  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Invert in the people

    Oikocredit Euskadi is one of the 30 supportive associations, distributed in 13 countries around the world, with those who take care of the Oikocredit International Cooperative Society.

    We were born to promote responsible investment in the geographical field of the Basque Country and the Northwest Zone of Spain and thus generate opportunities in developing countries through ethical finances. In addition, we carry out awareness -raising activities on socially responsible investment and dissemination of ethical banking and microfinants.

    Socially responsible investment, microcredits, fair trade, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, sustainability, financial education, impact investment, ethical finance, social responsibility, credit cooperative, without profit, participation, volunteering, ethical banking, international cooperation, solidarity, climate change, volunteering, impact investment, and investment

  • Original language

    Invertir en las personas

    Oikocredit Euskadi es una de las 30 asociaciones de apoyo, repartidas en 13 países de todo el mundo, con las que cuenta la Sociedad Cooperativa Oikocredit Internacional.

    Nacemos para fomentar la inversión responsable en el ámbito geográfico de Euskadi y la zona Noroeste de España y generar así oportunidades en países en vías de desarrollo a través de las finanzas éticas. Además, realizamos actividades de sensibilización sobre inversión socialmente responsable y de difusión de la banca ética y las microfinanzas.

    Inversión socialmente responsable, Microcréditos, Comercio justo, Energías renovables, Agricultura Sostenible, Sostenibilidad, Educación financiera, Inversión de impacto, Finanzas Éticas, Responsabilidad Social, Cooperativa de Crédito, Sin animo de lucro, Participación, Voluntariado, banca ética, Cooperación internacional, Solidaridad, cambio climático, voluntariado, inversión de impacto, and inversión

Corporate interactions
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Impact Hub
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

7 Oct 2017

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs

19 Jun 2020

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