  • Value proposition

    Creating energy through waste for everyone.

    3 billion people (half the world population) rely on burning wood, dung and crop residue for domestic energy.

    To face this challenge, we developed a family size portable and low-cost bio gas plant that uses organic waste instead of wood or dung to generate clean cooking gas and organic fertilizer from remaining slurry.

    Most solutions on the market require high set-up costs because they’re usually made for a village or city. Our bio gas plant is instead developed for a single family (or two), therefore is lower in costs, light to transport, very easy to set up and does not require maintenance.

    The other innovation comes in the payment method. These families cannot afford even the small cost of the plant, but they are producing a valuable amount of fertilizer, through the digestion of organic wastes, that we can collect and sell too farmers.

    At Poworganic we aim to bring to families in rural areas from developing countries a safe and clean source of energy for their daily activities as well as developing the organic agriculture in these countries.


  • Original language

    Creating energy through waste for everyone.

    3 billion people (half the world population) rely on burning wood, dung and crop residue for domestic energy.

    To face this challenge, we developed a family size portable and low-cost bio gas plant that uses organic waste instead of wood or dung to generate clean cooking gas and organic fertilizer from remaining slurry.

    Most solutions on the market require high set-up costs because they’re usually made for a village or city. Our bio gas plant is instead developed for a single family (or two), therefore is lower in costs, light to transport, very easy to set up and does not require maintenance.

    The other innovation comes in the payment method. These families cannot afford even the small cost of the plant, but they are producing a valuable amount of fertilizer, through the digestion of organic wastes, that we can collect and sell too farmers.

    At Poworganic we aim to bring to families in rural areas from developing countries a safe and clean source of energy for their daily activities as well as developing the organic agriculture in these countries.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
European Space Agency - ESA
European Space Agency - ESA
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
European Space Agency - ESA
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

18 Jan 2019

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