  • Caffè Moak S.p.A.

    Created in 1967
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    Up & running (A)
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  • Location

    Via Modica Ragusa, 49, 97015 Modica RG, Italy



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 76

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years ago
  • Value proposition

    Dal 1967, caffè di qualità tostato a Modica (Sicilia, Italia) e degustato in tutto il mondo.

    Born in 1967, Caffè Moak works is the coffee roasting and distribution sector. In its fifty years of activity, the company is nowadays present in many countries, but the bond with
    its territory is primordial.
    The town of Modica, where Moak was founded, was part of the greatest civilizations during its thousand-year old
    history: Motyka for the Greeks, Motuca for the Romans, Mohac for the Arabs. Indeed, when Giovanni Spadola gave
    life to a new entrepreneurial reality, the Arabs - discoverers and great coffee drinkers – wanted to be recalled.
    In few years, Caffè Moak reaches important goals with a significant growth on Italian ground first, and then abroad,
    cornering the markets in the five continents.
    An achievement gained thanks to new modernization projects the company starts in both the production and
    management sector, besides the care and attention to its image, which represents a strong point of the brand.
    However, what turned Moak into a “made in Italy” quality brand is the careful selection of coffees, among the most
    valued worldwide, as well as the single roasting system – a process that allows to respect the organoleptic features of every single coffee bean and offers clients the pleasure of a real Italian espresso, whether it is at the bar, at home or in the office.

    caffe, horeca, ristorazione, alimenti , bevande, coffee, bar, hotel , ristoranti , and gdo

  • Caffè Moak | Acquista Online Macchine Del Caffè, Cialde e Capsule

    Concediti il piacere di un ottimo caffè espresso, prova Moak, siamo specializzati in caffè di alta qualità sin dal 1967! Acquista online la macchina del caffè, le cialde e le capsule.

  • https://www.caffemoak.com/
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