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Ministère des Affaires étrangères français Ministère des Affaires étrangères français

France Diplomatie @francediplo We’re the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. We’ll tell you about our foreign policy, our work on trade and FDI, and more generally about how France is meeting global challenges. diplomatie, culture, politique, humanitaire, ministère, affaires étrangères, francophonie, développement, and Français de l'étranger

1034 713 142

[Automatic translation follows] Innovation Catalyst & Business Accelerator in BFC A competitiveness cluster since 2005, the PMT catalyzes innovation, accelerates business and supports industry transitions in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. Since 2017, it has brought together, through its PMT Santé and PMT ASD clusters, the health technology sectors on the one hand and the aeronautics-space-defense sectors on the other, resulting from excellence in microtechnology. It has also developed strong expertise in support dedicated to start-ups and innovative companies through its PMT Propulseur accelerator. Microtechnology, Health, Aeronautics, Defense, Space, Precision mechanics, Luxury, Innovation, International, Labeling, Training, Medical, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, and Precision mechanics

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

300 87 255