  • RSPCA Assured­

    Created in 1994
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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    2,703 2,459
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham RH12 1RL, UK


    United Kingdom

  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 62

  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Good Welfare is Good Business

    RSPCA Assured is the RSPCA's farm animal welfare assurance scheme and ethical food label. A wholly-owned subsidiary, the scheme is a charity and not-for-profit.

    How does RSPCA Assured work?
    We assess hatcheries, farms, hauliers and abattoirs to RSPCA welfare standards to ensure that farm animals have been well cared for throughout their lives.

    The standards cover health and diet to environment and care. There are standards for pigs, laying hens, broilers, turkey, duck, dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, salmon and trout.

    Our experienced team of RSPCA Assured assessors carry out annual assessments and independent monitoring visits are undertaken by RSPCA farm livestock officers.

    Our certification is farm to fork so we also carry out stringent supply chain audits supported by Lloyd's Register, NSF and BRC.

    What are the benefits of RSPCA Assured membership?

    - The RSPCA Assured mark makes it easy for customers to recognise products from animals that have had a better life.
    - Our assurance differentiates your product and adds value to your business, which could help you get a better margin.
    - The RSPCA Assured brand has 59% recognition - it is an easy-to-spot label from a recognisable brand meaning more people will choose these products.
    - It is the only farm assurance scheme in the UK dedicated solely to improving farm animal welfare and the only scheme that uses higher welfare standards written by the RSPCA to help achieve this aim.
    - Farming to RSPCA welfare standards has been shown to lead to healthier animals.
    - Members report lower mortality and better quality products. They also tell us that operating to RSPCA welfare standards has improved their working environment and job satisfaction.

    The RSPCA Assured name and mark can only be used for sales and marketing purposes subject to membership by producers and the supply chain, full traceability, artwork approval and the payment of a levy.

    Charity Registered in England & Wales (1059879) and Scotland (SCO38199)

    Farm Assurance, Ethical Food Label, Registered Certification Mark, Farm Animal Welfare, High Welfare, Food Certification, Farm Assurance Scheme, RSPCA Assured, RSPCA, Eat Less Eat Better, Ethically Reared Pork, Ethically Reared Chicken, Ethically Reared Salmon, Ethically Reared Trout, Ethical Eggs, and Ethical Milk

  • RSPCA Assured UK - Farm Animal and Chicken Welfare

    RSPCA Assured is dedicated solely to animal welfare. Look for the logo on products and menus across the UK to shop with higher welfare in mind.

  • https://www.rspcaassured.org.uk/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Lidl France
Lidl France
Retail and Distribution, Retail
Lidl France
Retail and Distribution, Retail

9 Apr 2023

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