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IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National) IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National)

[Automatic translation follows] Ign, change scale The IGN is the State operator in terms of geographic information and reference forest, neutral and interoperable certified. The Institute permanently develops new standards, products and geoservices, meeting growing and scalable needs in cartographic data and geolocated information. Powerful public actor of digital for the multi-themes description of the territory, the Institute intervenes in support of the evaluation and implementation of public policies for risk prevention, regional planning, sustainable development, defense and national security. Thanks to its five research laboratories, the IGN maintains a potential for high -level innovation in the fields of geodesy, …

Sectors: GIS

820 437 245

Our raison d'être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development. Energie, Nucléaire, Electricité, Energies renouvelables, and Gaz

Sectors: Energy

4902 4035 431

[Automatic translation follows] The Agency for Ecological Transition! ADEME in brief The Agency for Ecological Transition participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It provides its expertise and consulting capabilities to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, in order to enable them to progress in their environmental approach. The Agency also helps to finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, savings on raw materials, air quality, noise control, the transition to the circular economy and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

6463 5724 338
Cerema Cerema

[Automatic translation follows] Cerema, Climate & Territories of tomorrow: development, mobility, infrastructure, risks, environment, sea, coastline Cerema provides expertise, research and innovation to the State and local authorities, as well as economic players: > Expertise and territorial engineering > Mobility > Buildings > Transport infrastructure > Environment and natural risks > Sea and coastline As a public administrative institution (EPA), under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Cerema develops close relationships with local authorities that are present in its governance bodies. It promotes innovation in the territories, and develops partnerships with local authorities and businesses. This is the …

Sectors: National and local authorities

1593 1143 420
Ministère de la Justice Ministère de la Justice

[Automatic translation follows] Justice in France is administered by a ministry, also called Chancellery, whose holder is the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice. • It brings together and manages the resources of Justice: personnel, equipment, buildings, IT, etc.; • It prepares the texts of laws and regulations in certain areas, such as family law, French nationality, criminal justice, etc. • It takes charge of the populations entrusted to it by decision of the judicial authority: juvenile offenders or those in danger and adults placed under the control of the courts; • It defines the main directions of public …

Sectors: National and local authorities

900 702 190
Ministère de la Cohésion des territoires Ministère de la Cohésion des territoires

[Automatic translation follows] Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities of the Government. The Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities develops and implements the government's policy on decentralization, balanced development and planning of the entire national territory and solidarity between territories. planning, urban planning, housing, fight against inequalities, economic development, investment, ecological transition, digital, Territories, City, Communities, and Emergency accommodation

Sectors: Social Housing

778 569 17
Fédération des Offices Publics de l'Habitat Fédération des Offices Publics de l'Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] With you, in solidarity and for a long time. FOPH account>5 million people housed, 2.25 million homes, 189 members. The Fédération nationale des Offices Publics de l’Habitat is the national professional organization that brings together 189 members, including 178 OPHs and 11 SEMs. These social housing organizations have a real estate portfolio of 2.4 million homes and accommodate nearly 5 million people, or 8% of households in France. It also brings together groups of organizations in the form of coordination companies (it has 24 SC associate members). Established in all territories - metropolises, medium-sized cities, towns - …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

188 100 70
Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité

[Automatic translation follows] The AMF works alongside mayors and presidents of intercommunalities to respect local freedoms. A force for proposals and representation Created in 1907, recognized as being of public utility since 1933, the AMF works alongside mayors and presidents of intercommunalities, in compliance with the values ​​and principles that have prevailed since its creation: defense of local freedoms, concrete and permanent support for elected officials in day-to-day management, loyal but demanding partnership with the State to always better preserve the interests of communities and their groups. Nearly 35,000 mayors and presidents of EPCI are now members. Strong legitimacy The …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

1307 1035 45
Assemblée des Départements de France Assemblée des Départements de France

[Automatic translation follows] Created in 1946, the Assembly of French Departments (ADF) is a pluralist association that brings together the Presidents of the 102 member communities, including 95 Departments and 7 local authorities with departmental powers. The ADF fulfills five main missions: ‣represent the Departments to national and European public authorities; ‣constitute a resource center for the Departments; ‣offer a place for exchanging experiences and good practices for elected officials and departmental technicians; ‣be a place for confronting ideas and developing common positions on major national issues; ‣promote the role and action of the Departments among citizens. The ADF also …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

547 378 131
CMA France CMA France

[Automatic translation follows] A leading network in supporting craftsmen 🇫🇷 and a leader in apprenticeship training #CMA The network of chambers of trades and crafts is made up of 11,000 experts and 2,500 elected officials, themselves craftsmen, to: • support, advise and train craftsmen throughout the life of their business, from creation to transfer; • train future craftsmen through apprenticeship; • support communities in the development of local crafts. A leading player in supporting craft businesses and a leader in apprenticeship training, the CMA network supports nearly 300,000 entrepreneurs and trains more than 110,000 apprentices each year. CMA France, a …

Sectors: National and local authorities

479 305 65

[Automatic translation follows] Serving all successes. The Cned is a public education and training institution for all. Its mission: to guarantee everyone, whatever their situation, the means for their academic and professional success.

66 7 59
Up Grade Nouvelle-Aquitaine Up Grade Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Hypergrowth start-up accelerator! Hycroissance start-up accelerator! Driven and supported by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and operated by Unitec, UP GRADE Nouvelle-Aquitaine supports young regional companies of international scope in their scale-up phase. acceleration, start-up, innovation, international, financing, and HR

114 28 93
Orange Orange

At Orange, you can. Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 43.5 billion euros in 2022 and 136,000 employees worldwide at 31 December 2022, including 75,000 employees in France. The Group has a total customer base of 287 million customers worldwide at 31 December 2022, including 242 million mobile customers and 24 million fixed broadband customers. The Group is present in 26 countries. Orange is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies under the brand Orange Business. In February 2023, the Group presented its strategic plan « Lead the …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Law Practice Telecoms

5937 4755 760
ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Agence régionale de Santé ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Agence régionale de Santé

[Automatic translation follows] The ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine manages and coordinates the health system in the region: management of health prevention and promotion policies, health monitoring (health alerts) and environmental health, organization of care (community medicine and hospital), care in medico-social establishments (elderly, disabled or people facing addictions). It is the contact for health professionals, health establishments and medico-social establishments, local authorities, associations and all health stakeholders in the region.

306 189 110
Odéys Odéys

[Automatic translation follows] Sustainable Construction and Development Cluster in New Aquitaine 🏗🌱 Let's innovate together to build our future! Odéys is an accelerator to stimulate research and innovation in companies in the sustainable construction and development sector. The cluster brings together and leads a regional network of companies, research organizations, communities and contracting authorities. It supports the emergence of innovative projects, facilitates the search for partners and financing, and disseminates feedback. #Construction #BTP #Sustainable #Cluster #Business #B2B #Innovation #Development #Ecoconstruction BTP, Sustainable construction, Sustainable development, and Support for innovative projects

Sectors: Construction

316 123 151
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] #auvergnerhonealpes Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is a large region with many assets: - With more than 8 million inhabitants, it is more populated than 13 of the 28 countries of the European Union and ranks 10th most populated region in Europe - Covering nearly 70,000 km2, or 13% of the metropolitan territory, its surface area is equivalent to that of Ireland. - In France, it is the leading industrial and gastronomic region, it ranks first for agricultural production under label (AOP, IGP, etc.) and the number of organic farms. - In Europe: it is the 8th richest region in Europe …

Sectors: National and local authorities

4332 3512 680
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. The Regional Council, together with the Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council, makes up the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. Its regional assembly has 183 regional councillors, a standing committee and sectoral committees. Business, Vocational training, Youth, Transport, Ecological transition, Europe, and Regional planning

Sectors: National and local authorities

3481 2790 640
Région Ile de France Région Ile de France

The Paris Region is a major business and techno hub in Europe. Standing at the crossroads of European and worldwide trade, the Paris Region is France's leading economic region. It represents 31% of French GDP. Consisting of 8 départements and 1,280 municipalities, the Paris Region hosts the largest population of french Regions : 12.5 million inhabitants, that is younger than the national average. As Europe’s leading employment area, it boasts a highly qualified workforce : 33% of French executives. The Paris Region hosts 22% of France’s universities, 25% of its engineering schooland 20% of its business schools. Invest in Paris …

Sectors: National and local authorities

5029 4119 695
Autonom'Lab Autonom'Lab

[Automatic translation follows] Living Lab on Innovation in Health & Autonomy (Active and Healthy Aging) Autonom'Lab is a public interest group serving the general interest and innovation in health and autonomy, funded by the New-Aquitaine Regional Council, the New-Aquitaine Regional Health Agency and the Caisse Régionale des Deposits. Labeled "living lab" by Europe, Autonom'Lab brings together industrialists and researchers, communities and associations, acting, in compliance with an ethical charter, to improve the quality of life of frail elderly people. and people with disabilities. Based on a transversal and pragmatic approach to innovation in health and autonomy, Autonom’Lab aims to co-produce …

235 40 187
La French Tech Périgord La French Tech Périgord

[Automatic translation follows] Unite and mobilize the #Dordogne ecosystem around #innovation and #entrepreneurship 🚀La French Tech Perigord unites the #Dordogne innovative #ecosystem to mobilize the #startups and #companies of the department.

Sectors: French Tech

196 35 160
Hubikoop Hubikoop

[Automatic translation follows] For an inclusive digital in Nouvelle-Aquitaine Hubikoop is the territorial Hub for an inclusive digital in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. We are a regional resource center that offers support, advice, and training, for organizations and professionals acting for people in difficulty with digital technology. We support field actors in the development and financing of their projects, as well as in the development of their educational practices. HUBIKOOP also has an advocacy role and supports local authorities to implement digital inclusion strategies in the territories. Digital inclusion is first and foremost a social issue, in order to allow the most vulnerable …

124 15 116
Mission Société Numérique FR Mission Société Numérique FR

[Automatic translation follows] A program of the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion The Digital Society program implements an action program to promote the autonomy and capacity of all to seize digital opportunities and to support the transition of territories. Our ambition: to structure, equip and accelerate projects to bring about an innovative and inclusive digital society. Digital, Local authorities, Digital mediation, Digital culture, Social innovation, Commons, Innovation, and Digital transition of territories

258 66 215
Groupe TF1 Groupe TF1

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to a world of content The TF1 group is a global player in the production, editing and distribution of content. Through its content, its ambition is to inspire society positively. The TF1 group organizes its activities in several additional poles: • The Broadcast pole with 5 clear channels (TF1, TMC, TFX, TF1 Films series, LCI), 4 thematic channels (Ushuaia TV, TV history, Breizh TV, Club series), 2 content platforms on demand (MyTF1, Tfou max), and the TF1 advertising. • The production center with Newen, which brings together 9 studios in France and internationally. • The digital …

Sectors: Media

5112 4112 246