Taalcentrum-VU | Laat woorden werken | Vertalingen | Trainingen | Tekstredactie | Taalassessments" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="44823" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Taalcentrum-VU"> 2,966 2,777
Entity types
De Boelelaan 1077, 1082 SB Amsterdam, Netherlands
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 103
Engaged corporates
0Added in Motherbase
5 years, 8 months ago[Automatic translation follows] Make words work
Thirty enthusiastic language and communication professionals who are eager to make your words work: that is Taalcentrum-VU. With attention and care, we think along with you about the best solution for your (translation) or communication issue. From our central location next to the VU, on the edge of the Zuidas, we are a preferred supplier for clients in the sectors of education, research, government, real estate, legal profession, insurance companies, housing construction and many others. Our translation agency guarantees quality translations from and into any language. For language and communication training, we call on our trainers who help you speak or write in Dutch and English with more ease, confidence and pleasure. And do you have a text question? Our copy editing team makes words really work for your organization and of course the readers.
Taalcentrum-VU is an independent language agency that provides high-quality language solutions. We can meet all your translation needs, offer you outstanding training courses in written and spoken communication in English and in Dutch, and give you the best in text editing and copywriting. This makes Taalcentrum-VU the ideal one-stop shop for all your communication needs.
Translations, Editing, Communication training courses, Language training courses, Language assessments, Translations, Training agency, Translation agency, Language training, and Text editing
Laat woorden werken
Dertig enthousiaste taal- en communicatieprofessionals die staan te trappelen om jouw woorden te laten werken: dat is het Taalcentrum-VU. Met aandacht en zorg denken we mee over de beste oplossing voor jouw (ver)taal- of communicatievraagstuk. Vanuit onze centrale locatie naast de VU, aan de rand van de Zuidas, zijn wij preferred supplier voor opdrachtgevers in de sectoren onderwijs, onderzoek, overheid, vastgoed, advocatuur, verzekeraars, woningbouw en vele andere. Ons vertaalbureau staat garant voor kwaliteitsvertalingen van en naar elke taal. Voor taal- en communicatietrainingen schakelen we onze trainers in die je helpen met meer gemak, vertrouwen én plezier te spreken of schrijven in het Nederlands en Engels. En heb je een tekstvraag? Onze tekstredactie laat woorden écht werken voor jouw organisatie en natuurlijk de lezers.
Taalcentrum-VU is an independent language agency that provides high-quality language solutions. We can meet all your translation needs, offer you outstanding training courses in written and spoken communication in English and in Dutch, and give you the best in text editing and copywriting. This makes Taalcentrum-VU the ideal one-stop shop for all your communication needs.
Translations, Editing, Communication training courses, Language training courses, Language assessments, Vertalingen, Trainingsbureau, Vertaalbureau, Taaltrainingen, and Tekstredactie
Bij Taalcentrum-VU laten wij jouw woorden werken •Vertalingen •Trainingen •Tekstredactie. ✔️ Kwaliteitsgarantie ✔️ Persoonlijk advies ✔️ 35+ jaar ervaring