  • Value proposition

    Luxembourg's leading network for Corporate Responsibility

    IMS explores new solutions and concretely tests sustainable alternatives, thanks to working groups and pilot projects with positive impacts.
    Through these projects, IMS facilitates innovative initiatives by mobilizing all stakeholders (private, public and associative).

    IMS projects tackled these different challenges:
    - People : inclusion & diversity, wellbeing at work, community engagement, youth, business & human rights
    - Planet : tackling climate change, natural resources & biodiversity, towards zero waste
    - Prosperity : responsible production & consumption, new economic approaches, social and solidarity economy, transparency & reporting

    IMS is an independent, apolitical, non-profit organization that benefits from the expertise of an agile and creative team.
    The network represents 15% of the Luxembourg workforce and is the national representative of the European organization CSR Europe.

    Since 2024, HRH the Grand Duke supports IMS Luxembourg by granting it his patronage.

    développement durable, csr, rse, corporate social responsability, responsabilité sociale des entreprises, people, planet, prosperity, environment, and social

Corporate interactions
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Newspaper Publishing
Newspaper Publishing

26 Oct 2022

7 Mar 2025

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Social network dynamics