  • GlassFlow.dev

    Created in 2023
  • BETA

    Trend leader (A+)
    Existing signals make this entity one of the most dynamic startups
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  • Location

    Berlin, Germany



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 6

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    7 months, 3 weeks ago
  • Value proposition

    Python-based data streaming pipelines within minutes.

    When it comes to data streaming, organizations are using complex tech systems to meet user expectations. The challenges of constructing and managing event-driven data pipelines often require substantial data engineering efforts, hindering the adaptability of applications.

    GlassFlow's mission is to democratize real-time data processing, helping organizations of all sizes and Python engineers from diverse backgrounds unlock the full potential of streaming data. The product includes an easy-to-use setup that scales automatically with the performance needs of the pipelines and a serverless transformation engine that allows users to define applications as functions and events.

  • GlassFlow | Python-based data streaming in minutes

    GlassFlow is a serverless and production-ready setup that empowers everyone in your data team to build and transform event-based pipelines in minutes.

  • https://www.glassflow.dev/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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