this mobilization of skills, the INFOPOLE TIC Cluster aims to promote available regional expertise and strengthen its positioning at local, regional, national and international levels. Improving the visibility of the sector and its attractiveness, strengthening its development dynamics, capitalizing on the expertise resulting from research and opening the doors to international development are all objectives of the INFOPOLE TIC Cluster, which should contribute in particular to stemming the "skills drain" outside …

BlueHealth Innovation Center - Acquired by imec.istart BlueHealth Innovation Center - Acquired by imec.istart

Wij ondersteunen HealthTech ondernemers van bij de start. BlueHealth Innovation Center, acquired by imec.istart, stimuleert innovatie in de zorg via een ondersteuningsprogramma van 12 weken waar HealthTech ondernemers worden klaargestoomd voor hun eerste investering. healthcare, healthtech, startups, innovation, entrepreneurship, networking, standup, scale-up, ICT, Cure, Care, Comfort, and Digitalisation

BAN Flanders - Business Angels Network Flanders BAN Flanders - Business Angels Network Flanders

BAN Flanders, almost 25 years of matching capital-seeking startups & scaleups with private investors (business angels)! BAN Flanders is an experienced business angel network in Flanders to cover Belgian and cross-border investment. A platform with added value for starting and upscaling entrepreneurs searching for capital. Through matchmaking and deal guiding, companies raise capital combined with the business angels' know-how, experience and network. We offer services for both companies as private investors. dealguiding, fundraising, networking, investment management, international funding, and business angels

Gimv Gimv

Building Leading Companies for the benefit of our economy and society. Gimv is a European investment company with more than 40 years'​ experience in private equity. Listed on Euronext Brussels, Gimv currently has EUR 1.5 billion of assets under management. The portfolio contains around 60 portfolio companies, with a combined turnover of EUR 3.7 billion and more than 20,000 employees. As a recognized market leader in selected investment platforms, Gimv identifies entrepreneurial and innovative companies with high-growth potential and supports them in their transformation into market leaders. Gimv’s five investment platforms are: Consumer, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Smart Industries and Sustainable …

House of Startups Luxembourg House of Startups Luxembourg

The House of Startups is an innovation campus and federator of the Luxembourg startup ecosystem. The House of Startups (HoST), established by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, is a key player in the Luxembourg ecosystem. Its mission is to foster the development of startups and innovation while supporting the innovation needs of businesses. The House of Startups’ inspiring innovation campus hosts a community of 3 incubators and accelerators, supporting up to 175 startups. ------------ The Luxembourg-City Incubator (LCI) ------------ The House of Financial Technology (LHoFT) ------------ Le Village by CA Luxembourg (LVbyCA) Furthermore, the community is surrounded …

Consumer Technology Association Consumer Technology Association

Where the people, policies and insights of tech innovation come together. Since 1924, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® has played a leading role as an advocate for the technology industry and a catalyst for innovation. Our members represent more than 1300 companies who are all working to move technology forward, together. Producer of CES. consumer technology

Sectors: Trade show

Onisep Onisep

Information for guidance The ONISEP (National Office of Information on Lessons and Professions) is a public establishment under the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Its vocation is to inform about training, professions, professional sectors. He guides young people and their families in their choices of training and professional project courses and provides resources to educational teams that help young people in their orientation approach. He supports ministerial policies in favor of young dropouts, the schooling of students with disabilities, girls-child equality and equal opportunities, the promotion of jobs carrying jobs. Onisep is organized …

Sectors: National and local authorities

CCI du Tarn CCI du Tarn

The CCI of Tarn is more than ever, alongside companies to support them in their development projects! Highlight the general interests of the local economic fabric with public authorities, support companies in all stages of their development, be an access to information portal, manage the equipment necessary for business development, train young people, Employees and managers are some of the Tarn CCI missions to its nationals (merchants, service providers, industrialists). His advisers bring you their expertise and their knowledge of networks facilitate the implementation of relevant actions on subjects in line with the needs of the manager. With more than …

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

TotalEnergies TotalEnergies

Multi-energy company. We produce and market oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Have you ever thought of offering your skills and expertise to a multinational company? Give your best to better energy and make the commitment with TotalEnergies. With over 500-plus professions in 130 countries, we offer high safety and environmental standards, strong ethical values, an innovation culture and wide-ranging career development. Be part of the global team whose mission is already shared by 105,000 employees : to be a world-class player in the energy transition Oil & Gas - Exploration & Production, Upstream, Refining, …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Energy

SATT Paris-Saclay SATT Paris-Saclay

Innovation in confidence Created in 2014 and from the "Investments for the Future" program, SATT Paris-Saclay is the technology transfer company of the Paris-Saclay cluster. Common actor in the two sets-Paris-Saclay University and Institut Polytechnique de Paris-SATT has an investment capacity of 66 million euros over 10 years to finance and support the valuation of research work from the territory and the technological transfer to the markets. Innovation, Technology Transfer, and Start-Up

Tags: SATT Network Sectors: Research Startup accelerator & VC

SATT Ouest Valorisation SATT Ouest Valorisation

Tailor-made support for your innovation projects The Acceleration of Technologies Acceleration Company (SATT) - Ouest Valorization SAS was created on July 20, 2012 as part of the investments for the future. Its mission is to accelerate the transfer of research results of public research laboratories to partners: VSE/SMEs, large groups, local authorities, associations. It thus supports researchers working within 28 higher education establishments (universities, engineering schools and CHU) as well as 3 research organizations located on one of the university centers in Brittany or the Pays de la Loire (Angers, Brest, Le Mans, Lorient-Vannes, Nantes, Rennes). With 70 million euros, …

Tags: SATT Network Sectors: Research Startup accelerator & VC

Toulouse Tech Transfer Toulouse Tech Transfer

Promote #innovation & amp; #competitiveness of #Hentreprises by exploiting the results of the Public #recharche Society for accelerating technology transfer (SATT) in Midi-Pyrénées SAS, created within the framework of the Investments for the Future Program (cf., Toulouse Tech Transfer to be the Single contact for the transfer of technologies from public research on its territory. Its primary mission is to ensure maturation and marketing of these technologies. To this end, its shareholders entrust him with the management and exploitation of their intellectual property. With an investment capacity that the State wanted important, in favor of public research, TTT can …

Tags: SATT Network


Au service des talents créatifs et technologiques de l'Alliance Sorbonne Université pour innover le monde de demain LUTECH is a private technology transfer company with exclusive rights to source, protect, develop and commercialize scientific findings stemming from the research laboratories of its partners and shareholders. Lutech aims at facilitating the tranfer of early stage innovations with a real potential to improve life quality, tranform industries, and create tremendous social & economic value, from the lab to successful products and services, by investing in the development of convincing proof of concept and prototypes. Lutech is partnering with operating companies and investors, …

Tags: SATT Network

Erganeo Erganeo

Dare the future Erganeo is a team of passionate people, who defend the utopia of bringing scientific innovation to the economic world, so that the industry of the future is above all at the service of people. Licensing, Innovation, DeepTech, Start-up, Technology Transfer, Futur, Industry, Research, Environmental Sustainability, Societal impact, Medical, and Health

Tags: SATT Network Sectors: National and local authorities Research


Incube les startups DeepTech & accélère les innovations scientifiques des labos R&D de Lyon-St Etienne 🚀 PULSALYS, incubateur et accélérateur d’innovations Deep Tech de Lyon & St Etienne, construit les produits & services innovants de demain, en transformant les découvertes scientifiques issues des laboratoires de l’Université de Lyon en opportunités économiques pour les entreprises et les startups. Créée en décembre 2013 dans le cadre du Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA) sous le statut de Société d’Accélération du Transfert de Technologies (SATT), PULSALYS est devenu un acteur clé de l’attractivité et du développement économique du territoire de Lyon - St-Etienne. Chimie & …

Tags: SATT Network Sectors: Research

Linksium Linksium

Detecting promising #deeptech and fostering the creation of #startups with Grenoble Alpes IP inside . Linksium, Société d’Accélération du Transfert de Technologies (SATT) de Grenoble Alpes détecte projets prometteurs issus de la recherche publique, finance et accompagne la création de startups #deeptech. Detecting promising technologies, funding and fostering the creation of deeptech #startups in the French Alps area. Technology transfert, Startups building, deeptech, venture capital, Research & development , and R&D

Tags: SATT Network

Académie de Mayotte Académie de Mayotte

L'académie de Mayotte est une jeune académie dotée d'un rectorat de plein exercice depuis le 1er janvier 2020. Le rectorat assure également les missions d'une inspection académique et a en charge les constructions, l'entretien, l'équipement et le bon fonctionnement des établissements scolaires du second degré. A la rentrée 2022, plus de 112 000 élèves sont accueillis au sein de 33 établissements du second degré et 188 écoles, par 8 500 agents, dont plus de 7 000 enseignants. L'académie de Mayotte est placée sous l'autorité du recteur Jacques MIKULOVIC depuis le 2 janvier 2023.


Compte officiel de l’académie de Bordeaux et de la région académique Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Compte officiel de l’académie de Bordeaux et de la région académique Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Site internet : Twitter: @acbordeaux @ranouvaquitaine Facebook: @academiebordeaux Instagram: @academie_bordeaux YouTube: Académie Bordeaux

Académie de Rennes Académie de Rennes

Official account of the Rennes Academy. Brittany academic region. National Education in Brittany. Official account of the Rennes Academy. Brittany academic region. National Education in #Bretagne. #Cotesdarmor #finistère #illeetvilaine #morbihan Education, higher education, youth and sport, education, training, school, college, high school, and university