  • Value proposition

    We are proud to be Australia’s largest water utility, bringing world-class services to our customers.

    We deliver essential and sustainable water services for the benefit of the community. We put customers front of mind and contribute to liveable cities.

    We provide drinking water, recycled water, wastewater services and some stormwater services to more than four million people in Sydney, Illawarra and the Blue Mountains.

    Drinking water is sourced from a network of dams managed by Water NSW, then treated and delivered to customers'​ homes and businesses by Sydney Water.

    We are Australia's largest water utility with over 3,200 staff and an area of operations covering 12,700 square kilometres.

    We, a statutory State owned corporation wholly owned by the New South Wales Government, have three equal, principal objectives:
    - to protect public health
    - to protect the environment
    - to be a successful business.

    drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, recycled water, desalination, water treatment, water monitoring, water quality, water education, water efficiency, sustainability, tradewaste, backflow prevention, Sydney, Blue Mountains, and Illawarra

  • Home

    Sydney Water's role goes far beyond supplying water, wastewater, recycled water and stormwater services. From the health of the city and its people, to managing the environment and the health of our waterways we're helping to create a better life for Greater Sydney.

  • https://www.sydneywater.com.au/
Corporate interactions BETA
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Transdev North America
Transdev North America
Transport, Transportation/Trucking/Railroad
Transdev North America
Transport, Transportation/Trucking/Railroad

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