
    Created in 2012
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    89 Rue de Paris, 60200 Compiègne, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 1 employee

    Estimated: 1


  • Engaged corporates

    1 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Talent is Human

    RH Adéquation is an HR consulting firm that supports its clients around 3 missions: Attract I Retain I Support talents.

    Specialized in executive and senior management profiles, we operate nationally in different sectors: Biotech, bioeconomy, agro and agrotech, agri and agritech, greentech, green chemistry and companies with strong disruptive values.

    Missions on which we can support you and share our expertise with you:

    * Recruitment / Headhunting
    * Advice and support on the definition and implementation of your corporate values ​​/ employer brand
    * Assessment and evaluation of your talents in the context of internal or external mobility
    * Individual and collective outplacement / Support during restructuring (PSE I PDV I RCC)
    * Skills assessment or career point

    Our DNA is Human and we therefore attach great importance to human values ​​with our clients and candidates, hence our slogan: Talent is Human.

    recruitment, career, HR, bioeconomy, chemistry, pharma, agri / agro, outplacement, headhunting, biotechnology, executive and senior executive, skills assessment, and assessment

  • Original language

    Le Talent est Humain

    RH Adéquation est un cabinet conseil en RH qui accompagne ses clients autour de 3 missions : Attirer I Fidéliser I Accompagner les talents.

    Spécialisé dans les profils cadres et cadres dirigeants, nous intervenons au niveau national dans différents secteurs : Biotech, bioéconomie, agro et agrotech, agri et agritech, greentech, chimie verte et sociétés à fortes valeurs disruptives.

    Missions sur lesquelles nous pouvons vous accompagner et vous faire partager notre expertise :

    * Recrutement / Chasse de tête
    * Conseil et accompagnement sur la définition et la mise en place de vos valeurs d'entreprise / marque employeur
    * Assessment et évaluation de vos talents dans le cadre de mobilités internes ou externes
    * Outplacement individuel et collectif / Accompagnement lors des restructurations (PSE I PDV I RCC)
    * Bilan de compétences ou point carrière

    Notre ADN c'est l'Humain et nous attachons donc une importance forte aux valeurs humaines auprès de nos clients et candidats d'où notre slogan : le Talent est Humain.

    recrutement, carriere, rh, bioéconomie, chimie, pharma, agri / agro, outplacement, chasse de tête, biotechnologie, cadre et cadre dirigeant, bilan de compétences, and assessment

  • RH Adéquation • Recrutement, carrière et conseil RH

    RH Adéquation est un cabinet de conseil en RH expert dans le recrutement / chasse de tête et gestion des Talents.

  • https://www.rh-adequation.fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Hauts-de-France Innovation Développement
Hauts-de-France Innovation Développement
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Hauts-de-France Innovation Développement
National and local authorities, Government Administration

31 Dec 2022

Public business cluster, French Cluster, Chemical Manufacturing
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Chemical Manufacturing

30 Sep 2023

Bioeconomy For Change
Bioeconomy For Change
Public business cluster, Biotechnology, French Cluster, Biotechnology Research
Bioeconomy For Change
Public business cluster, Biotechnology, French Cluster, Biotechnology Research

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