Mobile-based fraud detection during the pre-transaction phase. A frictionless payment experience with drastically reduced costs. #mobilepayment #mPos #antifraud" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="89070" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Paygilant"> 195 1,218
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470 James St, New Haven, CT 06513, USA
New Haven
United States of America
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 17
Engaged corporates
2Added in Motherbase
4 years, 11 months agoFrictionless Fraud Prevention for Fintech, Digital Banking & Payments
Paygilant is a revolutionary frictionless fraud prevention for fintech, designed to protect Neo/Challenger/Digital banks, eWallets, Crypto, and more. It eliminates the trade-off between fraud prevention, frictionless user experience, and user privacy.
Paygilant seamlessly validates the legitimate customers and protects against all fraud types including money laundering that impact the fintech ecosystem. These include – New Account Opening Fraud, Account Takeover, Transaction & Card Fraud, Cross Banking Fraud, Coupon Fraud,Synthetic Identity Fraud, and more.
Paygilant’s six intelligence sets are dynamic layers that analyze and correlate relevant information throughout the user’s journey, determining whether a transaction is safe or risky. Throughout this process, Paygilant observes various attributes related to the user, device, application, and transaction. This is used to weave an identity representation of the user, providing a risk score that indicates the risk level of each transaction.
Paygilant’s “checkpoints” monitor each action of the user and assess the risk at each stage (Registration, Login, add a payment method, transaction, and more), to ensure that the genuine user is performing the transaction. The operation is performed continuously throughout the entire user’s journey (Login-Logout).
Paygilant is offering unparalleled fraud detection and prevention for Apps & USSD while maintaining frictionless user experience.
Mobile Wallet Fraud Prevention, Mobile Wallet Frictionless Payment, Fraud handling Operational Cost Reduction, Merchant Fraud Prevention, Mobile Payment Liability Shift, Fintech, and Neo Banks Fraud Prevention