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Chambre d'Agriculture de Région d'Ile-de-France Chambre d'Agriculture de Région d'Ile-de-France

The Ile-de-France Region Chamber of Agriculture, a public professional establishment, constitutes with the Public Authorities the advisory and professional body for agricultural interests. The choices and orientations taken by the decision-making bodies representing all the components of the agricultural world, are implemented by the services of the Chamber of Agriculture. The Ile-de-France Region Chamber of Agriculture has two missions: • the first to represent agriculture and farmers to public authorities, by making a privileged interlocutor of public authorities • the second of services contributing to territorial agricultural development and in particular with the farmers of the territory. It operates in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

14 8 9 81
The Scottish Government The Scottish Government

Type: Public

57 22 8 127