  • Genymobile

    Created in 2011
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Location

    23 Rue du Renard, 75004 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 32


  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Making the most out of Android since 2011

    We help companies building their future with Android. We're the leading Android expert behind Genymotion, the most complete emulation platform.

    Genymotion is the reference platform for Android developers willing to test their apps and improve their device scalability. Recently, we went a step further in the testing world with Genymotion Cloud.

    We're opening a whole new world of possibilities with a complete Android emulation platform available from anywhere, in the cloud, and enabling many collaboration and test automation capabilities for your development, QA, Support and Marketing teams!

    Witness the power of Genymotion Cloud at genymotion.com/cloud

    - CLIENTS -

    Genymobile was founded in 2011 with one goal: customizing Android OS for the next-generation enterprise. 7 years later, Genymobile has grown a whole lot! Today we are the #1 Android expert for more than 10,000 companies, such as:

    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Spotify
    • Sanofi
    • La Poste

    - CULTURE -

    Participative management is part of our DNA. At Genymobile, we deeply believe everyone has a voice and can make a difference. Empowerment is key and makes people accomplish great things.

    - MORE -

    Do not miss any news!

    → twitter.com/genymobile
    → plus.google.com/+Genymobile
    → linkedin.com/company/genymobile
    → youtube.com/c/Genymobile
    → instagram.com/genyboyandgenygirl

    Contact us at community@genymobile.com

    Android for enterprise, App development (SDK / NDK), ROM cooking for businesses, Mobile technologies, Mobile fleet deployment software, and Android emulation software

  • Original language

    Making the most out of Android since 2011

    "Genymobile is a laboratory where ideas develop and skills come together every day"​ - Angélique Zettor (Co-Founder / Co-Ceo).


    Genymotion, the industry leading Android emulator is a reference tool for most developers willing to test their Android apps and improve their device scalability.

    Genymaster is the very first tool of the market to offer a tailor-made Android OS customized for each enterprise need.

    Genydeploy allows companies deploying different configurations on a large fleet of Android devices.


    Genymobile was founded in 2011 with one goal: customizing Android OS for the next-generation enterprise. 5 years later, Genymobile has grown a whole lot! Today we are the #1 Android expert for more than 10,000 companies, such as:

    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Spotify
    • Sanofi
    • La Poste

    - CONTACT US -

    Send us an email → community@genymobile.com

  • Genymotion Android Emulator - About Genymobile

    Genymobile SAS was founded by Arnaud Dupuis in 2011; and with over 30 employees in Paris, Lyon, and San Francisco, we develop Genymotion.

  • http://www.genymobile.com
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