  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Share employment and skills in Normandy

    Group of employers operating in the following territories: Orne, Calvados, West of Eure
    The GE is an associative company, which employs part-time employees and makes them available to its member companies.

    The GE stabilizes the employment of employees, promotes the flexibility of companies, finds missing qualifications and helps the territory maintain its dynamism.

    Join us www.progressisge.fr

    Recruitment, Skills sharing, Customized employment, Shared time, Job site, Application management, Career page, Recruitment site, Human Resources, Construction and Industry, Shared time employment, Shared time work, Part-time employment, Association and Jobs, Quality Manager, Hygiene, Safety, Environment, Webmaster, Management assistant, Accountant, Line driver, Maintenance technician, Human resources manager, Communication officer, and Graphic designer

  • Original language

    Partager l'emploi et les compétences en Normandie

    Groupement d’employeurs intervenant sur les territoires : Orne, Calvados, Ouest de l'Eure
    Le GE est une entreprise associative, qui emploie des salariés à temps partagé et les mets à disposition de ses entreprises adhérentes.

    Le GE stabilise l'emploi des salariés, favorise la souplesse des entreprises, trouve des qualifications manquantes et aide le territoire à maintenir son dynamisme.

    Rejoignez-nous www.progressisge.fr

    Recrutement, Partage de compétence, Emploi sur mesure, Temps partagé, Site emploi, Gestion de candidatures, Page carrière, Site recrutement, Ressources Humaines, BTP et Industrie, Emploi temps partagé, Travail temps partagé, Emploi temps partiel, Association et Jobs, Responsable Qualité, Hygiène, Sécurité, Environnement, Webmaster, Assistant(e) de gestion, Comptable, Conducteur (trice) de ligne, Technicien (ne) de maintenance, Responsable ressources humaines, Chargé (e) de communication, and Infographiste

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Groupe TF1
Groupe TF1
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
Groupe TF1
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

30 Jan 2014

Retail and Distribution, Retail
Retail and Distribution, Retail
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

10 Sep 2020

CCI Normandie
CCI Normandie
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
CCI Normandie
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration

10 Jan 2025

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