  • Etat de Neuchâtel

  • BETA

    Trend leader (A+)
    Existing signals make this entity one of the most dynamic startups
  • Social networks

    3,802 29,195
  • Entity types

  • Location

    Rue de la Collégiale 12, 2001 Neuchâtel, Switzerland



  • Employees

    Scale: 1001-5000

    Estimated: 1,916

  • Engaged corporates

    1 9
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Anchored in Neuchâtel, connected to the world

    A key player in the Neuchâtel job market, the cantonal administration offers a very wide variety of jobs in multiple fields of activity, and plays an important role in basic training and professional integration.
    More than 4,000 employees thus benefit from interesting and constantly evolving tasks, with real prospects for development and progression, as well as attractive working conditions in line with the changing constraints of our environment.
    Service to the population and businesses of the canton represents a stimulating, permanent and rewarding challenge, imbued with values, listening and mutual respect.

  • Original language

    Ancré à Neuchâtel, connecté au monde

    Acteur essentiel du marché de l’emploi neuchâtelois, l’administration cantonale offre une très importante variété d’emplois dans de multiples domaines d’activité, et joue un rôle important en matière de formation de base et d’intégration professionnelle.
    Plus de 4000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs bénéficient ainsi de tâches intéressantes et en constante évolution, avec de réelles perspectives de développement et de progression, ainsi que de conditions de travail attrayantes en adéquation avec l’évolution des contraintes de notre environnement.
    Le service à la population et aux entreprises du canton représente un défi stimulant, permanent et valorisant, empreint de valeurs, d’écoute et de respect mutuels.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

13 May 2022

Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Pharmaceutical, Hospitals and Health Care
Johnson & Johnson
Pharmaceutical, Hospitals and Health Care

5 Feb 2021

Credit Suisse Credit Suisse

11 May 2021

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Research, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Research, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing

24 Sep 2019

Consumer Technology Association
Consumer Technology Association
Trade show, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Consumer Technology Association
Trade show, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing

6 Jan 2022

Groupe TF1
Groupe TF1
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
Groupe TF1
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

26 Jan 2022

European Space Agency - ESA
European Space Agency - ESA
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
European Space Agency - ESA
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing

28 May 2023

Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
National and local authorities, Government Administration

8 Dec 2022

Luxury, Retail Luxury Goods and Jewelry
Luxury, Retail Luxury Goods and Jewelry

13 May 2022

Swiss Post
Swiss Post
Postal services, Consumer Services
Swiss Post
Postal services, Consumer Services

31 Mar 2019

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