Volta develops environmentally-friendly vehicles to assist Indonesia in reducing emissions. Our vehicles are supported by advanced IoT technology and mobile applications, as well as battery swap infrastructures for easy swapping" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="251821" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Volta Indonesia"> 276
Entity types
Jakarta, Indonesia
Scale: 51-200
Estimated: 25
Engaged corporates
0Added in Motherbase
1 month, 2 weeks agoVolta develops electric vehicles to assist Indonesia in reducing emissions
Volta develops environmentally-friendly vehicles to assist Indonesia in reducing emissions. Our vehicles are supported by advanced IoT technology and mobile applications, as well as battery swap infrastructures for easy swapping
Electric Vehicle, Electric Motorcycle, and Battery Swap
Jelajahi revolusi transportasi dengan motor listrik Volta yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan. Dengan teknologi Stasiun Ganti Baterai (SGB) hemat energi, nikmati perjalanan yang tak terbatas dengan pengisian daya yang cepat dan hemat biaya bersama motor listrik Volta.