  • Value proposition

    Biobased binders for the coatings industry 🌱 Reduce your formulas' carbon footprint without compromising on performance

    Ecoat is a French company eco-designing, manufacturing and, selling bio-based and water-based binders for paints and varnishes.
    We address the growing need for sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to existing resins and polymers.

    ✅ Benefits : you reduce your formulas' carbon footprint without sacrificing the performance !

    Applications :
    👉 Architectural and decorative coatings,
    👉 Metal protective coatings,
    👉 Wood coatings.

    As a mission-driven company, we aim to speed-up the ecological transition of the coatings industry through 3 axis :

    ✔ Innovate by integrating a sustainable dimension in 100% of developed solutions,
    ✔ Measure our own environmental impact and put our eco-design expertise at your service,
    ✔ Engage our employees in an agile and efficient organization.

    We've developped the Switcher offer, a program to support your decarbonization roadmap, including LCA studies, technical assistance and marketing advice.

    You can find us in 2 localizations:

    🏭 Production site in Roussillon (38), Lyon area,
    🔬 Headquarters in Grasse (06) with our R&D lab and administrative functions.

    Our bio-based binders are available over 5 continents thanks to a strong distribution network, acting as real partners.

    Want to develop more virtuous coatings? Let's discuss!

    🧑‍💻 www.ecoat.fr
    📧 info@ecoat.fr

    Développement durable, Chimie organique, revêtement, liants, résine, coatings, peinture, RSE, Bio-based polymers, Bio-based binders, Wood coatings, Architectural coatings, Metal protective coatings, Sustainable resins, Paints, and Varnishes

  • Original language

    Biobased binders for the coatings industry 🌱 Reduce your formulas' carbon footprint without compromising on performance

    Ecoat is a French company eco-designing, manufacturing and, selling bio-based and water-based binders for paints and varnishes.
    We address the growing need for sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to existing resins and polymers.

    ✅ Benefits : you reduce your formulas' carbon footprint without sacrificing the performance !

    Applications :
    👉 Architectural and decorative coatings,
    👉 Metal protective coatings,
    👉 Wood coatings.

    As a mission-driven company, we aim to speed-up the ecological transition of the coatings industry through 3 axis :

    ✔ Innovate by integrating a sustainable dimension in 100% of developed solutions,
    ✔ Measure our own environmental impact and put our eco-design expertise at your service,
    ✔ Engage our employees in an agile and efficient organization.

    We've developped the Switcher offer, a program to support your decarbonization roadmap, including LCA studies, technical assistance and marketing advice.

    You can find us in 2 localizations:

    🏭 Production site in Roussillon (38), Lyon area,
    🔬 Headquarters in Grasse (06) with our R&D lab and administrative functions.

    Our bio-based binders are available over 5 continents thanks to a strong distribution network, acting as real partners.

    Want to develop more virtuous coatings? Let's discuss!

    🧑‍💻 www.ecoat.fr
    📧 info@ecoat.fr

  • Ecoat - Bio-based binders for the coatings and paints industry

    Ecoat offers bio-based and performing solutions to help reduce the carbon footprint of your coatings and paints. Discover our products now!

  • https://www.ecoat.fr/
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