  • Tooteko Srls

    Created in 2014
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    480 148
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Cannaregio, 30121 Venice, Metropolitan City of Venice, Italy



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 3

  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    Tooteko is the wearable device that combines touch and hearing.

    In a world that is so sight driven, a lot of information is currently inaccessible to blind people.

    Tooteko is a smart wearable device that combines touch and hearing to help the visually impaired to visualize objects that they couldn’t experience otherwise. It’s simple: you touch the object, then you listen to the audio track.

    Tooteko has a built-in NFC antenna that allows people to explore any 3D surface that has been tagged and listen to audio content related to what they are touching - directly on their own smart device. Not only words but also music, sounds, and anything that runs on the Internet.

    Our starting point was to bring visual arts to blind people. We have signed a partnership with the Italian division of Antenna International (the world’s leading audio-guide provider). We envisage other museums organising exhibitions for blind people with 3D printed replicas of artefacts, covered in NFC tags so they can be explored audibly.

    Tooteko offers integration between audio and touch , not available elsewhere, thus providing accessibility to audio information by touching any surface that has previously been tagged. Since the audio content is hosted on a cloud , Tooteko offers the opportunity to access content in more languages , to access content tailored for different users , to access music, sounds, or anything that runs on the Internet.
    In a more specific domain, Tooteko wants to make traditional art venues accessible to the blind, while providing support to the reading of the work for all through the recovery of the tactile dimension in order to facilitate the experience of contact with art that is not only "under glass"​.
    Tooteko offers the possibility for other categories that favor the tactile dimension, such as children, to approach the work of art, adapting the content to their needs.

    hi-tech, wearable, art, pharma, accessibility, and design for all

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Startup Europe
Startup Europe
Startup accelerator & VC, Government Administration
Startup Europe
Startup accelerator & VC, Government Administration

9 Jun 2017

Optical systems, Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
Optical systems, Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

10 Mar 2015

Viva Technology
Viva Technology
Trade show, IT Services and IT Consulting
Viva Technology
Trade show, IT Services and IT Consulting

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