  • KYLIA Commerce

    Created in 2010
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

    2,993 3,017 374
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    5 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50, 51-200

    Estimated: 19

  • Engaged corporates

    1 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] National network of business firms specializing in commercial real estate and sales of shops and businesses.

    Kylia is a young 100% web real estate brand developing a unique and particularly innovative concept!

    The 1st business model oriented "agent": a company built by and for real estate agents.

    Because we do not consider our agents as customers but indeed as the main wealth of our company, we share with these:
    - The fruits of our growth,
    - our decision -making process,
    - Our expertise and our know-how.

    These three practices make it possible to federate our teams around a common objective: growth!

    Our mission:
    Build profitable and lasting careers for our real estate agents

    Our vision:
    Become the real estate network of choice for a whole new generation of professionals.

    Our values:
    Family, sharing and then success


    Hotel, restaurant, capital market, pharmacy, bakery, commercial real estate, and commercial real estate

  • Original language

    Réseau national de cabinets d'affaires spécialisés dans l'immobilier commercial et cessions de Commerces et Entreprises.

    KYLIA est une jeune enseigne immobilière 100% web développant un concept unique et particulièrement novateur !

    Le 1er business model orienté "Agent"​ : Une entreprise construite PAR et POUR des agents immobiliers.

    Parce que nous ne considèrons pas nos agents comme des clients mais bel et bien comme la principale richesse de notre entreprise, nous partageons avec ces derniers :
    - Les fruits de notre croissance,
    - Notre processus de prise de décision,
    - Notre expertise et notre savoir-faire.

    Ces trois pratiques permettent de fédérer nos équipes autour d'un objectif commun : LA CROISSANCE !

    Notre mission :
    Construire des carrières rentables et durables pour nos agents immobiliers

    Notre vision :
    Devenir le réseau immobilier de choix pour toute une nouvelle génération de professionnels.

    Nos valeurs :
    La famille, le partage et ensuite la réussite


    Hôtel, Restaurant, Capital Market, Pharmacy, Boulangerie, Immobilier commercial, and Immobilier de commerce

  • Immobilier Paris - Immobilier Ile de France - Recrutement immobilier - Réseau immobilier Paris Kylia Immobilier
  • https://www.kylia-immo.com
  • Website is disabled or domain is for sale
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
VINCI Immobilier
VINCI Immobilier
Real Estate
VINCI Immobilier
Real Estate

11 Mar 2011

Le Figaro
Le Figaro
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Le Figaro
Media, Newspaper Publishing

27 Feb 2013

Media, Newspaper Publishing
Media, Newspaper Publishing

20 Feb 2013

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Social network dynamics