  • Smart Product Solution s.r.o.

    Created in 2012
  • Social networks

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  • Location

    Na Vyhlídce, 664 34 Kuřim, Czechia



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 4

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 weeks, 1 day ago
  • Value proposition

    Modern trends in logistics & Optimization of material flow

    Our goal is to optimize internal/external company logistics and eliminate wastefulness all around the globe with the vision of LEAN in our minds. Smart Product Solution specializes in designing tailor-made and standard returnable & one-way packaging for industry, transport, and marketing purposes. We also endeavuor to design and optimize logistic processes with the use of our smart warehouse management system, our products, and last but not least our know-how.

    -Manufacture industry
    -Consumer industry

    Warehouse Management System, Pick to Light, Logistics Optimization, e-KANBAN, Material Flow, Industry 4.0, Analytics, E-ink, RTLS, Automation & Robotics, Packaging, Industrial packaging, LEAN, and WMS

  • intraLOGISTIKA od A do Z | Smartbox4you

    V našem portfoliu naleznete komplexní nabídku produktů a služeb pro optimalizaci logistických procesů. Od WMS systému, přes Pick to Light až po úložné boxy.

  • https://www.smartbox4you.com/cz/
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