  • AVA

    Created in 2022

  • Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    4 1,090
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Lyon, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 12

  • Engaged corporates

    6 23
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years ago
  • Value proposition

    Software editor, AVA commercializes tools to create and visualize guides from a 3D.

    AVA is a software editor. Created in 2022 by two entrepreneurs specialized in providing intellectual services to the manufacturing industry. AVA commercializes digital tools to create and visualize guides. The guides are created on a web platform and visualized on a digital tablet. The first tool available for sale is the operating guide, a guide where all the assembly steps of a product are illustrated with a 3D representation that can be manipulated! The creation of the guides and their uses are a source of profit for the AVA client company: saving of creation time, saving of training, elimination of errors, autonomy of the users, reduction of the time to market, compared to the tools usually used. The access is simple and in the form of subscriptions, for the creation and the use. AVA is looking for funding to industrialize its prototype platform and accelerate the development of software solutions incorporating its artificial intelligence brick in order to access new features that boost the profitability of companies.

  • Original language

    Éditeur de logiciel, AVA accélère votre industrialisation !

    AVA est un éditeur de logiciels dédiés aux entreprises manufacturières. AVA développe et commercialise des outils digitaux permettant de créer et de visualiser des instructions en 3D. Les instructions sont créées sur une plateforme web et ils sont visualisés sur écran ou sur tablette digitale. Le premier outil commercialisé, AVA OP, permet de créer des gammes d’assemblage où l’opérateur en plus d’être guidé étape par étape peut manipuler les pièces en 3D pour améliorer sa compréhension. La création des instructions et leurs utilisations sont une source de profits pour les clients d’AVA : gain de temps de création, gain de formation, suppression des erreurs, autonomie des utilisateurs, réduction du time to market, par rapport aux outils utilisés habituellement. L’accès est simple et sous forme d’abonnements, pour la création et l’utilisation. AVA continue sa R&D autour de deux autres solutions et l’intégration de briques d’intelligence artificielle. AVA recherche des partenaires afin d’accompagner la distribution de ses solutions.
    AVA is a software publisher dedicated to manufacturing companies. AVA develops and markets digital tools allowing the creation and visualization of 3D instructions. The instructions are created on a web platform and they are viewed on screen or on a digital tablet. The first marketed tool, AVA OP, allows the creation of assembly lines where the operator, in addition to being guided step by step, can manipulate the parts in 3D to improve their understanding. The creation of instructions and their uses are a source of profit for AVA customers: saving creation time, saving training, eliminating errors, user autonomy, reducing time to market, compared to the tools usually used. Access is simple and in the form of subscriptions, for creation and use. AVA continues its R&D around two other solutions and the integration of artificial intelligence building blocks. AVA is looking for partners to support the distribution of its solutions.

  • AVA | Éditeur de logiciel pour les industries | Gamme d'assemblage en 3D interactive

    Editeur de logiciel, AVA offre des solutions de création et de diffusion de gamme d’assemblage en 3D pour la fabrication de produits personnalisés, fabrication de prototype, fabrication en kit, retrofit, formation...

  • https://www.ava-ux.com/
Corporate interactions
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
BFM Business
BFM Business
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BFM Business
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Tyre manufacturing, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
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Startup accelerator & VC
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Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Entreprises - Isère
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Bank, Banking
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Software Development
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NGO, Think Tank, Civic and Social Organizations
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