We are convinced that there is potential in all existing buildings and have developed a solution for the efficient, climate-friendly and transparent management of heating systems in existing buildings. Our solution combines many years of expertise and know-how with the necessary technology for transparent and secure data processing, enabling property managers and property owners to modernise their existing heating systems immediately. The installation is simple, can be carried out quickly and can thus save costs in the short term.The software solution is focusing on asset tracking and monitoring of sensor values and is already used by various industries as an innovation-driving component in the context of their digital transformation. Juconn provides customers in hygiene management with a LoRa-based, energy and maintenance-reduced IoT solution. Partners from the energy industry benefit from IoT landscapes for real-time data evaluation, providing maximum energy- and cost-transparency without on-site meter-control." title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="206799" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Immoconn"> 1,180
Entity types
Feringastraße 6, 85774 Unterföhring, Germany
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 18
Engaged corporates
0Added in Motherbase
1 year, 8 months agoWe are convinced that there is potential in all existing buildings and have developed a solution for the efficient, climate-friendly and transparent management of heating systems in existing buildings.
Our solution combines many years of expertise and know-how with the necessary technology for transparent and secure data processing, enabling property managers and property owners to modernise their existing heating systems immediately. The installation is simple, can be carried out quickly and can thus save costs in the short term.The software solution is focusing on asset tracking and monitoring of sensor values and is already used by various industries as an innovation-driving component in the context of their digital transformation. Juconn provides customers in hygiene management with a LoRa-based, energy and maintenance-reduced IoT solution. Partners from the energy industry benefit from IoT landscapes for real-time data evaluation, providing maximum energy- and cost-transparency without on-site meter-control.
Heizungsmanagement, Heizkosten reduzieren, Dekarbonisierung des Gebäudesektors:, KI-Technologie, Beratung, Hausverwaltungen , Facility Management, Immobilien , Real Estate, Digitales Heizung-Monitoring, and Energiemonitoring
Digitales Heizungsmonitoring mit Immoconn. Immoconn ist die Plattform für ein nachhaltiges und digitales Heizungsmonitoring