  • Value proposition

    The largest Offshore Windpark in The Netherlands

    Since the opening in May 2017 Gemini Wind Park is now one of the largest wind parks in the world in terms of capacity, size and production. It is built in the Dutch part of the North Sea, 85 km off the north coast of The Netherlands, in an area with a strong and constant wind. The endlessly renewable supply of power on this expanse of sea gives us the chance to put wind back in the center of Dutch energy needs. In this way we will transition toward a more sustainable future for future generations in the Netherlands and on our planet.

    Invisible from land, Gemini has a capacity of 600 MW and produces about 2.6 TWh of renewable electricity, making it one of the most productive wind parks in the world.

    Gemini supplies roughly 1.5 million people with renewable electricity, which is equal to the total population of the Netherlands’ three northernmost provinces. In addition, Gemini reduces Dutch CO2 emissions by 1.25 million tons per year. In doing so, Gemini makes a significant contribution to national energy independence, as well as to the sustainability goals of the Netherlands and Europe.

    Gemini Wind Park has four project partners: Canadian independent renewable energy company Northland Power (60% project interest), wind turbine manufacturer Siemens (20%), a fund held by Alte Leipziger – Hallesche (10%) and renewable energy and Dutch utility HVC (10%).

  • Gemini wind park

    This website shows the development of Gemini Wind Park. The largest wind park in the Netherlands, which is vital in achieving the goals of Paris 2050.

  • https://www.geminiwindpark.nl/
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