  • Value proposition

    Helping the UK's agriculture, food & farming sector towards financial and environmental sustainability.

    Helping the UK's agriculture, food and farming sector towards financial and environmental sustainability. Pursuing fair margins throughout the supply chain and a more ambitious food security target to achieve a more resilient and sustainable food system.

    Engaging with policymakers, business and academics to align thining and create synergystic action.

    Home of the #RedTalk and Sustainable Food Conference

    Agriculture, Farming, Food and Drink, Sustainability, Sustainable Accounting, Green Finance, Renewable Energy, Land Use, ESG, Green Growth, Sustainable Economy, Rural Economy, Rural Communities, Food, Horticulture, Agribusiness, Lobbying Group, Policy Group, Business Advice, Land Management, Food Systems, Food Systems Transformation, Doughnut Economics, Food Supply Chain, Food Prices, and Food Value

  • Rural Policy Group - Shaping the future of the rural economy

    Rural Policy Group is a visionary action-oriented think tank and advocate for rural policy across the United Kingdom. Find out more here >

  • https://ruralpolicygroup.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Bank, Financial Services
Bank, Financial Services

6 Sep 2021

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