  • WYZ Group - Online Expert

    Created in 2009
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    330 1,731
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    176 Rue Robert Schuman, 60610 La Croix-Saint-Ouen, France

    La Croix-Saint-Ouen


  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 76

  • Engaged corporates

    1 5
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years ago
  • Value proposition

    Online Expert

    WYZ Group - Online Experts​

    WYZ is an innovative French company, specialized in online tyre sales and supply management, with three types of clients:​

    ► Key accounts in the automotive aftermarket​

    ► Company fleets​

    ► Generic or specialized online sale website.​

    ☛ Our solutions​

    ► WYZ Fleet (B to B): Tyre supply management solutions for corporate fleets. Enable fleets to get an average discount of 30% on the cost of their tyres.​

    ► WYZ Retail (B to B): supplemental tyre supply solution, complementing automotive dealer networks and automotive aftermarket retailers through custom-made and dedicated internet platforms based on European sourcing​

    ► WYZ Solutions (B to B to C): custom-made tools (back and / or front office dedicated or shared) for generalist and specialized e-shopping websites and for automotive manufacturers.​

    ☛ Key figures and dates:​

    2009: Company creation​

    2012: 6,600 K € of revenue​

    2013: 10 031 K € (+ 52%)​

    2014: 15 200 K € (+ 51.5%)​

    2015: 20 400 K €​

    2019 : 43.2 M €​

    +30 % average growth over the last 7 years​

    ☛ WYZ internationally​

    Located in the north of Paris area (Compiègne), WYZ Group has also an international dimension with several local implantations in Europe:​

    ► Benelux with WYZ Belgium​

    ► Spain with Iberia WYZ Automativ​

    ► Sweden Portugal (Opening soon)​

    2018 goal: 35% of turnover from exports (9% in 2015)​

    ☛ WYZ values: inspired by the triathlon​

    A parallel can be drawn between the 3 main activities of WYZ Group and the triathlon disciplines that are both independent and complementary:​

    ► Swimming / WYZ Company​

    ► Cycling / WYZ Networks​

    ► Running / WYZ Solutions​

    Pushing its limits and managing its strengths are two important components of the development of a sustainable and solid tyre policy ... as in a triathlon! »​

    dépannage et d'approvisionnement pneumatique de complément, Solutions de Vente en ligne de Pneumatiques, Rechange auto B to B, and Solutions digitales

  • Original language

    Expertise pneumatique et solutions digitales pour l'après-vente automobile.

    L’entreprise accompagne les acteurs de l’après-vente automobile dans la vente et la gestion de pneumatiques grâce à des solutions​ digitales.

    ​WYZ construit son offre autour de 3 axes indépendants mais complémentaires (WYZ Retail, WYZ Fleet, WYZ Solutions), qui donnent à WYZ un profil unique sur le marché européen.

    · WYZ Retail : fourniture de pneus de complément, toutes marques, tous segments​

    · WYZ Fleet : gestion digitale du poste pneumatique pour les flottes automobiles​

    · WYZ Solutions : solutions digitales multiples et innovantes pour booster l’activité en marque blanche ​
    ou en marque grise l’après-vente automobile (outil de devis, E-shop, plateforme de redistribution, programme d’e-learning, outil de gestion de flotte)​

    L'entreprise est basée à Compiègne en France et est sur le sol européen, en Belgique, Espagne, Portugal, Suède, Italie et Allemagne.​

    Elle est engagée dans des projets RSE et encourage la pratique d'une activité physique pour tous les WYZers. ​
    Il n’y a pas de profil type. Au contraire, nous souhaitons nous appuyer sur la diversité, la mixité et les affinités de chacun.​

    De nombreux WYZers s'engagent chaque année dans des challenges organisés par WYZ.​

    En 2023, ils se lanceront dans 3 triathlons longues distance en 3 jours.​

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Software Development
Software Development

22 Sep 2023

Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting
Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting

6 Apr 2023

Media, Newspaper Publishing
Media, Newspaper Publishing

28 Aug 2018

Energy, Environmental Services
Energy, Environmental Services

26 Nov 2023

Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

5 Jul 2021

9 Apr 2024

Groupe TF1
Groupe TF1
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
Groupe TF1
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

6 Aug 2018

Automobile, Tyre manufacturing, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
Automobile, Tyre manufacturing, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
Not capitalistic

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