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ILL - Institut Laue Langevin ILL - Institut Laue Langevin

The Europeans's leading facility in neutron science & technology The Institut Laue-Langevin is an international research centre at the leading edge of neutron science and technology. As the world’s flagship centre for neutron science, the ILL provides scientists with a very high flux of neutrons feeding some 40 state-of-the-art instruments, which are constantly being developed and upgraded. As a service institute ILL makes its facilities and expertise available to visiting scientists. Every year, about 1400 researchers from over 40 countries visit the ILL and 640 experiments selected by a scientific review committee are performed. Research focuses primarily on fundamental science …

Sectors: Research

303 92 166
ESRF - The European Synchrotron ESRF - The European Synchrotron

The ESRF is an international research lab, where X-rays are used to unlock the secrets of matter. The ESRF, the European Synchrotron, is an international science facility based in Grenoble, France. Thanks to high-level, innovative engineering and cutting-edge vision, the ESRF is recognised as one of the top research institutions worldwide, welcoming more than 6'500 scientists every year in fields such as biology, medicine, chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, cultural heritage, materials and surface science, and physics. The ESRF is supported by 20 countries and employs 650 staff. Industry solutions - ESRF showcase page: research, x-rays, materials characterization, and …

Sectors: Research

150 71 80
UK Research and Innovation UK Research and Innovation

Transforming Tomorrow Together UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is the public sector organisation that invests £8 billion annually to support the entire research and innovation system. We strive for a society powered and empowered by research and innovation, with economic, social, environmental and cultural benefits for all. We invest in people, places, ideas, innovation and impacts, empowering researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs to turn the many challenges we all face into opportunities, driving up prosperity and wellbeing across the UK and globally. The impacts of our work are felt right across society. We enrich lives by increasing our understanding of ourselves …

Sectors: Public business cluster

4059 2874 696