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    Scale: 1001-5000, 201-500

    Estimated: 115

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    5 years ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] All the economic news of Grand Besançon Métropole.

    Largest intermunicipal community in Franche-Comté, located in the heart of Western Europe on the Rhine-Rhône axis, a stone's throw from Switzerland, Grand Besançon Métropole occupies a privileged position less than 4 hours from the major European industrial regions with strong technological value.

    With a microtechnical know-how unique in the world, fruit of a long watchmaking tradition, Greater Besançon is constantly reinventing itself further, in sectors where miniaturization occupies a dominating place: watchmaking, luxury, aeronautics, biomedical, health, automotive…

    The most "Business Friendly" territory according to a recently awarded prize, Ville internet 5 @, Besançon has economic zones equipped with fiber optics and datacenters which offer companies evolving in particular in the digital sector optimal development conditions thanks also to a cost of l attractive business property just 2 hours from Paris.

    An economic area of ​​250,000 inhabitants, the territory of Greater Besançon has nearly 100,000 salaried jobs, nearly 30,000 students for a pool of just over 11,000 companies. In all, the Métropole has 710 hectares of activity space, including 75 hectares immediately available for businesses and 170 hectares in the pipeline.

    A community open to the world, Besançon shines with its quality of life at the service of its inhabitants and its visitors. A resolutely contemporary territory, land of technological, cultural, environmental and social innovations as its history likes to remind.

    To remain attentive to their nearly 200,000 inhabitants, Grand Besançon Métropole, the City of Besançon and the CCAS rely on the expertise and skills of their approximately 3,000 agents. A local public service that is regularly renewed and recruits. This page will also relay job offers from the 3 communities.

    Terms of use: https://bit.ly/3D1H7Vu
    Photo: Emmanuel Eme Photographer

    Regional planning, Transport - Travel, Economic development - Employment, Environment, Waste management, Housing - Town policy, Culture - Tourism - Sport, and Conservatory with regional influence

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Government Administration
Government Administration

30 Jun 2016

Civic and Social Organizations
Civic and Social Organizations
Not capitalistic

8 Apr 2019

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