  • Bticino de México

    Created in 1967
  • Social networks

    6,894 14,542
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    México 57, Querétaro, Mexico



  • Employees

    Scale: 501-1000

    Estimated: 251

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Transforming spaces where people live and work.

    From a simple switch to turn on the kitchen light to a comprehensive home automation and energy distribution system capable of controlling a convention center.

    Since 1967, Bticino has offered the Mexican market innovative products with avant-garde design for the control of lighting, climate, audio, security and food at home and in the workspace, as well as management solutions for low-voltage electrical systems. and medium voltage for the commercial and industrial sector.

  • Original language

    Transformando espacios donde la gente vive y trabaja.

    Desde un simple interruptor para encender la luz de la cocina hasta un sistema integral de domótica y distribución de energía capaz de controlar un centro de convenciones.

    Bticino ofrece al mercado Mexicano desde 1967 productos innovadores y de diseño vanguardista para el control de la iluminación, el clima, el audio, la seguridad y la comidad en casa y en los espacio de trabajo así como soluciones de gestión de los sistemas eléctricos de baja y media tensión para el sector comercial e industrial.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Electricals, Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
Electricals, Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

23 Jan 2012

11 Mar 2024

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Social network dynamics