  • Value proposition

    Innovation in building sustainable transitional homes

    There are currently over 70 million displaced worldwide and the number is constantly increasing. Having a safe place for living is a basic human right and for those who have lost it every day counts. Providing quality solutions for the people in need is a global challenge. Most of the affordable solutions lack basic living standards, having low security and privacy and low levels of interior comfort and dignity.
    Agrishelter is a social firm with the mission to provide sustainable affordable shelters, implementing innovative technologies and a multi criteria strategy trough the usage of local materials and resources. Our focus is on empowering people and the community, adding quality and safety to their lives as well as protecting the environment by using natural building materials and being more energy-efficient compared to the existing solutions.
    Our mission is to provide quality homes at an affordable cost. We develop innovative design solutions using light, modular, easy to assemble structures made of natural materials. We engage the local community in the supply and construction process and ensure that the environmental impact is minimized in the whole process.
    We use a prefabricated KIT of wooden components and agricultural waste that are found locally, easily assembled even by unspecialized people. Agrishelter is environmentally sustainable by using low-embodied energy materials and Zero-Km components that will reduce CO2 emission caused by the transportation also generating local economies. Indoor air quality and interior comfort has an important effect on the health and wellness of the people, that’s why we have a focus on monitoring and achieving excellent thermal and energetic performances thanks to the use of naturally insulating materials.

    We are based in Milan and we always seek to expand our network and to develop our activities in different regions around the World.
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    architecture, engineering, environmental innovation, sustainable development, crisis management, emergency management, energy efficiency, community engagement, institutional relations, and construction technologies

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