  • Value proposition

    We're expanding the conversation to ELEVATE Global. Follow us there!

    CSR Asia, an ELEVATE company, improves sustainability practices through consultancy, thought leadership, events and professional networks. We are trusted experts on sustainability in Asia with staff with multidisciplinary expertise across the region. As a mission driven business we help organizations create positive impact through responsible, inclusive and sustainable business. By providing targeted networking platforms in Asia, we enable multi-stakeholder dialogue and partnerships. We convene Asia's leading sustainability, CSR and supply chain responsible sourcing event, CSR Asia Summit. #CSRAsia18

    For more information, visit www.csr-asia.com.

    Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Community Investment, Environmental, Supply Chains, Volunteering, Climate Change, Human Rights, Sustainability Reporting, Shared Value, CSR Asia Summit, Materiality Assessment, Research, and Sustainability Strategy

  • LRQA - Evaluation, certification, inspection, formation

    Nous aidons les entreprises à évoluer en les mettant en contact avec les idées de demain, dès aujourd'hui.

  • https://www.elevatelimited.com:443/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
UK Export Finance
UK Export Finance
National and local authorities, Financial Services
UK Export Finance
National and local authorities, Financial Services

19 Sep 2018

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