  • Value proposition

    Targeting excellence for the Industry in Europe

    Mews Partners is an independent consulting firm, founded in 1992, with offices in France and Germany. It assists European industry players in their transformation and covers the entire value chain of its clients’ products and services thanks to its specialized expertise in a multi-sector field of action.

    Mews Partners has made its unique positioning a differentiating factor. Able to address global issues by bringing together specific expertise by field, the firm intends to contribute to the development of a strong and responsible industry in Europe while acting at the heart of the projects.

    Mews Partners helps its clients to face the challenges of innovation, competitiveness, reindustrialization and energy transition.


    Innovation, Governance, Lean Engineering, PLM, R&D Performance, Supply Chain, Product Lifecycle Management, Change Management, Transformation, Organisation, Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Agile

  • Original language

    Viser l’excellence pour l’Industrie en Europe

    Mews Partners est un cabinet de conseil indépendant, fondé en 1992, implanté en France (Paris, Toulouse, Marseille, Nantes & Lyon) et en Allemagne (Munich & Hambourg). Il accompagne les acteurs de l’Industrie en Europe dans leur transformation, et couvre l’ensemble de la chaine de valeur des produits et services de ses clients grâce à ses expertises métiers pointues sur un champs d’action multisectoriel.

    Mews Partners a fait de son positionnement singulier un élément de différenciation. Capable d’adresser des problématiques globales en réunissant des expertises spécifiques par domaine, le cabinet entend contribuer au développement d’une industrie en Europe forte et responsable tout en agissant au cœur des projets.

    Mews Partners aide ainsi ses clients à faire face aux défis de l’innovation, de la compétitivité, de la réindustrialisation et de la transition énergétique.


    Mews Partners is an independent management consulting firm founded in 1992, present in France (Paris, Toulouse, Marseille, Nantes & Lyon) and Germany (Munich & Hamburg). It supports industry players in Europe in their transformation, and cover the entire value chain of its customers' products and services, and transversally, through sharp business expertise in a multi-sector field.

    Mews Partners has made its unique positioning a differentiating factor. Able to address global issues by bringing together specific expertise in each field, the firm aims to contribute to the development of a strong and responsible industry in Europe while acting at the heart of projects.

    Mews Partners helps its customers to meet the challenges of innovation, competitiveness, reindustrialisation and the energy transition.

  • Cabinet de conseil en management | Mews Partners

    Cabinet de conseil en management | Mews Partners est un cabinet de conseil œuvrant pour l'industrie en Europe

  • https://www.mews-partners.com/
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