  • ARRI

    Created in 1917

  • Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    58,975 155,577
  • Activities

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  • Entity types

  • Location

    Herbert-Bayer-Straße 10, 80807 München, Germany



  • Employees

    Scale: 1001-5000

    Estimated: 925

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    “Inspiring images. Since 1917.” ARRI is a global player within the motion picture industry.

    “Inspiring images. Since 1917.” ARRI is a global player within the motion picture industry, employing around 1,600 staff worldwide. Named after its founders August Arnold and Robert Richter, ARRI was established in Munich, Germany, where the headquarters is still located today. Other subsidiaries are in Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Australia.

    The ARRI Group consists of the business units Camera Systems, Lighting, Rental, and Solutions, as well as the subsidiary Claypaky, all dedicated to connecting creativity and future technologies for moving images and live entertainment. ARRI is a leading designer and manufacturer of camera and lighting systems for the film, broadcast, media, and entertainment industries, with a worldwide distribution and service network. The portfolio includes digital cameras, lenses, camera accessories, archive technologies, lamp heads, and lighting accessories. Along with offering exclusive technologies, ARRI Rental’s first-class services and equipment provide camera, lighting, and grip packages to professional productions around the world. ARRI Solutions offers high-quality virtual and traditional production infrastructure solutions and efficient, integrated workflows to a broad range of studio operators, producers, and enterprises. Claypaky fascinates audiences worldwide with cutting-edge live entertainment and stage lighting.

    In recognition of its innovative contributions to the film and television industries, ARRI has been honored with 19 scientific and technical awards from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences and six Engineering Emmys from the Television Academy and the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.

    For locations and more information, please visit www.arri.com.

    Digital Movie Cameras, Film Cameras, Film Scanners, Film Recorders, Camera Rental, Lighting Rental, Film & TV Lighting, Camera Systems, Digital Lighting, Digital Camera, Camera Systems, Cine Lenses, Camera Accessories, Camera Stabilizer Systems, and Professional Lighting

  • ARRI | Inspiring Images. Since 1917.

    ARRI is a leading designer and manufacturer of camera and lighting systems for the film and broadcast industry, with a worldwide distribution and service network.

  • https://www.arri.com/en
Corporate interactions
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