Social networks
1,177 1,073Activities
Entity types
8, Zochova 754/8, 811 03 Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Slovakia
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 6
Engaged corporates
1Added in Motherbase
1 year, 7 months ago[Automatic translation follows] Association for Internet Advertising.
Interactive Advertising Bureau Slovakia (IAB Slovakia) is the largest digital association in Slovakia. It was founded to support and establish standards in online advertising on the Slovak digital market. It operates IABmonitor - audited measurement of media audience and demographic data of real users. It supports education in digital marketing by organizing workshops, professional discussions and conferences. IAB Slovakia launched and is the guarantor of the international educational programme in digital marketing DIMAQ, which consists of educational courses and accredited certification. It is a member of the transnational association IAB Europe.
Interactive Advertising Bureau Slovakia (IAB Slovakia) is an association which was founded for support and establishment standards in online advertising on Slovak digital market. It provides IABmonitor - audited measurement of medias audience and demographic data of real users. We are supporting education in digital marketing by providing workshops, conferences and run the only international educational programme in digital marketing DIMAQ which contains courses and certification. We are the member of IAB Europe.
internet market, online media, media agencies, digital advertising, online, advertisers, publishers, online legislation, digital marketing, DIMAQ, online expenses, IABmonitor, online strategy, and online media planning
Združenie pre internetovú reklamu.
Interactive Advertising Bureau Slovakia (IAB Slovakia) je najväčšie digitálne združenie na Slovensku. Bolo založené pre podporu a zavedenie štandardov do internetovej reklamy na slovenskom digitálnom trhu. Prevádzkuje IABmonitor - auditované meranie návštevnosti médií, ktoré poskytuje aj sociodemografické údaje o návštevníkoch. Podporuje vzdelávanie v digitálnom marketingu organizovaním workshopov, odborných diskusií a konferencií. IAB Slovakia rozbehlo a je garantom vzdelávacieho medzinárodného programu v digitálnom marketingu DIMAQ, ktorý sa skladá zo vzdelávacích kurzov a akreditovanej certifikácie. Je členom nadnárodného združenia IAB Europe.
Interactive Advertising Bureau Slovakia (IAB Slovakia) is an association which was founded for support and establishment standards in online advertising on Slovak digital market. It provides IABmonitor - audited measurement of medias audience and demographic data of real users. We are supporting education in digital marketing by providing workshops, conferences and run the only international educational programme in digital marketing DIMAQ which contains courses and certification. We are the member of IAB Europe.
internet market, online media, media agencies, digital advertising, online, advertisers, publishers, online legislative, digital marketing, DIMAQ, online expences, IABmonitor, online strategy, and online media planning
IAB Slovakia je najväčším slovenským digitálnym združením pôsobiacim v oblasti internetovej reklamy. Prinášame na trh pravidlá, štandardy, etické kódexy. Podporujeme profesijný networking. Vzdelávame profesionálov v digitálnom marketingu.
Corporate | Type | Tweets | Articles | |
Publicis Groupe Advertising, Advertising Services | Publicis Groupe Advertising, Advertising Services | Other 16 Apr 2023 | |