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ETIC - Foncièrement Responsable ETIC - Foncièrement Responsable

Thirders responsible for acting in favor of the ESS, for sustainable real estate and for united finance. As a pioneering actress of third-party-lieux with impact, ETIC works in mainland France, designing, managing, funding, operating and facilitating workspaces in eco-responsible buildings, dedicated to actors and actresses of societal change and funded by investors and solidarity investors. ETIC operates 8 work areas (Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, Castres and Grenoble) and others are in project (Paris, Lille, Avignon ...). Our third places today bring together more than 170 structures committed, distributed throughout France, which share work and life spaces daily, to create together ecosystems …

Sectors: Real Estate

France Travail France Travail

Official LinkedIn Page of France Work #wavecfrancetravail France Labor is a major player in the job market in France where he invests in facilitating the return to employment of job seekers and providing companies with their recruitment needs. The 55,000 employees in France work work on a daily basis to be the union between job seekers and businesses. France Work is a Key Player in the French Employment Market. Its Role is to help the unmployed find work and support companies to fulfil their recruitment requirements. Day-to-day, France Work's 55,000 Staff Provids that Vital Link Between Job Seekers and Companies. …

Sectors: Human ressources

La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée

Official page of the Occitanie region. Here you will find economic news, aid and calls for projects. The Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée region brings you the right info to succeed in your business or training projects: agenda, news, testimonies, files ... also find the region on

Sectors: National and local authorities

MA Sphère MA Sphère

Cluster des entreprise culturelles et créatives en Occitanie. Booster de coopération et d'engagements depuis 2012🌿💡 MA Sphère is a cultural and creative cluster established in 2012 in Toulouse, France. Our missions are to support the growth of our member organisations, to promote cultural entrepreneurship and to contribute to structuring the local cultural and creative sector. A collective project, MA Sphère runs a collaborative working space based in Le Metronum, a concert venue as well as an epicentre for the artistic and cultural sector. We gather our members around collective commercial, research and innovation actions, and we help them connect with …


Third Party-Lieu/Agricultural Test Space: a green nourishing nourishing belt agroecological and cooperative The 100th monkey is an agroecological third place which includes a agricultural test space, located in different municipalities in the Toulouse periphery. It includes a main site welcoming shared work spaces, Fablab Agricole, workshops for citizens, training and maraicher incubation sites which secure the first 3 years of retraining of neo -agricultists for perennial installations. The 100th monkey aims to revitalize the perruban by creating a nourishing green belt and by promoting cooperation, collaborations and social ties. Recognized territory factory by the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion, labeled by …