
    Created in 2014
  • BETA

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    229 1,226
  • Activities

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  • Location

    8 Rue St Domingue, 44200 Nantes, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 1

  • Engaged corporates

    0 4
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Sustainable and Innovative Environmental Services

    Atmoterra is an employee-owned and independant company providing innovative and sustainable consulting, design and construction services in our specialist areas of earth, air quality, environment and energy.
    Creative thinking is our solution to provide innovative ideas to your project, in compliance with international best practices and the latest scientific innovations.

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) includes:
    ✓ All our projects are CARBON NEUTRAL (carbon balance and offsets certificates are provided at the completion of each project);
    ✓ We revert 1% of our gross annual turnover to environmental non profit associations;
    ✓ Electricity in our office is 100% powered by renewables...

    We provide services in the following areas of expertise:
    ► Odours & Air Quality: Assessment, modelling and management;
    ► Industrial Risk Management: management plans, occupational H&S;
    ► Environmental and Social Impact Assessment: for population and ecosystems;
    ► Environmental Compliance: audits and compliance assistance;
    ► Sustainable Management of Contaminated Land: from site assessment to remediation;
    ► Waste Management: design and operational services;
    ► Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: from prevention to post-crisis recovery;
    ► Innovation, Research & Development: new solutions to face emerging issues.

    ATMOTERRA is a accredited professional training provider : DIRECCTE des Pays de la Loire (n°52440798644).

    We have a large range of technical skills which allows us to deliver any type of environmental project, with the support of other experts when required. We are known for ourcustomer-focused solutions, attention to detail and safety, highly skilled staff, and rapid response capabilities.

    From our headquarters in France, we are able to be mobilized anywhere in the world at short notice.

    Please visit our website or contact us to know more.
    ✆ +33 9 84 16 27 84
    ✉ contact [at] atmoterra.com

    Environmental Impact Assessment, Air Quality, Climate Change, Industrial Risk Management, Environmental Compliance Management, Innovation, Research and Development, Odour Management, Health and Safety, EIA, ICPE, Indoor Air Quality, ESIA, Carbon, AIr dispersion modeling, Meteorology, and Odour

  • Original language

    Environnement + Air + Climat

    Atmoterra est un bureau d’étude indépendant, intervenant en France et à l'international, spécialisé dans la réalisation d’études environnementales innovantes et durables. Nous accompagnons nos clients à chaque phase d'un projet, du design jusqu'au suivi de chantier pour nos domaines d'expertise liés au sol, l'air, l'environnement et l’énergie.
    Créativité et expertise technique sont nos marques de fabrique afin de proposer des solutions innovantes pour vos projets, bénéficiant des dernières avancées technologiques et meilleurs techniques disponibles.

    Nos principaux services incluent en particulier :
    ☑ Etudes liées à la qualité de l'air;
    ☑ Evaluation et gestion des odeurs et nuisances olfactives;
    ☑ Plan Climat Energie Territoriaux (PCAET);
    ☑ Etudes Environnementales Stratégiques (EES);
    ☑ Réhabilitations de sites et sols pollués et de décharges;
    ☑ Gaz du sol et Evaluation des Risques Sanitaires (EQRS);
    ☑ Design et mise en place de solutions innovantes dans le domaine de l'environnement;
    ☑ Accompagnement et élaboration de Dossiers de Demande d'Autorisation d'Exploiter (DDAE)
    ☑ Audit et due diligence;
    ☑ Etudes d'Impacts sur l'Environnement et Etudes de Dangers (EDD);
    ☑ Adaptation au Changement Climatique;

    Organisme de formation enregistré auprès de la DIRECCTE des Pays de la Loire (n°52440798644)

  • ATMOTERRA | Innovative and Sustainable Environmental Services

    Atmoterra is an employee-owned and independant company providing innovative and sustainable consulting, design and construction services in our specialist areas of earth, environment, air and energy.

  • https://www.atmoterra.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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