  • PERAX l'alternative

    Created in 1978
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    151 Rue Euclide, 31620 Bouloc, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 13


  • Engaged corporates

    4 9
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 10 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Open and sustainable remote management and supervision solutions

    Founded 46 years ago near Toulouse, PERAX is an independent and human-sized company specializing in the design, supply and
    deployment of remote management and supervision solutions, in the field of water and sanitation networks in particular. Since its creation,
    interoperability and tailor-made solutions have been its trademarks. This unique know-how makes PERAX the perfect alternative for operators who
    wish to benefit from adjusted and scalable remote management and supervision solutions, and therefore competitive and sustainable.

    datalogger, remote management, remote management automation, supervision, deltaX, drinking water, sanitation, P400, P400XI, sectorization, data recorder, Ai, smartenergy, smartwater, engineering, remote reading, remote management, automation, automation, radio, telecommunications, wireless telecommunications, design office, connected data recorder, IoT, Connected object, P400IoT, Perax IoT, IoT platform, HVAC, Data Logger, Remote control, Sectorization, Data centralization, Self-monitoring, Perax, Perax technologies, French manufacturer, Smart environment, Smart water, SCADA, telemetry, Aréal, Topkapi, Codra, Panorama, visualization, opensource, Smart energy, end RTC, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G

  • Original language

    Solutions ouvertes et durables de télégestion et supervision

    Née il y a 46 ans près de Toulouse, PERAX est une société indépendante et à taille humaine spécialisée dans la conception, la fourniture et le
    déploiement de solutions de télégestion et supervision, dans le domaine des réseaux d’eau et de l’assainissement notamment. Depuis sa création,
    l’interopérabilité et le sur-mesure signent sa marque de fabrique. Ce savoir-faire unique fait de PERAX l’alternative parfaite pour les opérateurs qui
    souhaitent bénéficier de solutions de télégestion et supervision ajustées et évolutives, et par là même compétitives et durables.

    datalogger, telegestion, automate de telegestion, supervision, deltaX, eau potable, assainissement, P400, P400XI, sectorisation, enregistreur de données, Ai, smartenergy, smartwater, ingienerie, télérelève, télégestion, automatisme, automatisation, radio, télécommunications, télécommunications sans fil , bureau d'études , enregistreur de données connecté, IoT, Object connecté, P400IoT, Perax IoT, Plateforme IoT, HVAC, Data Logger, Télécontrôle, Sectorisation, Centralisation de données, Autosurveillance, Perax, Perax technologies, Fabricant Français, Smart environnement, Smart water, SCADA, telemetry, Aréal, Topkapi, Codra, Panorama, visualisation, opensource, Smart energy, fin RTC, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Energy, Oil and Gas
Energy, Oil and Gas

31 Jul 2023

BFM Business
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

3 Aug 2023

Public business cluster, Non-profit Organizations
Public business cluster, Non-profit Organizations

2 Sep 2024

Pôle Aquanova
Pôle Aquanova
Environment, Business Consulting and Services
Pôle Aquanova
Environment, Business Consulting and Services

2 Sep 2024

France Water Team
France Water Team
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
France Water Team
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

8 Mar 2023

Environmental Services
Environmental Services

29 May 2024

International Office for Water
International Office for Water
Environment, Environmental Services
International Office for Water
Environment, Environmental Services

30 Jun 2022

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