  • Value proposition

    smarter simpler

    ALFI Technologies group has developed a unique expertise in the automation of logistics and the production of building materials.

    Intralogistics solutions :
    Postal and courier centers with a range of high-speed unloaders that comply with packages (U-Care range),
    Warehouse and order picking logistics with conveyor and handling solutions for heavy and large loads,
    the aircraft industry with multifunction robots which can also be adapted to hard working environments (handling parts in a hot atmosphere ...),
    The pneumatic industry, for the production of new tires or the sorting and recycling of tires for retreading,
    The paper industry with AGVs and other equipment dedicated to the transfer and packaging of paper reels.

    building materials :
    ALFI Technologies relies on a long expertise in the production of building materials to present an offer dedicated to the manufacturers of:

    Concrete building materials using the ADLER brand, specialized in the concrete process, to propose solutions for manufacturing by vibrating presses, semi-dry or wet-cast precasting lines, automation of management and supervision for ready-mix concrete stations, ...
    Heavy clay materials using the unmatched FIMEC brand know-how in ANJOU® dryers, handling of heavy and large loads, or special equipment such as wagon cleaners,
    Mineral wool for insulation thanks to the reception-forming lines and to ACC ovens supplemented by a wide range of equipment that meet all the needs in terms of cutting, packaging, palletizing...
    plates and laminated products for insulation (by gluing, molding or insertion) for which the group’s know-how in terms of robotics makes it possible to create flexible and versatile units.

    robotique, transitique, lignes de production, jumeau numerique, maintenance predictive, navettes, portique manutention, basculeur, formation en VR, intralogistique, transstockeur, and ASRS

  • Original language

    smarter simpler

    La mission d’ALFI Technologies, sa raison d’être, c’est de créer les usines des industries de demain : des usines respectueuses de l’environnement, qui améliorent les conditions de travail, qui permettent de développer la compétitivité de l’industrie française.
    PME française basée dans le Maine et Loire, ALFI Technologies conçoit et installe des lignes de transitive et de production en apportant la crédibilité de près de 50 ans d'expérience dans l'installation de sites de production et de manutention pour des leaders mondiaux.

    La société propose des solutions éprouvées et innovantes : - aux fabricants de matériaux de construction (terre cuite, béton, isolants...), - aux industriels en attente de solutions d’intralogistique automatisées et robotisées (industrie aéronautique, pneumatiques, papier, logistique et messagerie...). ALFI Technologies a développé une maîtrise unique des technologies digitales comme le clone numérique des usines ou la maintenance prédictive des équipements, qui lui permet de concevoir et de fabriquer avec créativité, rapidité et sécurité des usines flexibles et rentables pour nos clients.

  • ALFI Technologies | Fabricant de lignes de productions

    Groupe spécialisé dans la conception et la fabrication de lignes de production 4.0 pour l'intralogistique et la fabrication de matériaux de construction.

  • https://alfi-technologies.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Hauts-de-France Innovation Développement
Hauts-de-France Innovation Développement
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Hauts-de-France Innovation Développement
National and local authorities, Government Administration

12 Jul 2024

Pôle EMC2
Pôle EMC2
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Civic and Social Organizations
Pôle EMC2
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Civic and Social Organizations
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

27 Mar 2019

GENEO Capital Entrepreneur
GENEO Capital Entrepreneur
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
GENEO Capital Entrepreneur
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

30 Mar 2018

Alliance Industrie du Futur / Filière Solutions Industrie du Futur Alliance Industrie du Futur / Filière Solutions Industrie du Futur
Civic and Social Organizations
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

21 Jan 2021

12 Jul 2024

Events Services
Events Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

6 Jun 2019

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