  • CIO Platform Nederland

    Created in 2005
  • Social networks

    1,508 4,725
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Maanweg 174, 2516 AB Den Haag, Netherlands

    Den Haag


  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 15

  • Engaged corporates

    1 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The CIO Platform Netherlands connects and strengthens

    The CIO Platform Netherlands is the association for the CIO/CDO, their peers and IT professionals of major users of digital technology in the Netherlands.

    Since 2005, the association has been facilitating practical knowledge sharing, representing member interests and offering a platform for networking. This strengthens all members in their digital transformation: we make digital work!

    "The changes that digitalization makes possible and necessary in our organizations are so great and are happening so quickly that only by sharing knowledge can we be sufficiently prepared for these developments and prepare our organizations for them as best as possible."​

    Martijn Koning | Chairman of CIO Platform Netherlands | Member of the Board of Directors & CDO AutoBinck Group

    knowledge sharing, joining forces, labor market and HRM, information security, purchasing and sourcing, architecture, leadership and innovation, operations and e-activities, social media, digitalization, innovation, networks, ICT, Digital transformation, and CIO

  • Original language

    Het CIO Platform Nederland verbindt en versterkt

    Het CIO Platform Nederland is dé vereniging voor de CIO/CDO, hun 'peers'​ en IT-professionals van grote gebruikers van digitale technologie in Nederland.

    Al sinds 2005 faciliteert de vereniging praktische kennisdeling, behartigt de ledenbelangen en biedt een platform om te netwerken. Dit versterkt alle leden in hun digitale transformatie: we make digital work!

    "De veranderingen die digitalisering mogelijk en noodzakelijk maakt in onze organisaties zijn zo groot en gaan zo snel, dat we alleen door kennis te delen voldoende voorbereid zijn op deze ontwikkelingen en onze organisaties hierop zo goed mogelijk kunnen voorbereiden."​

    Martijn Koning | Voorzitter CIO Platform Nederland | Lid Raad van Bestuur & CDO AutoBinck Group

    kennisdeling, krachtenbundeling, arbeidsmarkt en hrm, informatiebeveiliging, inkoop en sourcing, architectuur, leiderschap en innovatie, operations en e-activiteiten, social media, digitalisering, innovatie, netwerken, ICT, Digitale transformatie, and cio

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking

12 May 2016

European Commission
European Commission
European Union, Environmental Services
European Commission
European Union, Environmental Services

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IT Services and IT Consulting
IT Services and IT Consulting
Not capitalistic

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