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Agence du numérique en santé Agence du numérique en santé

The Digital Health Agency The agency of shared health information systems is a state agency under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, which aims to promote the development of information systems in the health field and the medico-social sector. ASIP Health aims to contribute to improving coordination and quality of care. A benchmark and unifying player in e-health, its missions extend from the design and deployment of health information systems, such as the personal medical file (DMP) or telemedicine projects, project management and the management of the healthcare professional (CPS). ASIP Health is also responsible for …

ANSM Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé ANSM Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé

For safe, efficient, innovative and accessible health products The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products is the public player who allows, on behalf of the State, access to health products in France and which ensures their safety throughout their life cycle. At the heart of the health system, we act at the service of patients and their safety. We promote access to innovative products via authorization procedures adapted to each stage of the life of the drug before and after its placing on the market. Through our assessments, our expertise and our surveillance policy, we make …

Haute Autorité de Santé Haute Autorité de Santé

Official page of the High Authority for Health (HAS), independent public authority of a scientific nature HAS is an independent public authority which aims to contribute to the regulation of the health system by quality. Its missions in the fields of the evaluation of health products, professional practices, organization of care and public health, aim to provide all patients and users with sustainable and equitable access to as effective, safe and efficient care as possible.

Santé publique France Santé publique France

Act for the health of all Anticipate, understand, act Public Health France is the center of reference and expertise in public health of the Ministry of Health. His skills in epidemiology, prevention, and in intervention with audiences, allow the agency to cover a wide field of activities, from knowledge to action. The agency's mission is to effectively protect the health of populations. Through epidemiological monitoring and monitoring, the agency anticipates and alerts. By mastering prevention and preparation for health emergency prevention, it supports the actors committed to public health. Anchored in the territories, it measures the state of health and …

ARS Normandie ARS Normandie

Act together for the health of the Normans! The regional health agency (ARS) in Normandy is responsible for piloting and implementing health policy in the region, in coordination with the various partners and taking into account the specificities of its territories. It is competent on all fields of health: the management of the policy of prevention, health monitoring and environmental health, the organization of care (city medicine and hospital), care in medico-social establishments (elderly, disabled or confronted with addictions). She is the interlocutor of health professionals, health and medico-social establishments, local communities and associations. Its organization is based on a …

Agence régionale de santé Hauts-de-France Agence régionale de santé Hauts-de-France

The third agency in France with regard to the population covered, ARS Hauts-de-France acts for the health of the 6 million inhabitants of the region. For this, it ensures two main missions: - Management of public health policy: watch and health security, environmental health, health prevention and promotion. - The organization, regulation and efficiency of care and care in the ambulatory, hospital and medico-social sectors.

Agence Régionale de Santé Occitanie (ARS) Agence Régionale de Santé Occitanie (ARS)

All mobilized for the health of 6 million people in Occitania The mission of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) is to implement health policy in the region. It declines the national policies of the Ministries of Health and Prevention, and it is competent in the field of health as a whole, prevention of care and medico-social support. Its organization is based on a regional health project drawn up in consultation with all professionals and users, for the sake of efficiency and transparency. For practical information on personal health problems, please contact your doctor or a medical institution. Health, prevention, health …

Agence Régionale de Santé Grand Est Agence Régionale de Santé Grand Est

Act for the health of all The Regional Health Agency is the interlocutor of health professionals and the medico -social sector, state services, local authorities, elected officials, managers, users and their representatives. It dialogue with all the territories and its actions are carried out while respecting the rights of users and in consultation with the bodies of health democracy. care offer, medico-social offer, public health, and health democracy

Agence régionale de santé Centre-Val de Loire Agence régionale de santé Centre-Val de Loire

Official account of the Regional Health Agency Center-Val de Loire. The Regional Health Agency defines and implements health policy in the region. It acts in the field of health as a whole: prevention and promotion of health, health and health safety, organization of the supply of ambulatory care and health establishments, organization of medico-social management. It has 350 agents spread over the 6 departments of the region. Linkedin page moderation charter The messages delivered on our LinkedIn page can sometimes be specific to certain populations (pregnant women, students, the elderly for example) but are not intended to deal with individual …

Agence régionale de santé - Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur ( ARS Paca ) Agence régionale de santé - Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur ( ARS Paca )

Together, for the health of tomorrow We are doctors, engineers, lawyers or cartographers, and many other specialists, to pilot health policies in the region. We act in partnership with the health players in our region so that everyone has access to quality care. Our missions? Financing prevention actions, managing the daily health risks related to the environment, preventing and responding to health crises or, supporting citizens in their life, care, health. **** ARS PACA is a public administrative establishment, under ministerial supervision, in charge of the definition, animation and monitoring of the regional health project. The agency defines, program and …

ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Agence régionale de Santé ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Agence régionale de Santé

ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine pilot and coordinates the health system in the regions: management of prevention and health promotion policies, health monitoring (health alerts) and environmental health, organization of care (city medicine and hospital), covered in medico-social establishments (elderly, disabled or persons confronted with addictions). It is the interlocutor of health professionals, health establishments and medico-social establishments, local authorities, associations and all health players in the region.

Agence régionale de santé Bretagne Agence régionale de santé Bretagne

Act together for the health of Bretons The regional Brittany health agency's mission is to implement health policy in the region. It declines the national policies of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health and is competent on the scope of health as a whole, prevention to care, medico-social support. Its organization is based on a health project developed in consultation with all user professionals, for the sake of efficiency and transparency.

Agence régionale de santé (ARS) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Agence régionale de santé (ARS) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Growing health! The Regional Health Agency is the sole contact for health and medico-social professionals, state services, local authorities and management organizations on all health subjects. It pilots and implements, in the region, the health policy defined at the national level by the ministry; It adapts it to the specificities of the region. It organizes and distributes hospital care activities in the region. It supports city health professionals in their installation. It develops with departmental councils, medico-social structures and services. It provides health and environmental security and prevents risky situations. All his actions are carried out with the concern of …

Agence Régionale de Santé Ile-de-France Agence Régionale de Santé Ile-de-France

Let's improve the health of Ile -de -France residents The regional health agency's mission is to implement health policy in the region. It is competent in the field of health in its entirety, of prevention to care, to medico-social support. Its organization is based on a health project developed in consultation with all professionals and users, with a concern for efficiency and transparency. Offer of care and medico-social, public health, and health democracy

Agence régionale de Santé Pays de la Loire Agence régionale de Santé Pays de la Loire

Open in 2010, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Pays de la Loire implements the regional health policy in coordination with partners. It is competent in the field of health in its entirety, of prevention to care, to medico-social support. Its organization is based on a health project developed in consultation with all professionals and users, with a concern for efficiency and transparency. To find out more about the ARS Pays de la Loire, go to its site The agency is also present on Twitter (@ars_pdl), Facebook (@arspaysdelaloire) and Youtube.

Ministère de la Santé Ministère de la Santé

Official account of the ministry responsible for health and access to care. The Ministry of Health and Access to Care prepares and implements government policy in the fields of public health, prevention and access to care. health, solidarity, public administration, poverty, care, and solidarity

Greenpeace Greenpeace

Global campaigning network with 25 independent national/regional entities, and a coordinating entity, GP International. Greenpeace is comprised of 25 independent national/regional organisations in over 55 countries across Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, as well as a co-ordinating body, Greenpeace International. We work directly with communities on the frontlines as they protect the environments they call home. Greenpeace is an equal opportunity employer with a longstanding commitment of providing a work environment that respects the dignity and worth of each individual. We recognise and value the benefits and strengths that diversity brings to our employees and the whole …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank


The clean energy of tomorrow CEZ Group is a powerful energy concern operating in a number of countries of Central and Southeast Europe and Turkey, which is centrally controlled from the Czech Republic. The main subject of the concern is the production, distribution, trade and sales in the field of electricity and heat, trade and sales in the area of ​​natural gas and coal mining. In its strategy, the CEZ Group responds to new trends in the energy sector. It enters new areas of business and offers customers innovative products and services tailored to their needs. The group employs more …

Sectors: Energy


KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We have 273,000 outstanding professionals working together to deliver value in 143 countries and territories. With a worldwide presence, KPMG continues to build on our successes thanks to clear vision, defined values and, above all, our people. Our industry focus helps KPMG firms’ professionals develop a rich understanding of clients'​ businesses and the insight, skills and resources required to address industry-specific issues and opportunities. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm …

Sectors: Consulting, audit

Belastingdienst Belastingdienst

Ensure that the Netherlands continues to run. We do that. The organization consists of various parts, including the Tax Authorities, Customs, Surcharges, FIOD and some facility organizations. With more than 30,000 employees, we work in offices that are spread throughout the country. We collect, collect and check taxes together. In addition, we also take care of payment of allowances. And we are responsible for customs tasks and tracing fraud. The Tax and Customs Administration is an organization that is employed by society 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Where millions of declarations are handled annually, and where hundreds …

Sectors: National and local authorities


Sectors: Health

Impact Track Impact Track

Measure, manage and communicate your impact Impact Track is a digital platform that allows investors and entrepreneurs measure, manage and communicate social and environmental impact. Social impact measurement, Social investment, Social entrepreneurship, Impact investing, Consulting services, Mesure d'impact social et environnemental, Valorisation d'impact social, Conseil en stratégie d'impact, and Gestion d'impact

CCI France CCI France

CCI France est la tête de réseau des Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie. CCI France is the national public body that federates the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI). CCI France represents 2,000,000 French private companies. CCI France is the intermediary between all CCIs and French and European public authorities, international organisations and large public or private partners. CCI France is also represented in Brussels by its European Affairs Department. CCI France's task is to provide guidance, support and advice to the chambers within their spheres of activity : economic watch and intelligence, company development, territorial and infrastructural development, …

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

Therese Lemarchand Therese Lemarchand


Accelerator of the digital transformation of industrial sectors Accelerator of the digital and ecological transformation of industrial sectors. As an interfiliate organization, our mission is to work on cross fertilization, for an industry that is both competitive and responsible. We put digital technology at the service of the competitiveness of industrial companies, and the ecological and energy transition of industry. Research & amp; Development, digital standard, and industry



Better Ways Led by Rodolphe Saadé, the CMA CGM Group is a global player in sea, land, air, and logistics solutions. CMA CGM is also diversifying into the media sector. As the third-largest global container shipping company in terms of capacity, CMA CGM serves over 400 ports across five continents, supported by a fleet of more than 650 vessels. Through its subsidiary, CEVA Logistics, the Group is one of the top five global logistics players, managing over 11 million square meters of warehouse space worldwide. CMA Media, a subsidiary of CMA CGM and the third-largest private media group in France, …


The CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission ("Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives"​). It is a public body established in October 1945 by General de Gaulle. A leader in research, development and innovation, the CEA mission statement has two main objectives: To become the leading technological research organization in Europe and to ensure that the nuclear deterrent remains effective in the future. The CEA is active in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. In each of these fields, the CEA maintains a cross-disciplinary culture of engineers and …

Sectors: Research

Infopro Digital Infopro Digital

Infopro Digital is a leading player in the business-to-business information and services with 4,000 employees and over 100 brands covering Risk & Insurance, Automotive aftermarket, Construction, Retail, Industry and the Public Sector. The Group offers its customers and clients multi-media products and solutions. Software, tradeshows, databases, digital solutions, lead generation, analysis & insight, events and training helps customers and clients to: • Improve their efficiency and productivity • Make informed decisions faster with better insights on a daily basis • Grow revenue by generating new business and sales opportunities information professionnelle, salons, événements, éditeur de logiciels, Data, technologies, B2B, marketplaces, …

Sectors: IT services

PEXE - Les éco-entreprises de France PEXE - Les éco-entreprises de France

The French SME and ETI sector of the environment and energy For more than 20 years, the PEXE association and its members (professional federations, competitiveness clusters, clusters) have been working on the structuring and development of the French Eco-Breakfast sector. The PEXE association is aimed at the development of employment in eco-activity, by activating three levers: 1 - Promotion of the sector 2 - Structuring in networks 3 - The development of eco -enterprises The PEXE implements actions with concrete results, facilitates exchanges between members and public actors, and thus acts as a real transmission belt in favor of eco-PMEs, …


Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry In the Grand Est, the CCI network revolves around the Grand Est Region CCI which brings CCI Alsace Eurometropolis, Ardennes, Grand Nancy Metropolis, Marne in Champagne, Meuse Haute-Marne, Moselle Metropole, Troyes and Dawn, Vosges. The Grand Est CCIs represent 180,200 industrial, commercial and service companies. They deploy their actions by relying on a proximity network and an unparalleled territorial presence. Thanks to their elected entrepreneurs and their expert advisers, the CCIs of the Grand is benefit from unique expertise in the knowledge of businesses and in the economic development of the territories.

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

Digital Pharma Lab Digital Pharma Lab

Leader in digital innovation in the health ecosystem We are leading the digital innovation in healthcare. ‍Our Mission is to unit healthcare professionals, manufacturers, startups and institutions Around Digital Innovation and Collective Intelligence. Our Approach, Unique in Europe, Allows All the Players in the Healthcare Ecosystem to Undertake, Innovate, Evolve and Participate Every Day in Building the Healthcare of Tomorrow. Together, Beyond the Limits 🚀 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Pioneer of digital innovation in the health ecosystem, we are a consulting firm dedicated to digital health and the transformation of the health sector thanks to collaboration and collective intelligence. Since 2017, we …

Sectors: Health Pharmaceutical

Global Global

Making everyone’s day brighter The UK and Europe’s largest Radio & Outdoor company, Global is home to respected, national market-leading media brands broadcasting across the UK on DAB & FM and around the world on Global Player, including Heart, Capital, LBC, Capital XTRA, Capital Dance, Classic FM, Smooth, Radio X and Gold Radio. Global Player allows listeners to enjoy all of Global’s radio brands, award-winning podcasts, and expertly curated playlists, in one place in app, on web and on smart speakers. Global is also one of the leading Outdoor companies in both the UK & Europe, with over 253,000 sites …

Sectors: Automobile

StartUp Hub Poland StartUp Hub Poland

We develop the high-tech innovation ecosystem of CEE with Poland at the center. StartUp Hub Poland (2012) is a Warsaw base organization which mission is: - to build an innovation hub for Central-Eastern Europe in Poland - to create regionaly-based high-tech brands that win global-markets - to support promising commercialize research, scientific prototypes & support R&D - to meet early-stage high-tech start-ups with leading VC funds - create and enhance the image of innovative Poland, hospitable for newest ideas and commerce SHP hosts, guides and pre-incubates innovative startups from Poland and abroad start-ups business development, science & tech. commercialization, …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

International Water Association International Water Association

Inspiring Change The International Water Association (IWA) is a global organization that works with an interdisciplinary network of water professionals and partners to create a water wise world. Our experts collaborate and combine their knowledge to spread practical know-how throughout the entire water cycle to help us reduce, reuse, and replenish water resources. IWA is the global reference point for water professionals working in all aspects of the water cycle. Our network of around 10,000 members, and over 500 companies worldwide enables us to help water professionals deliver innovative, pragmatic and sustainable solutions to challenging global needs. Drawing on the …

Groupe Polylogis Groupe Polylogis

Global housing operator in France. The Polylogis group, a global housing operator, is organized to meet with relevance to the needs of communities and its tenant customers. Manager of a heritage of more than 146,000 dwellings and present in nearly 500 municipalities, the Polylogis group brings together through its subsidiaries, all the skills necessary to develop the city, design and renew its districts in all their residential dimensions. The diversity of our professions: - Social housing - Specific and inclusive residences - ownership - Development - Management of condominiums and administration of goods Our 5 major challenges: - Customer orientation …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

Est Métropole Habitat Est Métropole Habitat

Acting! Is Métropole Habitat is a public housing office attached to the Metropolis of Lyon. We manage and build social, family and students housing. Our heritage (nearly 17,500 dwellings) is located mainly in the east of the metropolis. We are a committed player in city policy and the inhabitants present in our heritage are at the center of our attention. The question of climate and the environment is also a strong axis of our strategic project. We are 350 employees. Our head office is located in Villeurbanne and we have 3 agencies (Villeurbanne, Saint-Priest and Vaulx-en-Velin) Our employees are at …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing


Les experts du numérique Créé 1977, l’IDATE est un cabinet de conseil indépendant expert du numérique. Nos consultants vous accompagnent sur des centaines de missions de conseil et des services de veille des marchés. Consulting, Research, Forecasts, Benchmark, Future Networks, Telecom Strategies, Media Strategies, and Smart Living

Efficacity Efficacity

Research Institute & Amp; Development for the energy transition & amp; Ecological city. Since its creation in 2014, the raison d'être of efficiency has been to provide field players with new tools, methods and operational solutions that will allow them to quickly improve the energy and carbon performance of cities. Find us on HR platform "Welcome to the jungle":

Egis Egis

Egis is an international player active in the consulting, construction engineering and mobility service sectors. We design and operate intelligent infrastructure and buildings capable of responding to the climate emergency and helping to achieve more balanced, sustainable and resilient territorial development. With operations in 120 countries, Egis places the expertise of its 19,500 employees at the disposal of its clients and develops cutting-edge innovation accessible to all projects. Improving people’s quality of life and supporting communities in their social and economic development, whilst drastically reducing carbon emissions and achieving vital 2050 net zero targets, that’s our purpose. Egis shareholders consist …

Sectors: Environment

KissKissBankBank KissKissBankBank

The idea is to get started! KisskissBankBank is the crowdfunding platform that supports you in creating your projects. We support your good positive impact ideas on society and we Let's help freeing your creativity to rethink the world. Dare the adventure on Kisskiss! Company contact details: Headquarters: 34, rue de Paradis 75010 Paris Email address: Registration number as an intermediary in crowdfunding to the ORIAS: 14007218 crowdfunding, innovation, creation, entrepreneurship, crowdfunding, environment, independent culture, and inclusion

Sectors: Finance

Elaia Elaia

European venture capital firm focused on digital & deep tech startups, from early stage to growth development. European venture capital firm focused on digital and deep tech startups, from early stage to growth development. We back tech disruptors – such as Mirakl, Criteo, Ornikar, Shift Technologies and Aqemia. Learn more:

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Arkéa Capital Arkéa Capital

Invest & amp; Invest Arkéa Capital is a major and historic player in investment capital in France. For over 40 years, Arkéa Capital has supported the daring visions of entrepreneurs and managers at each stage of the life of their business. Composed of a team of 60 experienced professionals, Arkéa Capital benefits from a strong territorial anchoring and proximity to the leaders, through its 7 offices located in Brest, Nantes, Paris, Rennes, Bordeaux, Strasbourg and Lyon. With more than one 1.3 billion euros under management, Arkéa Capital supports growth, in the long term, of a hundred companies, startups, SMEs and …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Hexa Hexa

Startup studio empowering founders to build exceptional companies in AI, health, B2B SaaS, fintech, and more. Hexa is a startup studio. It all started in 2011 with startup studio eFounders, which pioneered a new way of entrepreneurship, became a reference in the B2B SaaS world, and launched over 50 companies including 3 unicorns (Front, Aircall, Spendesk). In 2022, eFounders became Hexa, to scale our ambitions further and launch startups in new verticals: AI, web3, fintech, future of work, health. With Hexa, we’re on a mission to democratize a new way for entrepreneurship, one centered around building companies in teams. 📈 …


Union nationale des coopératives agricoles françaises 🇫🇷👨‍🌾 With nearly 80% of its 9,200 employees working outside France and sites in 31 countries, InVivo is without doubt one of the most international groups in the agricultural and agri-food sector. Brazil and Mexico in Latin America, Vietnam and Indonesia in Asia, are among the group’s strongholds on these two continents. agriculture, jardineries, semences, distribution alimentaire, nutrition et santé animales, animal nutrition & health, international grain trading, seeds, Vin, agroécologie, agriculture de précision, food, innovation, intrapreneuriat, Digital, Transformation Numérique, agroalimentaire, digital, agtech, agriloving, cooperative, and ferme france


INRAE, National Institute for Research for Agriculture, Food and the Environment Inrae, the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, is a major player in research and innovation created on January 1, 2020. Finalized research institute resulting from the merger between the Inra and Irstea, Inrae brings together a community of 12,000 people, with just over 200 research units and around forty experimental units located in 18 centers throughout France. The Institute is positioned among the very first world leaders in agricultural and food sciences, in plants of plants and animals, and ranks 11th in ecology-environment. Inrae aims …

Sectors: Research


Together, beyond animal health. Ceva Santé Animale (Ceva) is the 5th global animal health company, led by experienced veterinarians, whose mission is to provide innovative health solutions for all animals to ensure the highest level of care and well-being. Our portfolio includes preventive medicine such as vaccines and animal welfare products, pharmaceutical solutions for farm and companion animals, as well as equipment and services to provide the best experience for our customers. With more than 7,000 employees located in 47 countries, Ceva strives daily to bring to life its vision as a One Health company: “Together, beyond animal health”. Our …

Sectors: Animal Health Pharmaceutical


Certified company B Corp. About Truffaut: Truffaut marks the history of plants with two centuries of passion for nature. Truffaut wishes to strengthen his role as key actor to support and promote connection to nature as a factor in improving well-being, health, education, ecology, life as a whole. Truffaut creates and innovates constantly to share the pleasure of the garden and plants. Committed to the preservation of the environment, Truffaut carries out many actions to educate good gestures and support sustainable initiatives. Plant expert, Truffaut is also illustrated in the worlds of the house and pets with a diversified offer …

Sectors: Consumer Goods Environment

Virbac Virbac

Focusing on animal health, from the beginning At Virbac, we provide innovative solutions to veterinarians, farmers and animal owners in more than 100 countries around the world. Covering more than 50 species, our range of products and services enables to diagnose, prevent and treat the majority of pathologies. Every day, we are committed to improving animals’ quality of life and to shaping together the future of animal health. - 1,247 M€ sales (+4.9% at constant exchange rates and scope compared to 2022) - 59% of Virbac’s sales 2023 come from companion animal sector and 41% from farm animals sector - …

Sectors: Animal Health

ESA, L'Ecole supérieure des agricultures ESA, L'Ecole supérieure des agricultures

Higher education & amp; research in #Agronomy #environnement #AliMmentation Located in Angers since 1898 and today in Paris, ESA is the school of transitions: agronomics, food, environmental and digital. ESA is a higher education and research establishment of international dimension. Each year it trains 3,200 students each year: engineer, BTS, bachelor, license, master and doctorate. #A varied offer of training courses: Around the engineering school, ESA has developed a palette of around fifty training courses for young people and adults, from bac to bac+ 5 level, distributed in 7 areas: • Vegetable productions • Animal productions • Agri -food • …

Royal Canin Royal Canin

We create tailored nutrition that helps cats and dogs live healthy lives. The Royal Canin company, owner of the ROYAL CANIN® brand, is a division of Mars Petcare and the global leader in Health Through Nutrition for cats and dogs. Founded in 1968 by French veterinarian Dr. Jean Cathary, Royal Canin has been continually working and partnering with veterinarians, nutritionists, breeders, and other pet professionals around the world to improve pet health and well-being. Based in Aimargues, in the south of France, we are proudly operating in more than 100 markets with 8,500 Associates all over the globe united by …

Le Retour du Vivant Le Retour du Vivant

A project of nature for each territory! The return of the lifetime Project management assistant, environment, green heritage, landscape, sustainable management, and SDE subsidies files

Sectors: National and local authorities

Paris Fintech Forum (Alteir Event) Paris Fintech Forum (Alteir Event)

The Most Exclusive European Event On Digital Finance At Fintech Time In five editions, from 2016 to 2020, the Paris Fintech Forum has become the Davos of digital finance and Fintech. The 2020 edition was one of superlatives with nearly 330 CEOs on stage, from banks, regulatory insurers and Fintechs from all over the world, nearly 3,000 participants from 75 countries, the vast majority of whom were CEOs, CxOs, founders and directors, 700+ Fintech CEOs on stage or in the venue, and over 200 partners. Break the codes of events, be present throughout the year by your side, lead sessions …

Sectors: Trade show

Communauté d'Agglomération de Béthune-Bruay, Artois Lys Romane Communauté d'Agglomération de Béthune-Bruay, Artois Lys Romane

The Béthune-Bruay agglomeration community, Artois Lys Romane is a public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation. This structure was set up on January 1, 2017 following the merger between Artois Lys, Artois Flandre and Artois Comm. It brings together 100 municipalities with nearly 281,860 inhabitants in a territory of 647.2 km2 both rural and urban, large cities and villages. Thanks to intercommunality, the municipalities pool their means to improve the daily lives of citizens, by providing them with services that they could not have obtained alone. She exercises major skills: In terms of development of the territory: economic development, environmental protection, tourism …

Socialter Socialter

Critique radicale et alternatives. Magazine bimestriel en kiosques, librairies et sur abonnement. Socialter is a print and digital magazine showcasing businesses, changemakers and technologies that have a positive impact on the world. Launched in October 2013, this media provides a new vision of the economy focused on change. It aims to be the voice of a new generation of actors who put their ingenuity to the public interest. With three goals, to inform, inspire and mobilize a large audience Socialter is published every two months throughout France and available on subscription. Site: Twitter @socialter Magazine, Entrepreneuriat social, Technology, …


A media to change the time. A review, a site, a community to change the time What if the crisis was the opportunity to reinvent the models of the 20th century? Since 2012, we tomorrow has been watching for technological, economic, energetic, medical, food and artistic initiatives that change the world. And give the individual a little more at the heart of the system every day. With the support of a network of journalists, experts, scientists and entrepreneurs, We Tomorrow asserts itself as the marker of a change of time as complex as it is enthusiastic. In just over ten …

France Stratégie / Services du Premier ministre France Stratégie / Services du Premier ministre

Evaluate - Anticipate - Debate - Propose France Strategy's mission is to inform collective choices. Its action is based on four professions: assessing public policies; Anticipate changes to come in economic, societal or technical fields; Debate with French and international experts and actors; Propose recommendations to national, territorial and European public authorities. To enrich its analyzes and refine its France Strategy proposals endeavors to dialogue with the social partners and civil society. France Strategy relies on transversality by facilitating a network of eight organizations with specialized skills. Economy - Finance, Sustainable Development, Social Questions, Work - Employment, Debate, Anticipate, propose, …

Food Hotel Tech Food Hotel Tech

Salon des innovations #Tech #Digitala #Smarthotel dedicated to hotel and catering Food Hotel Tech, the first fair in France dedicated to innovations #Tech #Digitala #eco -responsible 100% hotel - Restoration Next edition: the 19 & amp; March 20, 2025 in Paris, Porte de Versailles, Hall 7.1 A revolution: the profession of hotel and restaurant is upset by digitalization. CA, margins, customer relations, experience in the place of sale ... The impact is everywhere! Our mission: allow the CHR to decode, tame and take advantage of the impact of new technologies

Sectors: Hospitality

SIAL Paris SIAL Paris

Inspire Food Business & Own The Change! 🍋 Next edition: October 17-21, 2026 The International Food Exhibition in Paris is the largest professional meeting of the world's food sector. 285,000 professionals from 205 countries will join the 2026 fair. 7,500 exposants from 130 countries will present their products. SIAL Paris is a source of inspiration for its ability to reveal the trends of tomorrow. SIAL Paris will take place from 17th to 21th October 2026 at Paris Nord Nord Villepinte. To learn more about SIAL network tradeshows in the world:


The best of Big Data & amp; From AI to France! Go to #Bdaip24 the 15 & amp; October 16, 2024! Big data & amp; AI Paris (October 15 - 16, 2024) is the European Big Data and Artificial Intelligence reference event. It is a unique ecosystem where the French Big Data and IA cream is found every year around a sharp, iconic and powerful programming mixing exceptional talks, sharing of recovery of concrete experiences and without wooden languages, decisive encounters And an unprecedented compilation of the most influential and creative technologies of the moment! In face -to -face at …


THE INNOVATIVE LIFESTYLE RENDEZ-VOUS 🔥 The Fair: 4-8 SEPTEMBER 2025 ✨ M.O.M. digital platform all year round 🛍️ WHAT IS MAISON&OBJET? Here to serve professionals from the decoration, design and lifestyle sector, our mission is to help you make connections and find inspiration whilst boosting your development throughout the year. Our passionate teams are committed to offering support and guidance every step of the way. - Facilitate valuable connections in both the physical and digital worlds. - Mobilise the relevant expertise to help you decipher trends. - Reveal creativity and promote design during our events or across all our media …

Première Vision Première Vision

THE GLOBAL EVENTS FOR FASHION PROFESSIONALS THE GLOBAL EVENTS FOR FASHION PROFESSIONALS For over 40 years, Première Vision has been the source of inspiration and creation. Nourish, inspire, decipher trends for fashion professionals. We are a creator of encounters and business opportunities, historically via our shows, for all the players in the industry – designers, stylists, managers... – who come here to create and design their future collections. Textile industry, Fashion information, Yarns, Fabrics, Leather, Designs, Accessories, Manufacturing, Denim, and Evènementiel

MiXiT conference MiXiT conference

La conférence avec des crêpes 🧇 et du cœur 🧡 Development, Agility, Innovation, DevOps, Lean Startup. Ideas for now! We are passionate and love our amazing jobs: we are the web and software builders, who come up with the ideas, build them, and push them live. Are you looking for inspiration, good practices and new tools? You’ll find them at Mix-IT! But more than anything else, you will be able meet and share with other passionate people. Development, Innovation, Agile, and Design

E-Marketing Paris E-Marketing Paris

Le salon des professionnels du marketing digital Le salon des professionnels du marketing digital, les 29. 30 & 31 mars 2022 à Paris Porte de Versailles, hall 4. réseaux sociaux, growth hacking, brand content, big data, IOT, conférences, marketing, marketing digital, salon, inbound marketing, and web marketing

Siec - Salon de l’Immobilier des Espaces Commerciaux Siec - Salon de l’Immobilier des Espaces Commerciaux

See you 11 & amp; June 12, 2025 in Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, pavilion 6! #Siec Retail and commercial real estate fair Under the aegis of the CNCC, the National Council of Commercial Centers, and at the heart of the largest European business district, the SIEC12 is the essential annual Business event for French and European industry leaders.

Sectors: Real Estate

MIF Expo - Le Salon du Made in France MIF Expo - Le Salon du Made in France

Let's promote use, preserve the environment, consume Mif! Free invitation to download on In 12 years, MIF Expo - The Made in France fair has become the annual meeting of professionals and consumers who wish to buy products made in France. More than 1000 exhibitors sell their tricolor products at the MIF Exo. All sectors of industry, innovation and crafts are present at the show. Open to the general public, professionals as well as journalists, the 13th edition of the show will take place from November 6 to 9, 2025 within the Parc des Expositions Paris-Porte de Versailles (Hall …

Speed Your Business Speed Your Business

Matins of workshops in Hauts-de-France and Normandy to explore the potential of AI together! Not to be missed! See you on Tuesday September 24, 2024 in Euratechnologies, Lille, for the second edition of Speed ​​Your Business. Prepare for a unique experience that will boost your business. More details soon!

Ecommerce Connect Ecommerce Connect

The E-Commerce Performance event CONNECT ECOMERCE is the Parisian meeting! Organized twice a year, it allows you to leave with tips, good ideas and new relationships that will allow you to improve your e-commerce performance. Next dates: - April 29 - Hoche lounges - Paris - October 15 - Chateauform 'Monceau Velasquez - Paris

Foire de Paris Foire de Paris

From April 30 to May 11, 2025- Paris Expo Porte de Versailles To be inspired or realized your home projects, discover and test everyday innovations, taste flavors from here or elsewhere, Paris Fair is the Spring Shopping Rendez-vous in France! For 12 days, more than 1,250 exhibitors are gathering in the first French fair to advise and support in their projects the 400,000 visitors, supporting demonstrations! All in a festive and friendly atmosphere, thanks to the many concerts, parades, workshops, children's entertainment ... Habitat, gastronomy, shopping, innovation, innovation grand prize, furnishings & amp; Decoration, Electromeland, High-Tech, Kitchen, Bathroom, Construction & …

Go Entrepreneurs Go Entrepreneurs

Go entrepreneurs, the appointment to create and develop your business! 🚀 Go entrepreneurs, the appointment to create and develop your business! 🚀 Event, entrepreneur, startup, CEO, VSE, SME, and manager

La Place Fintech | DeFi La Place Fintech | DeFi

Meeting place for actors in innovation in finance and web 3.0 Located in the heart of the Palais Brongniart, Place Fintech is an open and collaborative place where actors of innovation in bank, finance and insurance (startups, investors, large accounts, etc.) meet each week. On the program, animations intended to make room Fintech a friendly and lively place where new relationships are formed: afterworks, conferences, round tables, lunches between experts, etc. Each time, the key word is the exchange, whether it is a question of debating or consolidating its network, around the three axes: Create (Workshops), Share (feedback) and Connect …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Collective of social enterprises #ESS at the service of #transition #digital inclusive territories Grouping of social enterprises at the service of the inclusive digital transition of territories: digital thirds, training in the trades of tomorrow, design of public policies, support for actors. Social innovation, digital culture, pedagogy, third places, and commons


School of Engineers, Research and Innovation Center - Labeled #HRS4R - Component of PSL University The ESPCI Paris - PSL (Higher School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry of the City of Paris) is a general engineering school which has formed, since 1882, rupture engineers, adaptable and creative, endowed with a solid theoretical baggage And experimental, aware of the challenges of society. It is integrated into a research center recognized internationally in physics, chemistry and biology (500 publications per year). It is known for its ability to transform knowledge from fundamental research into rupture innovations (2 patents per month, 3 start-ups …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Keyrus Keyrus

Keyrus: Unlocking the Full Potential of Data with a Human-Centric Approach As an international player in consulting and technology, Keyrus is committed to making sense of data by revealing its full potential, particularly from a human perspective. Our value proposition is built on diverse service groups: Automation & Artificial Intelligence: We provide our clients with the tools to enhance productivity and accuracy across their processes, allowing them to focus on higher-value work. Human-Centered Digital Experience: Customer relationships and employee engagement are two of the biggest contributors to business success. We help companies design and create seamless, multimodal digital experiences to …

Sectors: IT services

B Lab B Lab

Leading the #BCorp movement and transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. B Lab is transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. A leader in economic systems change, our global network creates standards, policies, and tools for business, and we certify companies — known as B Corps — who are leading the way. To date, our community includes over 9,000 Certified B Corps positively impacting more than 900,000 workers in 105 countries and 160 industries, and more than 300,000 companies that manage their impact with our B Impact Assessment and …

Yamaha Motor Europe N.V. Yamaha Motor Europe N.V.

Yamaha Motor Europe official account #RevsYourHeart As the “Kando* creating company” our mission has been and will always be to offer new excitement and a more fulfilling life with innovative products and services all around the world, that not only touch people’s lives but also their hearts. Empowered by a passion for innovation, Yamaha always strives to create exceptional value and experiences that enrich the lives of our customers. We want to move people not only physically but also into a more positive state of mind. To express this in a few words: Yamaha #RevsYourHeart. Yamaha Motor Europe N.V. (YME) …


BUILDING BICYCLES SINCE 1972 Merida Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Yuanlin, Taiwan. The company was founded in 1972 by Ike Tseng (1932-2012) and started to produce its first bikes on July 10th, 1973. By now Merida is well known for its German engineered high quality bikes both off- and on-road as well as in terms of leisure and urban biking. There are two more production locations in Shenzhen and Shandong (PRC). This is the offcial company page, guided by the marketing department located in Germany. Expect nothing less than the ultimate ride from your favorite bicycle brand – engineered …

Scott Sports SA Scott Sports SA

#NOSHORTCUTS SCOTT Sports is a leader in the development, manufacturing, sales and marketing of high end performance products intended for biking, wintersport, motosport and running. Innovation, technology and design are the essence of SCOTT products and the vision of our engineers and designers. sporting goods, sports technology, design, and innovation

Harley-Davidson Motor Company Harley-Davidson Motor Company

More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul. In 1903, out of a small shed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, four young men lit a cultural wildfire that would grow and spread across geographies and generations. Their innovation and imagination for what was possible on two wheels sparked a transportation revolution and lifestyle that would make Harley-Davidson the most desirable motorcycle brand in the world. • Our Mission: More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul. • Our Vision: Building our legend and leading our industry …

Energica Motor Company Energica Motor Company

#MyElectric Energica Motor Company headquartered in Modena, Italian Motor Valley, is the sustainable subsidiary of CRP Group – a pioneer in the world of International motorsport. Energica Motor Company creates a line of premium electric motorcycle for the everyday rider. Energica Ego, the first model, represents the first Italian electric superbike. It can reach a top speed of 240 km/h and has been developed with F1 technology and the advanced 3D printing Windform materials. Top of the line racing components, Energica Ego is equipped with a synchronous electric motor with permanent magnets, oil cooled and 100 kW of power which …

Trek Bicycle Trek Bicycle

Ride bikes. Have fun. Feel good. Trek is a place where you’re valued for being you. If you’re really into bikes, that’s great. If you’re not (yet), that’s great too. Because there’s a lot more to Trek than bikes. Every person has a unique history and life experience to bring to the table. We respect that. It’s what makes us who we are. At Trek, there's only one standard you have to meet - love. Learn more of why Trek is a Great Place to Work: Product Development, Design, Engineering, Cycling, Human Resources, Marketing, Communication, Finance, Mountain Bikes, Manufacturing, …


Driven by the new A top-class mixture was created in the tank of KTM Technologies: The lightweight construction and sustainability know-how to develop efficient and at the same time reliable and safe solutions. Enriched with the deep understanding of the entire vehicle, coupled with the foresight for series production. And last but not least the spirit, the pioneering spirit that fires the team to discover and take new paths. This fuel allows our partners to conquer new territory, from the one-liter car to the fully autonomous electric vehicle. Over the years, our team of specialists has grown into a large, …

Pedego Electric Bikes Pedego Electric Bikes

People first. Fun always! Pedego® Electric Bikes is the Number 1 electric bike brand in the United States, according to Navigant Research. Sold at more than 200 Pedego-branded stores and hundreds of independent electric bike dealers worldwide, Pedego electric bikes have 250- to 500-watt motors that empower riders to conquer hills and breeze through headwinds, cruising distances up to 60 miles on a single battery charge. The twist-and-go throttle gives riders instant manual control over their speeds while Pedal Assist automatically adds power to their pedaling. Available in hundreds of color combinations, Pedego’s high-quality, innovative “pedal or not” models include …

Sectors: bike manufacturer


HERO Electric is a pioneer and market leader in the Indian Electric Two- Wheeler Industry which provides Eco-friendly and Cost-effective mode of personalized transportation with its diverse range of Electric Two-Wheelers. HERO Electric offers a wide range of High Range and High Speed Electric Two-Wheelers manufactured in its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility at Ludhiana and has a widespread network of Exclusive Sales and Service outlets across the country. Being a pioneer, HERO Electric has a number of first only initiatives to its credit like: - The only Electric Vehicles Manufacturer in India to launch the unique concept of “Charging Stations” for …

Sectors: scooter manufacturing

NIU Technologies NIU Technologies

Leading smart urban mobility whilst bringing you recent news in the world of sustainability and zero-emissions energy. NIU's mission is to redefine urban mobility and make life better. We currently design, manufacture and sell high-performance smart e-scooters. We are constantly pushing boundaries as to what customers can expect out of the world's #1 smart electric scooter: all powered by our very own Niu EnergyTM In just three short years, NIU has gone from a single product launch, to a truly global brand with more than 1200 points of sale across Europe, Asia, South America and North America. Our scooters have …

Sectors: scooter manufacturing

Yadea Yadea

To create a new generation of green travel lifestyle and lead the electric two-wheeled vehicle industry development. Yadea (01585.HK) is the world's leading electric two-wheeler brand, with the product ranges mainly covering high-performance electric motorcycles, electric mopeds, electric bicycles, and electric kick scooters. Yadea has provided the best products and services to 80 million users and built a network of 40,000+ retailers worldwide. With the slogan "Electrify Your Life", Yadea will continue focusing on green technology innovation to deliver superior electric mobility solutions, creating a new generation that's identified by a low-carbon lifestyle and bringing a wonderful journey and ultimate …

Sectors: scooter manufacturing

Sunra Italia Sunra Italia

Welcome to the new era of sustainable mobility. Sunra EV Italia: RIDE ELECTRIC Sunra EV Italia is the distributor of Sunra Global, the Chinese company specialized in the production of electric scooters. Founded to meet the growing demand for ecological means of transport in the Italian market, Sunra Italia is committed to offering high-quality products and efficient assistance service. scooter, electric vehicle, and trasporti elettriche

Sectors: scooter manufacturing

Asociación Salud Digital Asociación Salud Digital

Join the Digital Transformation of Health We are a non-profit professional association that aims to be a plural meeting place in what refers to Digital Health. Our objective is to share and generate spaces for debate on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the field of Medicine and Health. We also exchange experiences and knowledge with other associations, collaborate with regulatory bodies on the use of ICT in the field of Medicine and health and promote training. digital health and ehealth

Sectors: Health Startup accelerator & VC

EY Pythagoras EY Pythagoras

This page is no longer being updated. We are now EY Pythagoras. Follow the EY LinkedIn page here: to keep up to date with our news, events and technical consulting offerings. CRM, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy, training, support, SharePoint, SharePoint Consultancy, training, support, Office 365, Office 365 Consultancy, training, support, Yammer, Power BI, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Azure, Power Apps, and Power Platform

Meta Meta

Meta's mission is to build the future of human connection and the technology that makes it possible. Our technologies help people connect, find communities, and grow businesses. When Facebook launched in 2004, it changed the way people connect. Apps like Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp further empowered billions around the world. Now, Meta is moving beyond 2D screens toward immersive experiences like augmented and virtual reality to help build the next evolution in social technology. To help create a safe and respectful online space, we encourage constructive conversations on this page. Please note the following: • Start with an open mind. …


GRDF, main gas distributor in France GRDF is the main operator of the natural gas distribution network in France. Our job is to design, build, exploit, maintain and develop this network. These infrastructure measures almost 200,000 km and are the longest network of natural gas in Europe: 5 times the turn of the Earth. This network, a key element of the energy transition, also meets the need for development of biomethane, vehicle natural gas and Power-to-Gas. Our 12,000 employees work in 9,500 municipalities to allow 11 million households and companies in France to benefit from access to our network. They …

Sectors: Energy

YouFirst YouFirst

Share unique experiences in our lasting places of life Work, study, exchange ... With YouFirst, share unique experiences in our lasting places of life. Whether in the office, at home, or on your campus ... We welcome you and we offer services that constantly adapt to your needs: #Youfirstbureau: offices that promote the well-being of your employees #Youfirsrestres: Housing in Paris and Île-de-France thought to adapt to your pace of life #Youfirstcampus: Ideal comfort of life in the heart of major French cities to support you in the success of your studies.

Sectors: Real Estate

Accor Accor

We are Accor We are more than 290,000 hospitality experts placing people at the heart of what we do, creating emotion for our guests, and nurturing passion for service and achievement beyond limits. Building on the strength of our teams and of our fully integrated ecosystem of leading brands, personalized services & expert solutions, we break new ground to reimagine hospitality and inspire new ways to experience the world. We are dedicated to suit all desires and needs, and reinvent the guest experience every day with our 45 hotel brands across all segments- 5,600 properties around the world from luxury …

Sectors: Hospitality

Gustave Roussy Gustave Roussy

Prevention / Care / Research / Teaching, serving patients with #Cancer. Gustave Roussy, the 1st cancer fighting center in France and Europe, in the top 5 cancer hospitals, constitutes a global center of expertise against cancer, at the service of patients. It brings together 4,000 professionals whose missions are prevention, care, research and education on two sites: in Villejuif and Chevilly-Larue (Grand Paris). A private establishment of collective interest, Gustave Roussy is empowered to receive donations and legacies. Cancerology, care, research, and teaching

Sectors: Health

La Journée nationale du commerce de proximité La Journée nationale du commerce de proximité

The JNCP "National Local Trade Day": a communication action at the service of economic actors Very anchored in the territories, the national day of local trade, crafts and downtown (#JNCP) has become an essential annual meeting each 2nd Saturday in October. It is considered today as the first national operation in terms of committed cities and traders. 📍650 participating towns and villages 📍38 departments 📍16,000 merchants and craftsmen committed 📍6 million affected customers 📍360 commercial unions 📍35 CCI and CMA ➥ Unique initiative in Europe, the JNCP promotes the economic, societal and environmental values ​​of trade in the city. The …

La Ruche®️ La Ruche®️

Form, supports, advises, supports, offers a space to achieve you everywhere in France #unimpactPOSTIVENOCMUN La Ruche®️ form, supports, advises, supports, offers a space to make you everywhere in France! #NIMPACTPOSTIVENOCMUN FSE COFINANCE Promotion actions for sustainable entrepreneurship, inclusion and gender equality of the hive® on French territory.

La French Tech Est La French Tech Est

La French Tech Est: the collective of entrepreneurs, startups, and tech actors in the Grand Est region. La French Tech Est one of the 17 @LaFrenchTech 🐓🇫🇷 Capitals. A collective of entrepreneurs and stakeholders for entrepreneurs. Initially recognized as a French Tech Metropolis in 2015 and later designated as a French Tech Capital in 2019, the La French Tech Est association is chaired by entrepreneurs who build actions, operations, and events for entrepreneurs and project leaders in the region. Our goal is to implement the necessary measures and programs to make startups in the region high-potential growth companies, creating employment …

Sectors: French Tech Startup accelerator & VC

French Tech Bordeaux French Tech Bordeaux

French Tech Bordeaux, pilot the French Tech initiative launched by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital in the Region, its main missions are: - Federate and coordinate under the French Tech Banner actions in favor of the growth of start-ups - Detect and speed up projects with high growth potential - Develop the influence of our startups and our international know -how Digital, startup, strategy, and development

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Côte d'Azur La French Tech Côte d'Azur

Official account of the capital French Tech Côte d´Azur. ☀️ FRENCH Tech Côte d'Azur (FTCA) is a collective movement, which brings together entrepreneurs and ecosystem actors who contribute to the growth of startups on the Rivareess territory. 4 associations contribute to the development of the #FrenchTech ecosystem on the territory: 🔹 Cannes is up (Cannes and Pays de Lerins) 🔹 Club of Grasse Entrepreneurs (Pays de Grasse) 🔹 NICESTARTSUP (Metropolis Nice Côte d'Azur) 🔹 Telecom Valley (Sophia Antipolis) 👉 Our mission: identify, support and accelerate startups and scaleups from the Côte d'Azur.

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Méditerranée French Tech Méditerranée

A dynamic and innovative ecosystem at the service of the Gard and Hérault entrepreneurs 🚀🩵 The French Tech Mediterranean supports the growth and internationalization of innovative start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs in Gard and Hérault. We collaborate with public actors, communities, institutions, universities as well as incubators, accelerators and large private companies to stimulate innovation. 🚀 Our mission: to support entrepreneurs in their development by facilitating access to events, strategic partnerships and a community of talents, to promote innovation, sustainable growth and make local successes on the national and international level. 🌟 Join a community committed to innovation and the success …

Sectors: French Tech