  • Ornamo Art and Design Finland

    Created in 1911
  • Social networks

    1,220 4,567
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Annankatu 16b 36, 00120 Helsinki, Finland



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 26

  • Engaged corporates

    0 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 10 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Ornamo, founded in 1911, is Finland's oldest community of design professionals. We work to make the value of design visible and to improve the position of the design industry in society

    Ornamo's members are highly trained design professionals. Almost 2,700 of our members work in areas such as interior architecture, industrial design, furniture, textile and clothing design, packaging design, service design, digital design, user interfaces, arts and crafts and art.


    Ornamo Art and Design Finland is an expert organization for designers. Established in 1911, Ornamo Advances the profession of designers and defines the role of design in society.

    Ornamo's almost 2,700 members are highly educated design professionals. They are employed in the fields of interior design, industrial design, furniture design, textile and fashion design, package design, service design, digital design, user interface design, contemporary crafts and art.

    supervision of interests of design professionals and Finnish design

  • Original language

    Vuonna 1911 perustettu Ornamo on Suomen vanhin muotoilun ammattilaisten yhteisö. Työskentelemme muotoilun arvon näkyväksi tekemiseen ja muotoilualan aseman parantamiseen yhteiskunnassa

    Ornamon jäsenet ovat korkeasti koulutettuja muotoilun ammattilaisia. Lähes 2 700 jäsentämme työskentelee muun muassa sisustusarkkitehtuurin, teollisen muotoilun, kaluste-, tekstiili- ja vaatesuunnittelun, pakkaussuunnittelun, palvelumuotoilun, digitaalisen suunnittelun, käyttöliittymien, taidekäsityön ja taiteen aloilla.


    Ornamo Art and Design Finland is an expert organization for designers. Established in 1911, Ornamo advances the profession of designers and defines the role of design in society.

    Ornamo's almost 2 700 members are highly educated design professionals. They are employed in the fields of interior design, industrial design, furniture design, textile and fashion design, package design, service design, digital design, user interface design, contemporary crafts and art.

    supervision of interests of design professionals and Finnish design

  • Ornamo - Ääni, yhteisö ja tukiverkosto

    Ornamo ry on vuonna 1911 perustettu muotoilualan asiantuntijajärjestö. Liity ammattilaisten joukkoon ja ota palvelumme käyttöösi.

  • https://www.ornamo.fi/
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