  • Value proposition

    Soluciones con Sentido para la Salud Animal -
    Meaningful Solutions for Animal Health

    Our mission is to provide efficient solutions for the permanent improvement of animal health, creating value for the client through the commitment and capacity of our human team.
    Laboratorios Syva researches, develops, manufactures and commercializes biological and pharmaceutical products for the veterinary sector, with own subsidiaries in Spain, Portugal and Mexico, and a presence in more than 70 countries worldwide through a network of business partners and distributors.

    Veterinary biologicals, Veterinary pharmaceuticals, Veterinary antimicrobials, Vaccines, Bienestar animal, CMO, Contract manufacturing, and R&D

  • Soluciones con sentido para la salud animal - Syva Soluciones con sentido para la salud animal

    Conscientes de nuestro papel social, estamos orgullosos de contribuir a un sistema alimentario sostenible a través del bienestar y la salud de los animales de producción, ofreciendo soluciones a veterinarios y ganaderos para prevenir y tratar enfermedades.

  • https://syva.es/
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