  • Value proposition

    Developer adoption programmes for web3 ecosystems and projects to build, grow and engage developer communities.

    We create developer adoption programmes for web3 ecosystems and projects to build, grow and engage their developer communities.

    We’ve trained and onboarded thousands of developers through our onboarding and learning journeys. We’ve run some of web3’s most successful developer adoption programmes, such as the Consensys Academy, the Ethereum Blockstars Programmes, the Tezos Blockstars Programmes, the Corda Learning Portal, and the Interchain Developer Academy.

    Our diverse team covers the whole spectrum of developer adoption strategy and management. We're developers, business strategists, marketers, and blockchain educators.

    Blockchain, DLT, Technology Adoption, Blockchain consulting, blockchain strategy, blockchain audit, professional education, blockchain talent, developer adoption, enterprise learning, consulting solutions, blockchain business strategy, emerging technology, ethereum, hyperledger, corda, tezos, Web3, and cosmos

  • Home

    B9lab can help your company and technology to become an integral part of the blockchain ecosystem. We offer consulting, training, advisory and talent solutions to the key players in the blockchain industry.

  • https://www.b9lab.com/
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Retail Apparel and Fashion
Retail Apparel and Fashion

11 Feb 2021

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