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FNMF - Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française FNMF - Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française

[Automatic translation follows] A major player in the social and solidarity economy, Mutualité Française, chaired by Eric Chenut, represents nearly 500 mutual societies. Born from the desire of women and men to protect themselves jointly from the vagaries of life, mutual societies are non-profit partnerships. They are chaired by elected mutualist activists. They act for the social protection of 32 million French people and promote the right of all to full health by intervening in complementarity and in partnership with Social Security and by contributing to the public health service. Mutual societies, groups and unions offer solutions in three areas …

Sectors: Health Insurance Mutual insurance

803 428 236
Haute Autorité de Santé Haute Autorité de Santé

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the High Authority for Health (HAS), an independent scientific public authority The HAS is an independent public authority which aims to contribute to the regulation of the health system through quality. Its missions in the fields of evaluation of health products, professional practices, organization of care and public health, aim to ensure that all patients and users have lasting and equitable access to equally effective care, as safe and efficient as possible.

365 256 99
Agence Régionale de Santé Occitanie (ARS) Agence Régionale de Santé Occitanie (ARS)

[Automatic translation follows] All mobilized for the health of 6 million people in Occitania The Occitanie Regional Health Agency (ARS) has the mission of implementing health policy in the region. It implements the national policies of the Ministries of Health and Prevention, and it is competent in the field of health in its entirety, from prevention to care and medico-social support. Its organization is based on a regional health project developed in consultation with all professionals and users, with a view to efficiency and transparency. For practical information on personal health issues, please contact your doctor or medical institution. Health, …

214 144 39
Agence régionale de Santé Pays de la Loire Agence régionale de Santé Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] Opened in 2010, the Pays de la Loire Regional Health Agency (ARS) implements regional health policy in coordination with partners. She is competent in the field of health in its entirety, from prevention to care, to medico-social support. Its organization is based on a health project developed in consultation with all professionals and users, with a view to efficiency and transparency. To find out more about ARS Pays de la Loire, go to its website The Agency is also present on Twitter (@ars_pdl ), Facebook (@ARSPaysdelaLoire) and YouTube.

219 98 141
Ministère des Affaires étrangères français Ministère des Affaires étrangères français

France Diplomatie @francediplo We’re the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. We’ll tell you about our foreign policy, our work on trade and FDI, and more generally about how France is meeting global challenges. diplomatie, culture, politique, humanitaire, ministère, affaires étrangères, francophonie, développement, and Français de l'étranger

819 558 125
Ministère de la Santé Ministère de la Santé

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Ministry of Health and Prevention The Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity prepares and implements in particular the Government's policy in the areas of public health, prevention and access to care. health, solidarity, public administration, poverty, care, and solidarity

1001 772 126
Ministère des Solidarités Ministère des Solidarités

[Automatic translation follows] The Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity's mission is to design and implement government policies, particularly in terms of solidarity, autonomy, inclusiveness of people with disabilities and assistance for families. #Paris2024

416 331 33
Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche

[Automatic translation follows] The priorities of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research are: - improve student success and promote equal opportunities; - to coordinate the training offer in French higher education; - to set priority areas for progress in knowledge and technologies; - as well as the public research and innovation strategy. In this context, the so-called "ESR" law of July 22, 2013 also advocates transformation and openness to all forms of teaching and research, to the socio-economic environment, and internationally. Among the key measures put in place: - The definition of a national higher education strategy …

1088 782 147
Groupe VYV Groupe VYV

[Automatic translation follows] The VYV Group is both the leading player in health insurance in France and the leading national operator of care and support services. This powerful group intends to become a key player in the social and solidarity economy, capable of imagining and building the future of ever more united social protection and resistant to commercial logic alone.

Sectors: Insurance

717 428 115
Régions de France Régions de France

[Automatic translation follows] News from our 18 Regions and Territorial Communities, mainland and overseas Since 1998, Régions de France has brought together the Regions and regional authorities of mainland France and Overseas Territories. An influential network made up of very high-level experts, Régions de France builds, nourishes, carries, disseminates and enriches the regional political project. Transpartisan, this project is that of a truly decentralized France serving our fellow citizens. It covers all regional policies in their 3 dimensions: development of human capital, economic and ecological dynamics, cohesion of local territories. Régions de France acts at the national and European level, …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

325 258 36
Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP

Nous soignons et innovons 365 jours par an. AP-HP (Greater Paris University Hospitals) is a European world-renowned university hospital. Its 39 hospitals treat 8 million people every year: in consultation, emergency, during scheduled or home hospitalizations. The AP-HP provides a public health service for everyone, 24 hours a day. This mission is a duty as well as a great source of pride. AP-HP is the leading employer in the Greater Paris area: 100.000 staff members – doctors, researchers, paramedical staff, administrative personnel and workers – work there. Toutes les spécialités médicales de la néonatologie à la gériatrie en passant par …

Sectors: Health

1686 1211 115

[Automatic translation follows] is an online mutual health insurance comparator. With a network of 12 partner mutual insurance companies, you will find the contract best suited to your profile and your health needs. Because at, we make respecting your privacy one of our priorities, you will not be asked for any contact details. Thanks to our out-of-pocket simulator, manage your health budget as best as possible. It allows you to know to the nearest euro the amount of reimbursements for any health expense. In order to prepare for the generalization of complementary health insurance in January 2016, you …

Sectors: Health Insurance Mutual insurance

732 561 114