IS-Wireless develops and delivers 4G and 5G mobile networks supporting more users with better performance at lower cost by applying cutting edge technologies. The company is a provider of software and hardware necessary for building 4G and 5G networks in the scope of both RAN and Core. IS-Wireless participates in the Open RAN revolution and expects significant changes in the way networks are built and deployed in the coming years. The company has been recognized as one of a few European RAN vendors by leading telco operators including Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telecom Italia (TIM), Telefónica and Vodafone in their November 2021 report “BUILDING AN OPEN RAN ECOSYSTEM FOR EUROPE”. IS-Wireless video:" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="250726" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="IS-Wireless"> 4,610
Entity types
Puławska 45b, 05-500 Warszawa, Poland
Scale: 51-200
Estimated: 35
Engaged corporates
0Added in Motherbase
1 month ago5G Made Together
IS-Wireless develops and delivers 4G and 5G mobile networks supporting more users with better performance at lower cost by applying cutting edge technologies. The company is a provider of software and hardware necessary for building 4G and 5G networks in the scope of both RAN and Core. IS-Wireless participates in the Open RAN revolution and expects significant changes in the way networks are built and deployed in the coming years. The company has been recognized as one of a few European RAN vendors by leading telco operators including Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telecom Italia (TIM), Telefónica and Vodafone in their November 2021 report “BUILDING AN OPEN RAN ECOSYSTEM FOR EUROPE”.
IS-Wireless video:
OpenRAN, 5G, Radio Access Network, 4G, 6G, Core, MANO, RIC, eNB, gNB, 5G-NR, cybersecurity, and disaggregation
4G and 5G Mobile Networks of the Future