  • Fingrid Oyj

    Created in 1996
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    6,192 1,350 22,010
  • Activities

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  • Location

    Läkkisepäntie 21, 00620 Helsinki, Finland



  • Employees

    Scale: 501-1000

    Estimated: 479

  • Engaged corporates

    2 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 3 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Transmission system operator of Finland

    Fingrid Oyj is a Finnish public limited liability company responsible for the transmission of electricity in the Finnish transmission grid. The nationwide transmission grid is a central part of the Finnish electricity system. The transmission grid is the backbone network for electricity transmission, to which large power plants and factories as well as regional distribution networks are connected.

    The Finnish transmission grid is part of the common Nordic electricity system, which is connected to the Central European system via direct current connections. In addition, there are direct current connections from Finland to Estonia.

    The transmission grid includes over 14,000 kilometers of 400, 220 and 110 kilovolt power lines and over a hundred substations.

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    Fingrid is a Finnish public limited liability company responsible for the electricity transmission in the high-voltage transmission system in Finland. Fingrid's nationwide grid is an integral part of the power system in Finland. The transmission grid is the high-voltage trunk network which covers the entire Finland. Major power plants, industrial plants and regional electricity distribution networks are connected to the grid.

    The Finnish power system is part of the inter-Nordic power system. The inter-Nordic system is connected to the system in Continental Europe by means of high-voltage direct current transmission links. Moreover, there are high-voltage direct current links from Finland to Estonia.

    The transmission system in Finland encompasses over 14,000 kilometers of 400, 220 and 110 kilovolt transmission lines plus more than 100 substations.

    Read more:

    Transmission System Operator in Finland

  • Original language

    Suomen kantaverkkoyhtiö / Transmission system operator of Finland

    Fingrid Oyj on suomalainen julkinen osakeyhtiö, joka vastaa sähkön siirrosta Suomen kantaverkossa. Maanlaajuinen kantaverkko on keskeinen osa Suomen sähköjärjestelmää. Kantaverkko on sähkönsiirron runkoverkko, johon ovat liittyneet suuret voimalaitokset ja tehtaat sekä alueelliset jakeluverkot.

    Suomen kantaverkko on osa yhteispohjoismaista sähköjärjestelmää, joka on kytketty Keski-Euroopan järjestelmään tasavirtayhteyksin. Lisäksi Suomesta on Viroon tasasähköyhteydet.

    Kantaverkkoon kuuluu 400, 220 ja 110 kilovoltin voimajohtoja yli 14 000 kilometriä sekä yli sata sähköasemaa.

    Lue lisää:


    Fingrid is a Finnish public limited liability company responsible for the electricity transmission in the high-voltage transmission system in Finland. Fingrid's nationwide grid is an integral part of the power system in Finland. The transmission grid is the high-voltage trunk network which covers the entire Finland. Major power plants, industrial plants and regional electricity distribution networks are connected to the grid.

    The Finnish power system is part of the inter-Nordic power system. The inter-Nordic system is connected to the system in Continental Europe by means of high-voltage direct current transmission links. Moreover, there are high-voltage direct current links from Finland to Estonia.

    The transmission system in Finland encompasses over 14,000 kilometres of 400, 220 and 110 kilovolt transmission lines plus more than 100 substations.

    Read more:

    Transmission System Operator in Finland

Corporate interactions BETA
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14 May 2020

 EU Green Capital
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