TC3 - "The cork, carbon, composite". We are a small, unique company located in Szczecin, Poland. We specialize in prototyping and manufacturing ultra-light and durable composite materials using glass, aramid, carbon, flax and cork agglomerate. The composite we manufacture, are one of the best alternatives to concrete, steel and other heavy structures. Our materials, which are based on cork agglomerate - a natural, renewable material that absorbs CO2. Our composites are created to meet individual customer needs and are used to manufacture components for a wide range of industries, including motorsport, extreme sports, public transport, the medical sector, the maritime industry, and the aviation industry - wherever low weight must be associated with high durability. At TC3, we focus on the development of environmentally sustainable composite technology and our R&D department have a wide database of test results for the properties of our sandwich composites, which we can adapt to specific applications. In automotive market we cooperate with X-Raid company, which has been winning the Dakar rallies for several years and with Datsun Garage – our official distributors of parts for vintage Datsun cars in the USA. The group of satisfied customers also includes the producer of electric surfboards from Sweden (Awakeboards), which we support in improving the most modern carbon fiber boards. Our composites are able to meet the most restrictive performance criteria and hence fulfil the demanding standards required by our customers. Providing bespoke solutions in a responsible, personable, business friendly manner is our passion. Need for independence, desire to create and vision of improving what is imperfect was the motivation to start the adventure called TC3 Flexibility, experience and skillful use of human resources are our advantages. Prototyping solutions, conversations, open mind, and smile are our way of doing responsible business with a human face. " title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="226189" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="TC3 - cork, carbon composites"> 147
Entity types
al. Wojska Polskiego 154, 71-324 Szczecin, Poland
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 3
Engaged corporates
4Added in Motherbase
1 year, 1 month agoWe create innovative, ultra-light, very durable composites that are specially prototyped for our clients
TC3 - "The cork, carbon, composite". We are a small, unique company located in Szczecin, Poland. We specialize in prototyping and manufacturing ultra-light and durable composite materials using glass, aramid, carbon, flax and cork agglomerate. The composite we manufacture, are one of the best alternatives to concrete, steel and other heavy structures. Our materials, which are based on cork agglomerate - a natural, renewable material that absorbs CO2. Our composites are created to meet individual customer needs and are used to manufacture components for a wide range of industries, including motorsport, extreme sports, public transport, the medical sector, the maritime industry, and the aviation industry - wherever low weight must be associated with high durability.
At TC3, we focus on the development of environmentally sustainable composite technology and our R&D department have a wide database of test results for the properties of our sandwich composites, which we can adapt to specific applications.
In automotive market we cooperate with X-Raid company, which has been winning the Dakar rallies for several years and with Datsun Garage – our official distributors of parts for vintage Datsun cars in the USA. The group of satisfied customers also includes the producer of electric surfboards from Sweden (Awakeboards), which we support in improving the most modern carbon fiber boards.
Our composites are able to meet the most restrictive performance criteria and hence fulfil the demanding standards required by our customers. Providing bespoke solutions in a responsible, personable, business friendly manner is our passion. Need for independence, desire to create and vision of improving what is imperfect was the motivation to start the adventure called TC3 Flexibility, experience and skillful use of human resources are our advantages. Prototyping solutions, conversations, open mind, and smile are our way of doing responsible business with a human face.
Composites, Scanning 3D, Carbon fibres, Multilayer materials, Public transport security, Automotive, Prototyping, Bio-based materials, Additive manufacturing,, and Cork
TC3 - Wytwarzanie elementów z włókna węglowego o dowolnym kształcie dla dowolnej branży poczynając od samochodowej poprzez medyczną kończąc na sportowej. Klejenie różnych materiałów, skanowanie 3d, produkcja kompozytów, sprzedaż aglomeratu korkowego.
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