  • Matera

    Created in 2017
  • BETA

    Trend leader (A+)
    Existing signals make this entity one of the most dynamic startups
  • Social networks

    370 533 474 76 17,069 17,069
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    46 Rue Notre Dame des Victoires, 75002 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 284


  • Engaged corporates

    4 8
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    We make the life of co-owners easy !

    Matera is a PropTech Saas company that allows co-owners to manage their buildings themselves without the services of a professional property manager.

    With a third round of funding of 35 million euros, Matera is moving up a gear! Today we have 3,000 client co-ownerships with a target of 5,000 very soon. With more than 400 new applications per week, there is no shortage of people who wish to change their way of managing their building!

    Founded in 2017, we are now 150 Materani working a lot to achieve our mission: make co-owners happy in their building! It is now the time to address the German market.

    Why join us?

    🏆 A very rewarding job and customers who love us (just have a look at the google reviews about us :) )
    🤗 A team always in a good mood to approach a market where no startup has yet managed to make a name for itself.
    💜 You improve the daily life of all your relatives who are mad at their property manager.
    👍 Our company’s culture facilitate fulfillment of every employees by adopting solid working methods

    syndic, copropriété, immobilier, and gestion locative

  • Original language

    Des logements bien gérés 💙

    Créée en 2017, Matera est une start-up qui accompagne les propriétaires à gérer leur copropriété et leurs investissements locatifs.

    Devenue le 1er acteur digital de la gestion de copropriété en France, Matera accompagne plus de 10 000 copropriétés en France et en Allemagne. D’abord connue grâce à son offre de syndic coopératif qui permet aux copropriétaires de reprendre le contrôle sur leur immeuble, Matera lance en février 2024 une offre de syndic professionnel local 100% déléguée.

    En janvier 2023, Matera a lancé également une offre de gestion locative pour compléter ses services et proposer un écosystème complet aux propriétaires. La startup accompagne désormais plus de 1 000 biens en location.

    À plus long terme, Matera souhaite aller encore plus loin et développer un véritable écosystème complet autour du logement : rénovation énergétique, transaction, assurance emprunteur, etc.

  • Matera - Des logements bien gérés

    Matera, votre aide au quotidien pour mieux gérer votre copropriété et vos locations.

  • https://matera.eu/fr
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Startup accelerator & VC, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
Startup accelerator & VC, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

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La French Tech
La French Tech
Media, Government Administration
La French Tech
Media, Government Administration

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Real Estate, NGO, Think Tank
Real Estech
Real Estate, NGO, Think Tank

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L'Atelier BNP Paribas
Finance, Media, IT Services and IT Consulting
L'Atelier BNP Paribas
Finance, Media, IT Services and IT Consulting
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